Battleship Assault & Captured (small Update)

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With the smoke screen set the guns of Hiei continued to spew steel and fire at the last known location she spotted Sheffield, one shell ended up being a near miss sending splinters into the armoured belt and her bow to raise 3m up with the wave before crashing down again. This wasn't the only threat to them though as Kagero launched a spread of 8 torpdoes with a 2° spread from her two quadruple torpedo launchers the long lances racing towards the smoke screen. While Kagero's fish raced towards Sheffield, hiei's secondaries fired blindly into the smoke as well as her main guns. Compared to the view Hiei was having which wasn't much. Edinburgh on the other hand was near enough panicking with akashi latched onto her the bright flashes piercing the thick smoke. Edinburgh: "we're all going to die sheffy save me!" sighing a bit as she focused on navigating and avoiding the fire Sheffield was going to respond but before that could happen she noticed the torpdoes making her bank her ship and go up to full speed to avoid them.

inadvertently this caused her to come out of her smoke screen right in front of Hiei. With no other choice she would open fire with her own guns on Kagero who was much closer. As her main guns sang Kagero would be bracketed and soon taking fire the light cruisers guns pummelling her making her retreat but not unscaved. Her funnels were shot, her port side filled with holes and an internal fire the soft glow visible from the holes. Unfortunately this is when her luck would run out. Having reloaded Hiei's main guns fired and practically decimated her ship most of the 14 inch shells smashed right into her detonating violently in her citadel. The resulting explosions would smash apart the inside of her ship tearing holes in the main belt while a consistent stream of her secondaries and 25mm AA guns raked her deck. The punishment on her was heavy loosing power, listing and on fire she lost all speed. Sheffield: "D-danmit" forced to her knee she was breathing heavily thankfully hiei had stopped firing but all her guns were trained on the light cruiser.

For hiei she didn't fully cone off undamaged as she has taken a couple hits from Sheffield nothing serious though unlike Kagero. Hiei: "you fought well surrender or I'll sink you and that sister of yours" Sheffield was trapped in an impossible situation she was in no position to fight even if she did by some miracle get her flooded boiler rooms going and escape Hiei the aircraft from the carriers behind them would easily sink them and she didn't want her sister going down with her. Sighing she stared up at her with a mostly stoic face being quite good with her pain tolorence. Sheffield: "fine.." hearing this hiei stood down and went aboard lifting up Sheffield onto her shoulder as she stared at Edinburgh making her jump a bit. Hiei: "up or I'll drag you too" seeing her shake she watched as the light cruiser stood up akashi still latched onto her confusing her but she decided to ignore it for now. Escorting them back aboard hiei let akashi explore while leaving Sheffield in the medical bay under guard by tone after she allowed her to dematerialize her ship.

Edinburgh had the unfortunate end of being face to face with hakuryuu which terrified the light cruiser. Sipping her saki hakuryuu was staring down the light cruiser but she did remind her of Belfast. Doing well to keep her thoughts together she watched the light cruiser noticing she was trembling. "your shaking what's the matter? I won't bite" she flashed her a gaze that sent a chill down Edinburghs spine. Edinburgh: "why is she so terrifying! Who even is she" her thoughts were somewhat relieved her stress but also annoyed hakuryuu who slammed her hand down on the table and she watched as her 'guest' fell backwards. "easily frightened one aren't you" she would stand up and walk towards her. Kneeling down she would grin as she grabbed her arm watching her squirm a bit. Unknowingly she felt amused. "tell you what Edinburgh was it? I'll let you in on a little deal if you want to hear it" kneeling in front of her the fear was intoxicating for hakuryuu. "so what do you say?"

unsure what to think she ultimately knew she didn't really have a choice in the matter if she said no she'd most likely annoy her if she said yes she'd be taking a risk. Edinburgh: "s-sure what is i-it m-miss?" kneeling in front of her hakuryuu would eye her up "hakuryuu.. if you behave and keep a secret maybe I might keep you safe and away from the others. How does that sound little maid?" her offer was conflicting on one part she was willing to hide and protect her from the others but she wanted her to keep a secret and behave.. Did she mean not fight back or run and do as she's told. What about Sheffield. These questions raced in her mind on what to do. What didn't help was that she could see the carrier slowly pitting 10 fingers down most likely as a timer. "5 seconds left~better hurry up and decide" sweating a bit when she saw her last finger up she blurted out her answer. Edinburgh: "a-alright fine!" it took all of her willpower to lock eyes with her capture and say those words as it felt like looking at predator ready to pounce. Grinning sharply at her response she sat on a stool looking down at the light cruiser.

"a wise decision. But first if I'm going to show you my secret you'll have to follow me and remember. If you run.. you'll be sorry you ever did that" she stared intensely at them making her captive shudder and nod rapidly. Smiling she went down the cat walk and a few decks down to her cabin opening the door for her which the light cruiser hesitantly entered. Following closely behind the door shutting pretty much trapping her inside the room with hakuryuu. "now then little maid are you ready to see my secret I want you to know though what you say is kept hush hush between us right? I can trust you won't tell anyone?" her tone was much more stricter and serious making Edinburgh back against the wall. Edinburgh: "r-right" stuttering and nervous as usual maybe a bit more she gulped before sitting down her knees tucked close. Taking their hand they guided them over to the bed.

"well the secret is I'm not fully a female" placing Edinburghs hand on her skirt she smirked while looked at her "raise it up and take a look" not wanting to find out what she was like mad and genuinely a little curios Edinburgh complied all be it sloely and lifted her skirt up blushing in embarrassment at what she was doing until... Gasping at what she saw she tried to pull her hand away but couldn't due to the strong grip of hakuryuu. Edinburgh: "y-your a futa?!" with a chuckle and a
Nod of her head she let go of her hand which the light cruiser promply pulled away while hakuryuu sat up and readjusted her skirt "let that be a bit of insentive for either or but I can find use for you as a maid think you could do that?" sighing heavily with relief Edinburgh nodded briefly. Edinburgh: "y-yes m-ma'am" smiling she stood up and walked out along the corridors with her new maid that was still getting used to all this.

(well now that was an interesting development wasn't it? Stay tuned because things are about to get heated I wonder what'll happen I'll catch you all next time)

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