Madness & Therapy

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Snapping her eyes open hakuryuu quickly sat up in her bed while breathing heavily "NO BELFAST PLE!" she quickly covered her eyes at the sudden brightness, her heart was racing and her eyes quickly darted around the room to get her bearings of where she was. Much to her relief she was back in her room but the memory of the nightmare fresh in her mind left the carrier in a state of paranoia that at any time Belfast might appear from the shadows and drag her back inside the wreck that was her ship. "w-what was that.. Why did it feel so real.." at a loss of words and still in a state of panic she quickly got changed and rushed out to go see akashi to find out what is going on and to find anything that could help suppress it if not stop it. If this was part of stress or actual haunting was unknown to her but right now what she did know is that whatever caused it is definitely affecting her well being. Everywhere she looked she could of swore she saw the unmistakable nightmarish sight that was the dead maid staring at her with that crooked smile and dead eyes.

When walking towards akashi's office the harrowing visions of being at the bottom of the ocean in a pitch black area with the real world seemed to blend and blur. Due to her madness she was seeing things that weren't really there, hallucinating that she was back at the wreck. Without a second  thought she burst into a full sprint down the corridor hearing footsteps close behind. With a racing heart again fear took hold of her mind. Coming up on a room she near enough flew in and slammed the door shut. Resting her back against the bulkhead door she clutched where her heart was trying to steady her breathing. At this point the darkness started to fade instead of a metal wall she was now looking at a very worried akashi staring at her from the desk she was sitting behind. Akashi: "hakuryuu? what's going on you rushed in and slammed my door shut" looking around hakuryuu ignored what the repair ship said still not fully there in terms of her concentration. Akashi: "Hakuryuu!" having gotten up she shook the fleet carrier to snap her out of whatever trance she was in. "H-huh? Akashi?" having finally snapped out of it she slowly looked down at her.

Now concerned of hakuryuu's health & wellbeing she took her over to the therapy couch where she helped her lie down. Akashi: "alright tell me exactly what happened hakuryuu nothing held back and don't lie I'll know if you do" sitting besides her on a seperate chair she took out a clipboard and pen with eyes locked on the fleet carrier giving her full attention to them. Sighing in defeat she rested back and spilled the beans. "well.. Last night I had a nightmare.. I was at the bottom of the ocean on Belfast's wreck. She appeared and looked dead her body a mess and bloody, bones sticking out. She dragged me into her ship and I woke up.. I was walking to you and I was back there running from what I assumed was her"  While taking all the information in she would scribble down some notes her facial expression turning from sadness to worry at what she was being told. Her thoughts turned to either grief taking its affect and manefesting in a nightmare or madness might have overcome her being the culprit at hand. Akashi: "I see... Well if I might suggest."

With her ears perking up, hakuryuu looked over at her having had her face in her hands beforehand. Akashi: I believe the reason of this happening to you is your grief hakuryuu. So I'm going to prescribe you have weekly meetings with me for therapy to clear your mind hakuryuu. To get this off your mind and to help you through it. Would that help?" sitting up hakuryuu turned her head to look at the repair ship and with a simple nod she gave her answer. Smiling a bit akashi would write up a few things on her clipboard. Akashi:" let's continue this next week Monday. Have a good day hakuryuu come see me if you need me or if it gets worse" handing over a note to the carrier hakuryuu took it checking the time and date. "thank you for your help akashi" stepping out of her office she closed the door and went for a stroll hoping to the honourable ancestors she wouldn't end up in another dream like earlier. As she took in everything and the scenery she noticed akagi. Having to resort to biting her tongue to control herself hakuryuu attempted to leave, unfortunately for her akagi herself had spotted them.

With her usual smirk she moved her 9 tails out the way before looking over at the new carrier. Akagi: "hakuryuu, could you come here?" her soft voice rang out filling their ears. Cursing her luck in her mind she composed herself and turned. "I'm sorry eldar akagi but I'm a bit busy now could I come back at another time?" humming a bit she shook her head and gestured her to approach. Akagi: "this too is quite important. Please sit with me" channeling all of her calmness and secretly activating her samuri spirit skill to prevent her being intimidated by akagi but at the same time to keep her mind at peace she approached the table akagi was at. Sitting opposite the older carrier she did her customary bow to show respect even though to her mind she didn't deserve it for being a traitor. Akagi: "I've heard some rumours going on about you hakuryuu. And I hope these rumours are false" easily keeping her cool due to her skill hakuryuu would pour herself some tea and sip from it. "what type of rumours eldar akagi?"

gesturing her to come close she did so leaning forwards where she was whispered it. Akagi: "I heard that you have been showing mercy and not finishing the threat of your enemies that they pose is this true?" shaking her head almost immideatly she stared into their eyes. "these rumours are groundless eldar akagi prehaps they saw it wrong the enemies I hit are usually seen to be near sinking prehaps 1 or 2 managed to escape when I was certain they were going down, and focusing on another target. If that's the case I'll make sure of the kill like Belfast they will sink to the bottom of the ocean" her heart ached for saying such things as she wasn't a killer but to ensure she wouldn't end up in a bad spot she had to make it sound convincing. Smiling a bit at this news she would then grin before getting up and going behind her kneeling. Akagi: "I see, it's embarrassing to admit this but I do so worry about my juniors. I see you got that eyepatch. Can I ask what happened?" feeling akagi gently trail her hands to hakuryuu's shoulders she let it happen slowly relaxing a bit. "dive bombers from Eagle Union elder akagi"

Nodding she would stand up. Akagi: "come over later to my place hakuryuu and I'll see what I can do to help with that. Have a good day and try not to get too hurt next time alright?" nodding her head in response akagi did her usual smile before leaving just as well as her skill worth off. When akagi was out of sight she let out a heavy sigh of relief." that was nerve racking. Seems like ill have to delay my meeting with takao as I need to keep up apparence" finishing the tea she too left to go find agano who she promised to meet today.

(alright everyone that does it for this part hope you enjoyed it. This was certainly an interesting one to make catch you all later listeners)

sakura empires unfinished monster  Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora