Dancing With The Demon

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When hakuryuu bid her mother farewell she prioritised rounding up her new members, this certainly would certainly be an interesting day for her. Working her way down the stairs of the temple at the heart of the island hakuryuu would examine the areas, there was 3 individuals she was partially interested in. Each step she took would revitalise her confidence; lately the emotions shook her but spending time with her mother had rekindled the fire of confidence inside of her heart yet... She knew herself that soon she'll need to ask takao for her mentorship in order to fully control her emotions and once again become the warrior she trained to be.  Not to mention she didn't want whatever overcame her earlier with Edinburgh to never happen again no matter what. Sighing heavily she unintentionally bumped into one of her new teammates. As a audible 'ooff' rang out the carrier quickly looked down seeing a bewildered ayanami who was currently on her ass looking up with a slight pained but mostly neutral look on her face. "oh sorry ayanami I didn't notice you my apologies" bowing a little she put her hand out to the destroyer who gingerly accepted being pulled to her feet by the fleet carrier.

Looking her up and down a bit a question came to mind "say. Ayanami your known as the demon right? Why is that" remaining mostly stoic ayanami raised her hand. Ayanami: "I'd rather not talk about it hakuryuu. Is there something I can do for you?" she was blunt and straight to the point as usual. Nodding in agreement not wanting to invade her privacy she decided to also get to the point. "you've been assigned to my fleet under orders of lady nagato when we're prepared to head out I'll need your support" confused a bit the destroyer was left puzzled but decided to go with it and ask nagato later for confirmation. "thank you ayanami it'll be an honour to fight alongside you, do you mind if we spend time to get to know each other" skeptical of this as she still didn't know anything about her as a person but if she was going to be in her fleet she will need to get a better understanding of the carrier and her personality. Ayanami: "alright let's go" without much else to say the two would walk along the path to the market, during their time together ayanami was getting a good idea of what hakuryuu was like outside of combat.

Ayanami: "she seems to enjoy cooking a lot and passionate about her team and swordplay" the most previlant thing that's been getting ayanami nervous was the giant katana that was bigger then even her strapped to the back of hakuryuu. Looking over her shoulder she saw the carrier picking out different ingredients for the dinner they were going to have later. Waiting patiently she would zone out thinking on the 3 she encountered more then once already making her question the point of this war. In her current state she failed to notice hakuryuu approach, it was only until she felt a tap on her shoulder did she snap out of it unintentionally jumping slightly. Turning her head to the side, the destroyer stared up at the fleet carrier. "Hehe sorry for startling you ayanami. Ready to get going?" nodding her head hakuryuu would smile in response before leading her back to her ship, their footsteps would make the hallway echoe with the rhythmic noise of metal clanking as they made their way down to the galley/mess hall.

When the destroyer looked about she was quick to notice everyone from hakuryuu's fleet was present. Ayanami: "how come everyone is here?" she walked over as Yukikaze called her over. Yukikaze: "Ayanami! Come sit with us" acting like her usual self put some confidence in them knowing they've been treated well. Sitting down between her and Kagero she couldn't help but notice all of them looking quite eager when hakuryuu went into the kitchen and started to cook. Hiei: "they certainly get excited when she starts to cook can't say I blame them though she can cook well" the battleship would chirp in a cheerful tone as she sipped from her cup with a small smirk plastered on her face. Ayanami: "hm.. What would you rate her food out of 10?" her full attention turned to Hiei interested what she'd rate the food before giving it a try. Giving a soft giggle Hiei would wink before sipping from her cup again. Hiei: "it's better to try it yourself instead of asking someone it makes the expierence all the more better. Wouldn't you agree?"

She remained silent after that choosing to wait and see. While waiting ayanami listened in to the conversations going on not being much of a snooper she decided to take an exception just this once justifying it by needing to know more. Prehaps curiosity got to her. Leaning in she tried to make herself look like she was resting her head on the table so it was easier to listen in on Tone and Ryujo's conversation. Tone: "so what do you think of her moral compass ryujo?" shooting the heavy cruiser a glance the light carrier was rather quick to answer her this time round having already formed an opinion on the matter. Ryujo: "if I'm honest I think she's got a good one but I worry it could cause is issues later on down the line however, I'm not going to challenge her beliefs she's a strong leader that gets what needs to be done first while not being afraid to go out of her way for us and that's what we need. I'm just glad she cares about us" giving a confident but happy look Tone would nod happily.

Tone: "yeah me to but danm she's strict did you remember how hard she pushed us on training on the way to deal with eagle union" Ryujo would go silent after that making Tone regret what she said. Tone: ".. Sorry ryujo" brushing it off she shook her head and rested a comforting hand on her. Ryujo: "it's all good i know what you were trying to say" an awkward silence would move over between the two promoting ayanami to listen in to the two destroyers either side of her. Yukikaze: "those dragon empery  didn't stand a chance! It was like vroom! BOOM! But they must of had some sort of shore fort as those siren ships got blown out the water by torpdoes. If I the great yukikaze was there then that wouldn't of happened to me I would of dodged those easily with the help of my luck!" she was mimicking the planes movement before going on to talk about how she saved Hiei while keeping out the part that she was tackled down into a take down position. Having gathered these small pieces and the expierence on her own side with hakuryuu she was thinking on what type of person hakuryuu was.

Unfortunately, before this could go far hakuryuu would walk out carrying a large soup bowl, bread and a bowl full of rice on her rigging. Setting it down everyone gathered around with hakuryuu sitting between Hiei and Tone. "thanks for waiting everyone had to make sure I made enough so everyone could have seconds if they wanted. We got misso soup, sour dough bread and rice enjoy" as they all took out their chopsticks and said their thanks they dug in to the food. Kagero and yukikaze could be heard squealing in delight enjoying the taste, Hiei remained smiling as she slowly sipped from the soup bowl savouring the taste, Tone remained refined eating slowly and politely compared to Ryujo who was stuffing her face with dipped bread. Hakuryuu herself also remained more well mannered eating slowly. When ayanami picked up the soup and tried it her eyes, slightly went wide. Ayanami: "oh wow.. This is good" she would then continue to eat. Yukikaze: "yeah I know right! Best cooking ever" cheerful as ever everyone spent the time chatting, enjoying the good food and having a bit of a laugh leaving a calm atmosphere. Ayanami: "I think.. I can get used to this" she would say in her mind before chowing down on some more of the delicious food.

(well everyone that does it for this chapter of the story what did you think so far of it? Hope you enjoyed and I'll catch you all later. Peace)

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