News Of The Attack And Returning To Base

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Prince of Wales had just gotten off the phone, her expression was of dispair promoting a grim curiosity amongst the ones present being illustrious, unicorn, enterprise and Cleveland. Illustrious was the first to speak up, not enjoying the eerie silence that had engulthed the room as soon as Wales had gotten off the phone. Illustrious: Wales, is everything alright? Your looking awfully pale dear. Taking a moment to reach her desk and sit down, she clasps her hands together tightly. Wales: I just got off the phone with the queen. Her fleet was attacked by Japanese aircraft. Worry now ignited within illustrious, afterall, the main fleet didn't have any air support. Illustrious: are they alright? Her worry seeped into her voice which came out low with a hint of worry. Shaking her head, Wales spoke up Wales: no, far from it. They all had their ships deployed and they all took severe damage besides Sheffield. She didn't get targeted much and was left unharmed. Lady hood had been struck by a torpedo and had her propella blown off with 2 bomb hits, our Queen has suffered 4 bomb hits, large fires and 2 torpedo hits which destroyed and flooded one of her boiler rooms causing a dangerous list. Lady warspite has been hit by 5 torpedos and unable to move with 3 bomb hits, Edinburgh has been hit by a torpedo and listing thankfully no bombs hit her. Illustrious let out a sigh knowing everyone was safe that was until Wales started to cry.

Rushing over to her, illustrious brought Wales into a loving and caring embrace. Illustrious: why are you crying dear they're all still afloat, I'm sure Belfast and Sheffield can take care if them until they arrive. Upon hearing her name made her cry more. Wales: no I-illustrious, Belfast.. She.. She. Illustrious: what about Belfast Wales? Taking a few minutes to somewhat stop the tears she squeezed illustrious hand and looked up at her. Wales: she g-got struck in the bow b-by a torpedo. The blast b-blew her bow off and she.. She.. S-sunk. The news struck fast like a lightning bolt causing illustrious to tremble having to use all her will paper to also not break down as she tried to comfort Wales. However, everyone else present could tell that she was struggling as well. Cleveland was sympathetic, unicorn was frightened clinging to U-chan. Enterprise though. Had a very different mindset. She was furious that sakura empire attacked her former allies to join with the sirens. The Attack fed fuel to the fire reminding her of her duster yorktown who was also badly injured at a surprise ambush by sirens a few years prior. But this... This was the last straw. Despite not knowing Belfast well, she was the happy, caring ship that helped everyone in need. Raising to her feet she was about to go hunt down akagi and kaga until ditto burst into the door panting. Ditto: WALES! Hornets task force has come under attack. Enterprises eyes went wide as she rushed out the door followed closely by Cleveland. Enterprise: (no, no, no, no, NO! I WILL NOT LET THEM SINK HER AS WELL!) speeding up and completely ignoring Cleveland words she jumped into the ocean and sped off at full speed. Not wanting to let her go alone, Cleveland did the same to catch up with her.

While enterprise and Cleveland soon accompanied by javelin and laffy made their way to reinforce hornets task force. Hakuryuu was reading through the report that akagi had sent. Hm? How very interesting. Flipping to the next page, something had captured her interested. Grey ghost attacked, subduing kaga's fox and forced their retreat and single handedly wiped out the mass produced siren ships. Grey ghost, or should I call you enterprise. Taking a moment to ponder she smirked. Enterprise sounds more fun than using nicknames. Your quite the speical ship, I'll make sure when our inevitable battle arises... Grinning to herself like a demon, she pushed her sword out from her hilt. It'll be legendary! Deciding to take a step back she clicked her katana back into it's sheathe before an overwhelming moment of sadness gripped her heart. Belfast... I hope you are refloated. I didn't intend to sink you. That torpedoe wasn't meant to target your bow. Even though we're enemies, you don't deserve this. For future I will make sure that I don't sink another azur lane ship again. This is my promise to you. Standing up from her sitting mat, she made her way to her bridge sending out recon planes from her dive bombers sending them in pairs armed with 500 pound bombs. In total she launched 3 recon missions. 1 heading to shokaku and zuhikaku position, another to recon the Royal navy fleet that she had attacked with the third scouting out the area ahead of her. That should do it for now. While her recon planes made their way to their designated area, she made a detailed report on her success while empressing remorse over her part to sink Belfast and at the end a request allowing her to not sink enemies but instead leave them immobilised or forced to return to port for repairs.


Back at sakura empire base nagato was receiving the two reports. Nagato: it looks like our surprise attack went well. Akagi and kaga has crippled azur lane for the time being and hakuryuu has crippled Royal navy's main force and sunk Belfast. But she regrets it and wants to ask permission for future missions that she can immobilise or damage th enough to return to port. This is an unexpected request but I can see why she has asked this. Mutsu, who was listening to her sister respond only now began to speak. Mutsu: you can sister? Turning to face her sister nagato was able to speak face to face to her. Nagato: yes. We gave her our memories so she must find it as a betryal on her end to sink past allies after we broke off and began to work with the sirens. Humming in understanding mutsu thanked her sister before looking over a Kawakaze. Mutsu: Kawakaze, what do you think on this matter. Keeping her position and turning her head to face her, she kept her answer short. Kawakaze: if she doesn't wish to sink the enemy but still make them unseable in battle then I have no issue lady mutsu. Turning her head back to face forwards, mutsu brought her attention back to her sister. Mutsu: so sister what do you think? Nagato: I shall allow it, can you send a message back to her confirming it. Nodding her head, mutsu sent the permission over. Mutsu: have you decided on how you are going to break the news to everyone sister. The question made her sit up a bit. Nagato: yes I believe so, I will gather everyone and introduce her formally and her first missions accomplishments. Clapping her hands together, mutsu gave her sister a bright smile. Mutsu: what an excellent idea sister. I shall go prepare the stage. Quickly getting up she ran out not giving nagato any time to say anything else. Instead she merely just giggled at her sisters enthusiasm.

Back on hakuryuu's bridge; the carrier anxiously awaited for a response from nagato. It had already been an hour and she was half way back when the reply came by. Quickly decripting it and reading it, she exhaled a large sigh of relief as she skim read the reply. Her scout reports were coming in as well. 1 worry report has mentioned of eagle union submarines present in the area while the report for confirmation on the situation with the enemy she struck indicated that reinforcements has arrived and warspite + hood were being towed with salvaging oporation going to refloat Belfast wreck. This last bit made her feel a bit better knowing she didn't permanently kill her. The third however, points to zuhikaku being hurt/damaged in the attack by the grey ghost with only the arrival of prinz eugen, Z-33 and ayanami preventing her from being badly hurt. With her planes landing on her deck and taken down into the hangar. She decided to practice a bit. Mmm I guess some sword practice wouldn't be half bad to pass the time. Taking a stone stance, she practiced defensive and offensive attacks in multiple stances for the remaining 6 hours sailing. 2 of those hours she spent resting and freshening herself up again after hours of practice before slipping into her secret anchorage.

Phew, now that was fun yet also exhausting and hunger ensuing I really need some food. After slipping past everyone, she made her way up to nagato and the others. Lady nagato. Kawtowing down in front of her brought a smile to nagato's face. Nagato: stand hakuryuu. Getting up she was gestured to the food laid out for her. Being so hungry she quickly performed the right before digging into sushi with rice balls dipped in soy sauce. While she ate nagato was quick to draw her attention again. Nagato: good work with your mission and I believe after you've finished and rest up we'll introduce you formally to everyone tomorrow.

(authors notes: here it is for this chapter hope you all had fun reading it and I'll catch you all next time)

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