destruction at Guadalcanal

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(Small update guys and gals from now on all aircraft from carriers can't be replenished by eating same with warships for ammo they will all need to return to a resupply point to restock on shells and planes to add a bit of realism to this)

High above the invasion force, a single recon plane was marking out targets where they were and ship classes before sending the information alongside some pictures showing many cruisers and destroyers surrounded by transports. While the floatplane was distracted, a squad of wildcats would swoop down from above their .50 calibre machine guns rattling into life before bullets perforated the airframe, making the small plane burst into flames and tumble from the sky. On the other side, Tone would feel her connection be lost to the recently destroyed plane she had launched some hours ago. Tone: [well. There goes that plane. At least I have what's needed to help Hakuryuu and Ryujo with their airstrike.] No longer resting on their katana the heavy cruiser made her way up to Hakuryuus Bridge to report in person as she already knew both carriers would be present on board. Strolling up to the bridge, they knocked twice hard to signal her arrival. Not having to wait long, hakuryuu would shout enter.

Opening the door and closing it behind Tone made her way over to the strategy desk. There were lots of pencil markings of where Hiei would meet up cruiser division 6 and a time stamp. Standing to her full height, hakuryuu made their way over. "Hey Tone, did you discover the azur lane forces and compliment?" Already straight to the point, the fleet carrier awaited an answer, reminding the heavy cruiser how quick her friend can switch between cheerful and happy to serious and blunt an admirable quality to them. Tone: "Yes, I did, though the force is pretty big." Handing over the report, the fleet carrier looked over it. Pacing along the table, she couldn't help but read out loud.

"Forces present as discovered is as follows: Heavy cruisers Australia, Canberra, Chicago, Astoria, Vincennse and Quincy. Light cruiser San Juan and Hobart. Destroyers Patterson, Jervis, Bagley, Helm, Wilson, Blue, Ralph Talbot, Monssen, and Buchanan. Well, we're certainly spoiled for choice, San Juan definitely concerns me, though her AA fire is by far the most powerful, and CAP will make this a tough battle. Ryujo, how many did you launch? I know Rabaul has sent 23 G4Ms with 15 Zero escorts." With all eyes on the light carrier, Ryujo kept her cool and laid out her planes using the air piece model on the map. Ryujo: "So I deployed 6 fighters, 4 Vals and 6 Kates to conserve strength as you asked sorry my carrying capacity isn't the best.." The last bit stuck with her hard sure she was a light carrier, but she felt like a liability due to the low strike capabilities she had. A reassuring hand from Hakuryuu was placed on Ryujos shoulder.

"Hey, don't worry about it. Tell you what when we get back to rabaul, you can go a more strike heavy focus, and I'll prop up the CAP. I've got more than enough fighters sound good?" Agreeing readily brought some joy to Hakuryuu seeing her comrades happy. "Sounds good now onto the plan. I don't want that Atlanta class getting involved she'll shred our air wing if given enough time. She needs to go. Priority target A is San Juan, as for the heavy cruisers spread out the damage. If they're all damaged, it will make Hiei and cruiser division 6 job easier. Any leftover planes with ornaments should target ammunition and supply ships. The troop ships can be finished by the surface force. Once they retreat, we will need to quickly deploy fighters to them before the carriers have a chance to retaliate. I want additional recon to patrol the area and see if you can contact our submarines in the theatre of operations Tone. Dismissed. Both saluted her, receiving a short, sharp salute in return before both left.

----Off the coast of Gaudalcanal----

From her Viewpoint, Australia was overlooking the landing invasion. There had already been one air attack from twin engine bombers. Thankfully, there weren't any hits, but it was a stark reminder that the Sakura Empire wouldn't go down easy. Sighing, she would occasionally watch through binoculars, keeping an eye out. The main guns fired once in a while as naval artillery support was called in by the marines. It at least brought them some comfort knowing that Edinburgh and Sheffield managed to escape and link up with some patrol forces having briefly been captured. Above 15 wildcats would orbit as if a protective swarm of bees around a bee hive. Aboard San Juan, her Radar would start pinging before listening in and looking at the display screen, what she saw made her go on full alert her general quarters alarm blarring out its mechanical groaning noise all 5 inch main guns traversing to the sky alerts and battlestations rang out across the whole fleet the message clear as day " warning warning multiple blips on radar detected"

Every AA gun and weapon that could be turned to face the sky did, bulkhead doors were slammed shut and locked, guns were switched too fire, transports grouped up near their escorts to provide overlapping fire and high above the 15 wildcats were ready to beat off any intruders. Unfortunately for all, but San Juan could see just what was coming towards them. From the northeast 16 D4Y dive bombers with the 4 vals were head towards them while 12 J5Ns with 6 Kates weren't too far behind being escorted by 18 reppus and 6 zeros to the west was 23 G4M Betty's and their 15 zero escort. 61 bombers and their 39 escorts, some being equipped with light bombs, made their presence known by the thunderous roar of 100 aircraft engines. Despite being out numbered the valiant fighters flew straight into the jaws of the enemy firing their guns as escorts peeled off high above the fleet reppu and Zeros twisted and turned against the wildcats in a brilliant display of skill and engineering. Pitting speed and manoeuvrability against the armour and firepower from the wildcats. Bellow, a terrific amount of AA fire erupted with defiance spitting out fire, smoke, and hot lead.

tracers and black puffs filled the already crammed sky as the air was filled with explosions, fire, bullets, and smoke. Such was the noise it could deafen all those around if they were humans. All around planes were occasionally falling from the sky, however most ships had their attention drawn near the water as the kates, J5Ns, and G4M torpedo bombers started their run, flying through the gauntlet of AA fire some planes would fall from the sky or burn up but those in flames kept going soon the water would have multiple splashes. Torpdoes racing towards their targets while the planes pulled out more being brought down with one badly damaged G4M even resorted to slamming into the side of the Chicago, making her hull shudder and quake at the impact. From above, dive bombers began their screaming plunge into the hellscape that was the targets surrounded by automatic fire rising up like a scythe ready to claim its victims.

From the dive; planes would be hit rocking or erupting into flames one so badly damaged its wing sheered off, from bellow some torpedoes hit their mark causing plumes of water to rise showering the unfortunate targets with sea spray as sea water by the ton rushed in through the wound. Bombs falling from the sky a mixture of splashes and explosions erupted in vengeful fire engulfing both warship and transport alike. In the confusion of battle one of the ammunition ships was hit by a 500kg bomb the explosions followed tore the ship apart great gouts of flame rose like in a huge mushroom cloud. Ships nearby were being battered by a shower of raining shrapnel and boiling oil that leaked out from the rapidly disintegrating sinking vessel. The carnage went on for what felt like hours. Fighters no longer busy with dogfights would straife and suppress transports or exposed AA mounts covering the retreat of their bombers before pulling out.

By early evening all the planes that had been launched made their exit from combat heading for home, behind layed a battered task force and an area full of smoke, oil, and destruction leaving the damaged and survivors to fight in order to stay afloat.

(Well, that does it for this chapter all I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Have a good day/night and I shall catch you later)

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