The White Dragons Teeth

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Spending the next half an hour patching up tone the best she could in the medical bay of her ship, hakuryuu left her under the watchful eye of kagero. Making her way to her flight deck; she sat on a chair in her bridge gave her the opportunity to calm her mood. (Remember what lady nagato said. In battle you must steady your nerves even if your friends get hurt. The key to winning any battle is a calm collected mind) Breathing in through her mouth and out her nose hakuryuu steadied her nerves helping to calm her down before moving onto her next move. Having calmed down, she stood up slowly. Alright I'm calm enough now. Pressing the button on her radio, she raised comms to ryujo. Hey ryujo can you hear me? A few moments of static screeched through the speaker of the radio just as the light carrier answered once the static had cleared. Ryujo: yeah I'm here hakuryuu is everything alright? Relieved to hear her voice she filled her in on tone status as a moral riser. I'm alright, tone is stable and resting in the medical bay with kagero watching over her. We need to launch a counter strike and knock out that airfield and port before moving on what planes have you got and how many?

Taking a few minutes to confirm her inventory the light carrier smiled. Ryujo: I've got 22 fighters, 10 dive bombers and 16 torpedo bombers, what about you. Also taking stock to confirm her loadout she was able to inform her allie on her situation. I've got 36 fighters, 32 dive bombers and 32 torpedo bombers with 4 spares for each. Alright we're going to launch a concentrated airstrike while leaving some on reserve. I'll launch 18 fighters with 100kg bombs, 24 dive bombers with 500kg bombs with two 30kg bombs. And I'll launch 18 of my torpedo bombs half with torpedoes incase any kansen are present while the rest will be armed with 2 400kg bombs for cratering runways and destroying any kansen/hangars present which aren't assessible to torpedoes incase like drydock ships. You will launch 8 fighters, all 10 dive bombers with 250kg bomb and 2 60kg bombs. Launch 8 kates 2 with torpeodes and the remaining 6 with land bombs 6 132kg bombs. If my math checks out we'll have a airstrike of 86 planes.

If necessary we can launch the rest of our planes for a second wave. Won't be as powerful as the first but ideally we want to be out of here as quick as possible ryujo. Who knows what's nearby. Sound good to you? Ryujo was quick to answer the fleet carrier knowing that time was of the essence as they have already been spotted and a attack launched at them. Ryujo: agreeing with hakuryuu's plan, she also wanted to point out a flaw. yeah sounds good but if we're going to launch a second wave we might not have enough fighters to protect us and properly escort the second wave. Doing the maths she was quicker to realise that they would only have 32 fighters. Well ryujo we'll have 32 fighters left we could always send 12 fighters leaving 20 for CAP. Let's just see the results of our first wave and decide what to do afterwards. Let me know when your planes are prepped we'll launch torpedo bombers first then dive bombers and finally fighters. They'll travel in formation then with half the fighter escort breaking away to attack any land planes or engage any hostile aircraft already in the air. Taking a step away from her radio, hakuryuu rushed down to the catwalk on her bridge sending orders to her planes. Without delay. Bombs, torpeodes, bullets/cannon shells and fuel was being fitted to her aircraft.

Fuel pumps nourished the planes fuel tanks, bombs were strapped securely to their bomb racks, torpeodes in their position under the belly of the planes, belts of cannon/machine gun calibre ammunition were clipped tight to the fighters and torpedo/dive bombers. The same story played out on ryujo and her planes were being equipped ready for their mission. Both carriers had their elivator lifts brought down only to rise up with 3 aircraft on minutes later. At the back we're fighters, in front of them were the dive bombers and finally at the front of the dive bombers came the torpedoe bombers. The whole process had taken 30 minutes to arm and spot their planes on the flight deck awaiting orders to launch. Engines roared into life getting reader to launch, all the planes carried deadly ornaments each one determined to take down the enemy. Upon looking over at ryujo the same situation was in her grasp. Kates, vals and zeros lined the decks, engines filled with life. Both carriers looked each other for confirmation with their ships turning into the wind. This is for you tone. Raising her hand for all to see... She brought her hand down quickly. The droan of the engines erupted into a unison of loud roars as they started speeding down the runway. Being propelled by both horsepower and wind. Each plane started taking off as they approached the end of the ship. Ryujo's planes were also in the process of launching as well soon within 25 minutes all 86 planes were in the air flying in formation towards the main naval base of dragon empery at Zhanjiang.

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