Emotions And Eagle Union Counter Attack

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Understanding the sitstion from the fear of the smaller carriers she would step back her face expressing a mix of sadness and surprise at how fearful they were of her where her mind would race of why until it hit her that she was still somewhat new and they weren't fully used to her yet or know what she's like on a personal level only that she was one of the largest carriers of sakura empire and a skilled warrior. Struggling with what to say she left a quick apology and a bow in respect before taking her leave. Almost as quickly as it strucl hakuryuu the guilt would also strike shoho like a thunderbolt chasing after her must to the surprise of everyone else leaving ryujo in an awkward position of having to explain.

Stupid stupid stupid why did i have to get serious! What's wrong with me they hardly know me and I had to do that and intimidate them. Screaming this all in her mind she sighed with annoyance at her actions, deciding to sit down at a bench overlooking the harbour she then trailed her thoughts to Belfast the light cruiser she sunk. Feeling the guilt way on her heart she ended up crying a little. Taking her hand to the wet tears trickling down her face she tucked her thighs up. "I don't know who you are and you probably will never hear me but I hope you come back I'm sorry for sinking you I didn't me-" speaking out loud it was soon interrupted by the sound of walking and the soft voice of another.

Shoho: "H-hakuryuu?" the voice of shoho would ring in her ears making her abruptly stop but didn't look not wanting her to see her. "yes?" with her voice a bit shaky she sounded like she had been crying which only added to shoho's own guilt assuming it was because of her which upset them. Slowly approaching she would approach the much larger carrier and sat besides her the motherly personality from her role of a medic helping akashi repair and heal the others whenever they go out on mission and return wounded lead to her giving her a hug. Shoho: "T-there's no need to cry hakuryuu I'm sorry for upsetting you" silent for a moment the fleet carrier would slowly move the light carrier into her lap and hugs her back gripping her a little bit tight still crying "it's n-not you it's" hickuping a little bit she would bury her face into her clothes as the tear freely flowed from her eyes. "i J-just.. It's my fault what happened to her"

confused by what she said shoho decided now was not the time to ask instead of questioning it she tucked it away for a later date and spent the next 20 minutes calming her down slowly getting an understanding of the large carrier. thinking and reflecting on what she had seen so far shoho comforted her to the best she could. Shoho: "she's a soft hearted individual and worried about something, she has so much on her shoulders which is expected of her yet she's still a new person and scared of upsetting others" pausing the chain of thought she had an idea and started to sink a calming song which thankfully had a positive effect slowly calming hakuryuu down. With the song finished she now could finally ask the question which had been plaguing her mind. Shoho: "hakuryuu can I ask what you meant earlier by her?"... Silence would encompass the area once again for a tense few moments before she finally responded

".. At the start of the war I sunk one of the royal navy's cruisers it struck me hard knowing I was responsible for her going down since then I have regretted it everyday since I vowed to never sink another person only wound them enough to pull back but in terrified the eldars will find out or
Nagato" she was shaking a bit when mentioning her name as she didn't want to be seen as a failure. With everything said shoho had to take a long moment to take everything in. It didn't take shoho to understand how she's been affected mentally as well as the looming shadow of what everyone else would think knowing she'd let targets go unsunk. Resting her hand on hakuryuu's cheek she gave her a reassuring smile. Shoho: "don't worry I won't tell anyone I'm relieved to know not everybody wants to destroy everyone. If you need to talk come find me" standing up she would walk away happy knowing not everyone in the fleet carriers were the same.

".. Thank you shoho" Staring out towards the ocean she finally felt at peace able to get that off her mind and know she has someone she could open up to and tell the truth without worry of being judged. However, before she could finally settle in the crackle of her radio would go off frantic calls could be heard. Radio: "this is ba*static"* ei.. *more static* we are under attack!* the sound of an explosion would ring out in the background* H-hit! Require support carrier air-... Rft~ is attacking...co..oOO* the static from the radio would grow much more intense*9°8′0″S159°49′0″E)* cuts out" with her heart racing she would leap to her feet in an instant before rushing down the hill to the port already going on the radio "Tone, ryujo, Kagero and yukikaze I need you at the dock immideatly gear up we're going out to help" cutting her radio off before anyone could respond she sped past other kansen to the docks.

"carrier hakuryuu deploy!" thousands of mental cubes would emerge her rig transferring to the water and forming her ship just in time for her as she raced aboard up the decks and to the flight deck where she spotted her team having to sprint in order to catch up to her. Tone:" such a r-rush" panting a little bit from where she was beforehand she along with the others would deploy their rig and mental cubes forming their ships. With the wind whipping about hakuryuu and her task force set sail forming up with hakuryuu in the center, ryujo behind, tone at the front and Kagero/ yukikaze on either side of her. "hold on whoever you are we're coming" due to distance they had to travel the task force had to go at cruising speed. on board she would summon the others to her bridge pacing back and force she periodically looked at her maps plotting the location of the where the co-ordinate were. "Savo island" sitting down with her head in her hands she rubbed her temples as a knock at the steel door was heard "enter!" her voice boomed with an autohritive tone and looked up. Within moments the door unlocked and the other kansen entered with tone closing the door behind her.

Take a seat everyone and make yourselves comfortable I have the correct location of where the distress signal last known co-ordinates were given" pouring some sake for tone she would hand out juice cartons for the other 3. "sorry you 3 I can't give you alcohol I hope this makes up for it" raising her small bowl up with tone doing the same they both drank the contents while the other 3 sipped from their juice cartons. Piping up to lighten the mood ryujo spoke "a-ah it's alright it's better tasting anyway thank you" smiling brightly at her gained a smile from both the carrier and heavy cruiser. Peaking at the map tone already knew where that place marked on the map was.

Tone: "so we're going to iron bottom sound I hope we won't have a repeat there" remembering how many ships were sunk there before being refloated as kansen sent chills down her spine just thinking of the graveyard that place had become. Sighing at her lack of knowledge she just continued on. "from what we know there is carrier aviation so we'll likely be facing eagle union let us form a plan"

(hey everyone hope you've been doing well and enjoyed this chapter stay tuned for the battle between hakuryuu and the eagle union catch you all later)

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