Unexpected Encounter

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The day had been fun for hakuryuu while their ships were being patched up enough so they could make it back to the Homeland, a lot of emotional talk between the group happened which ended up with all of them spending the day together even hiei joined in they were happy knowing that she could be apart of their group although she knew she had to get the confirmation from nagato if she was going to join her fleet. It was definitely was strange to say the least for hiei she was currently watching yukikaze splashing hakuryuuwith water as the two played in the water, Kagero had been building sand castles leaving her and Tone to sunbathe in the warmth. Hiei: "hey Tone? What is she like? Hakuryuu I meant" lifting her sunglasses up she rolled onto her side to look at the heavy cruiser. Pondering on what to say Tone was taking everything to mind. Tone: "well she is a strong but caring leader she's hard on herself and cares about us. She's a assertive person and a no nonsense however, she's forgiving and compassionate always pushing us to excel. She's.. Like the glue that binds us together" listening intently the information being given to her was painting a picture to the battleship of just what kind of person hakuryuu is.

Shouting from the side to get their attention Kagero was being tickle attacked by yukikaze making her burst out laughing. Kagero: "sis stop! BAHAHAHAHA!" she was squirming about as her sister kept her pinned tickling her. Yukikaze: "never I will have my tickle attack revenge!" in the background hakuryuu giggled while tone smiles, hiei also found it amusing too seeing the sisters play. While this happened hakuryuu would get a radio message from nagato making her jolt to attention. Nagato:" hakuryuu I need you to return to base immideatly we've had a spy in our ranks and escaped alongside with an enemy attack on our Homeland" the words cut deep into hakuryuu and electrified her mind so much so she stuttered. "w-what?" shaking it off regained her composure "at once lady nagato we will return at once hakuryuu out" her mood would suddenly turn "Girls get changed we're returning back to base you got 25 minutes" with an authoratize booming voice everyone froze in place. "... did you girls not hear me, move!" in unison all of them replied "yes Ma'am!"

not wanting to see the wrath of a mad hakuryuu who was already a bit intimidating due to the eye patch and scar mixed with her signiture glare sent them bolting off the locker room to changed. Pinching the bridge of her nose hakuryuu would follow. Inside the locker room the girls would discuss what just happened. Ryujo: "so uh.. Girls any idea what snapped in hakuryuu?" there was bsck and forth on different opinions. Tone: "I'm not sure but it must be serious she never acts like them unless it is" tone went for a more conservative approach while hiei chose a different response. Hiei: "prehaps she is showing she's the boss" before anyone could answer hakuryuu walked in and started getting changed compelling them to shut up. While they changed hakuryuu spoke up "sorry girls, I just got horrible news and it frazzled me. Lady nagato said the Homeland was attacked and they had a spy who got away" without having to look she already could tell the mood had drastically turned a 180° this would quickly be confirmed as the group quickened their pace to get changed. I'm record time they burst out the doors like a stampede heading straight for the port.

Departing was quick this day as they all left for the open waters within 2 hours. Their fuel tanks had been topped up, new shells rearmed in their magazines, planes restocked and aviation gas, including food, saki and water was also restocked. Making their way out of the harbour hiei took point, tone took the rear with yukikaze & Kagero taking the flanks. In the center was hakuryuu and ryujo. Unlike last time they were travelling at flank speed so no submarine could creep up on them. To say the trip back wasn't hellish though was a complete lie. Amongst the few sonar contacts and avoiding the submarines they came across a heavy storm would roll in making the destroyers bob around in the water rather dramatically and sometimes concerningly where they'd had to stop to refuel the two sisters due to how much they had to use to keep steaming on.

Similar to this tone would occasionally have semi large lists before leveling out above them the crackle and rumble of thunder was their companion alongside the rain; flashes of lightning could be seen amongst the clouds with the wind picking up to around 45 knots conditions were miserable especially for Kagero who kept having water splash her making her shiver until she decided to stick inside of the bridge where it was dry and warm. Kagero: "bad idea on my part" she'd say out loud to herself opting to just follow hakuryuu in formation and a towel to dry herself off. As they steamed towards their destination hakuryuu would monitor everything so they didn't get lost to the storm but equally also on yukikaze and Kagero so as she was worried about them in this storm due to how much their ships pitched and rolled in the high waves. "these conditions are unbelievably rough good thing we stocked up at rabaul before we left" charting the course she's remain in constant contact with her fleet making sure everyone was alright and giving hiei directions on when she had to make a course change.

Eventually after a few hours the storm started subsiding which was good for them as they then slowed allowing Kagero & yukikaze to refuel from hakuryuu before resuming. Much to everyone's relief in the test force it was pretty uneventful for the rest of the way back a stray spotter plane from land being shot down by CAP came to be the only excitement. However, when they reached. Iwo Jima a much more different surprise was in store for them ahead was a small formation of ships 2 royal navy and.. AKASHI!? Shocked at what she saw she turned her attention to the situation "Hiei akashi's been kidnapped by the enemy break off with Kagero and stop them!" without second thought the large 14 inch guns of hiei would traverse slowly and raised. In the calmness a series of loud thunderous booms as all 8 guns from her 4 twin main guns sang shattering the stillness of the area with a great gout of fire and smoke.

            ----spy group 3----

Edinburgh was still going on to Sheffield about the encounter with the main sakura empire fleet. Not so much that Sheffield minded after all she was still her sister she just remained her usual self stoic and short answers however, she was still unsure what to think about the repair ship they decided to take with them.. Well more Edinburgh decided to take with them. As they sat on her deck enjoying tea and some snacks akashi would go on about what she saw in the cave and the strange mental cube Sheffield would hear the unmistakable sound of battleship guns firing making her drop her tea and look to see hiei. Sheffield: "how annoying" turning her ship sharply made the other two grip into the moving table for dear life as she turned her bow to face the incoming firing making a smaller target. Moments later large she'll splashes rained down around them showering them in sea water. Akashi: "NYA! THEY'RE HERE FOR ME THEY'LL TURN ME INRO A CUSHION!" her voice would chirp up Edinburgh wasn't helping to be honest hunched under the table with her hands on her head.

Edinburgh: "sheffy! What do we do" keeping her head down as more spray went over the ships side Sheffield started to deploy a smoke screen and get a good look what they're dealing with. "Battleship Hiei, destroyer Kagero, who else.." looks at the rear of the formation she saw two carriers "how annoying" she stated as the smoke started piling up

(alright then this is all for today everyone stay tuned for the resumed battle will Sheffield and the group escape from Hiei and Hakuryuu or will they be captured. Catch you all later,)

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