First Strike

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Yawning as she stretched her arms, she got out of bed before going to her flight deck. Another lovely day, I wonder what everyone is doing. Probably should check with nagato first incase she has anything for me to do. Jumping down into the water she walked towards the large temple at the top of the mountain hidden underneath a massive tree while avoiding everyone being under strict orders from nagato to keep her identity hidden from all but her and other higher ups. This is so boring sometimes but I guess it's also fun trying not to get caught, these girls need more practice. Making her way through the secret entrance she arrived at the main room where nagato, her bodyguard Kawakaze, her sister mutsu and a couple other high ranking ships in the sakura empire sat. Lady Nagato. kowtowing in front of her to show her respect nagato looked down at her. Nagato: hakuryuu, you may rise. Her voice was it's usual low calm and collected tone which all have come to known for her to be in a good mood. Raising to her feet she continued to lower herself a bit to keep a respectful demier. Nagato: akagi, kaga and ayanami has gone to scout and attack the main base of azur lane. Shokaku and zuhikaku went as support. We've been hearing reports of a large fleet of Royal navy approaching the base. I want you to cripple them. It'll give us more time to plan our next move.

will I be able to take anyone with me? Or will this be a solo mission. Nagato took no time to think of a response already having one pre prepared. Nagato: no you will be alone on this mission. From what we've gathered it is only battleships and light cruisers so you should be fine alone as long as your not detected. Nodding she stood up properly. So don't get caught, find the Royal navy Fleet and cripple it then return to base? Nagato: you are correct good luck White dragon. Bowing she took her leave out of the room. A worried look crossed nagato's face with her brow furrowing. Catching sight of this her sister spoke up. Mutsu: sister is everything alright? Hearing her sisters voice was enough to snap nagato out of thought. Nagato: huh? Oh yes of course, I was just figuring out how we should introduce hakuryuu to the others as she's still unknown only recently bring finished construction and sea trials. Now understanding the situation mutsu decided to give some encouragement. Mutsu: I'm sure you'll figure out something sister afterall there is nobody better for that task other than you. Smiling at her sisters words she started brainstorming ideas. As nagato pondered on how she'll introduce hakuryuu. Hakuryuu was busy getting underway.

With her ship materialising from the thousands of blue mental cubes, she started preparing on a stratagy best to use. Hm what should I use. If what nagato says is true then most are slow battleships, I could swarm them with torpedoes. Getting aboard her ship she fired up her engines and started making her way to the location given to her. Humming a tune to herself she couldn't help but wonder why the factions split apart and what things were like before. (I should probably ask lady nagato or lady mutsu what things use to be like. For now I should focus on my mission, I don't want to fail my first assignment) putting on a determined face she had steeled herself ready for combat.


At the same of hakuryuu getting her orders, akagi and kaga had begun their attack. Siren infused technologies implanted in their planes made red and blue flamed planes fly above the main base of azur lane while others dived releasing bombs down onto ships or at azur lane kassan who did their best to dodge while bombs exploded violently onto materialised ships carving deep holes and twisting metal as fire erupted inside. Kaga thrown Ed at this, this wasn't a battle to vindercate her honor. This was target practice. Compared to her sisters view akagi was loving this. Seeing them so hopelessly try fight against siren planes along with her's and her sisters planes that wrecked havoic causing panic. The look of dispair on some of their faces was priceless. However, this fun was cut short by the sound of machine gun fire. RAATT TAT TAT. Ripped through the air as the scream of merlin engines roared into life. Taken by surprise kaga was first to respond. Kaga: what the! Catching sight she saw 4 supermarine spitfire. Looking around she saw a young girl with a carrier rigging.

Unicorn: LEAVE MY FRIENDS ALONE. A white flash came from her plush and the young girl was flying on an oversized unicorn plush while launching more interceptors. Kaga: she appears to be... A carrier. All be it a light one but pray is pray. With a swipe of her mask, it erupted into flames causing her carrier to shift into a giant white fox that launched multiple fighters and unleashing its full armament upon the small carrier that tried dodging. Seeing this a destroyer called out to the helpless carrier rushing to help her until she was forced to defend against a familiar face. Mid way through their clash unicorn was finally struck being launched off her U-chan as she crashed into the water coming to rest on the surface with the giant fox's head close with it's maw wide open which petrified the young carrier. Unicorn: n-no. Just before the fox ate her the sudden roar of an engine followed by an explosion on top of the fox's head. The power of the explosion knocked the fox down onto it's side. Now annoyed at this kaga looked around spotting a large carrier in the distance. Akagi took notice of this as well. Akagi: danmit, its her. Kaga sister we need to leave. Looking at her fox then at the deviststion caused she clenched her fist knowing better and nodding to her sister as she knew by now that her sister wouldn't say anything without good reason.

Kaga: fine, recalling her fox into the mask she reformed her carrier before jumping aboard (the reason I did this was so that enterprise wouldn't be damaged for her showdown with hakuryuu) as akagi's ship formed besides kaga's she also hopped aboard her's. Akagi: azur lane consider this a deceleration of war. From hence force sakura empire and ironblood will be known as crimson axis. Both ships and kassan dissapeared in a typhoon of petals leaving a ruined base, damaged/badly hurt kassan and an attacking mass produced siren fleet. Enterprise launched her dauntless dive bombers forming her rigging around her as she jumped aboard one of her dauntless scout bombers and quickly mopping up the mass produced siren fleet by dive bombing and torpedo runs leaving multiple siren ships sinking. Enterprise: danmit, I wasn't quick enough. Just before she was about to chase after them all it took was one look at the badly damaged, fire swept port with hurt shipgirls to change her mind and go help out.

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