decimation of 6th Cruiser Division

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With the last of the noise from the aircraft dissipating in the distance, a mighty explosions engulfed Aoba. Soaring high above, one of the 8 inch gun turrets went flying into the sky, followed by a sheet of flames. Now with her magazine compromised, she rapidly began to list as more explosions began; the following damage was truly catastrophic as it resulted in her hull being torn to pieces as the bow broke away plummeting like a stone. Thinking quickly, Yubari jumped into the water and swam over to the rapidly sinking heavy cruiser, grabbing her tightly. Yubari: "Aoba! Stay with me, please!" Helping the unconscious kansen demanefest what was left of her ship, she desperately dragged her to safety. Chokai, although still wounded threw a safety line. Clinging to it the destroy would tie a knot around her friend. Those who could help heaved their friend to safety aboard Furutaka who was damaged, but luckly not at risk of sinking. Forced to also demanafest her ship everyone was transfered onto Yubari who was by now the most stable of the lot. Having everyone aboard and placed in medical Furutaka took over the medical obligations, allowing the destroyer to race at full speed. If necessary, she could deploy a smokescreen to throw off the aircrafts aim.

More worried than anything now, the destroyer kept a close eye on the skies. Almost more than what was in front of her. Fearful that one attack could lead to her sinking plagued their mind into believing they'd all be lost to the sea and drown. Pacing the deck near her forward main battery, the sickening thought was all that was on her mind. It was stuck there, in place like the dark thought had hooked itself into her brain, forcing them to dwell further on it. Much to the poor destroyers grief. Yubari: "What can I do! What can I do. There's no air cover. No nothing!! We're just sitting ducks out here waiting for another strike to finish us off!" Ever so slightly hyperventilating the rumble of piston aircraft engines made the destroyers' eyes bulge and look up in horror, believing that this was the end. The consequences for so blindly following orders cost them their life. At least what she had thought. However, when she had a good look, it was not the terrifying sight of diving helldivers ready to deliver the coodergrase. Nor was it Avengers spiralling down to the waters edge preparing to aid their departure to the bottom. It was the conflicting sight of Reppu fighters accompanied by Zeros taking position.

On one side, she was relieved beyond measure knowing that her squadmates and herself would be safe on their remaining trip to base. Although, on the other side she was absolutely furious. Why now. When the attack was already over; if not for her actions, Aoba would have been fully lost. If she lost her friend due to them, she would never forgive them. But it none the less didn't change the grudge that now burned brighter and hotter than the fires that burned her squadrons ships. It was their fault they suffered. Their the reason for it all. Grinding teeth and fists clenched tight enough to turn her knuckles white she lost control and snapped, swearing with an impressive assortment of long lasting curses at the planes that now flew above all the while shaking her fists made an unusual sight for both carriers who shared an expression of dumbfounded confusion. Mostly due to being unable to hear what the destroyer was yelling about. Finally relenting after quite literally shouting till it hurt to speak, Yubari stormed off into her cabin quarters to guide her ship nowhere in sight of the planes. As Yubari simmered down in their quarters the fighters flew protective escort in a tight formation knowing the further they got away, the less likely further follow up strikes would hit the destroyer on her way to Port.

During the fighter escort, a small formation of hellcats equipped with unguided rockets would buzz in triggering 1/3 of the Reppus to intercept. Not willing to take any chances, the destroyer would begin laying her smoke screen in order to hide just in case there were more. Sporadic gunfire rang out as the dogfight intensified. Planes hoping for the fighters to be lured away lost their target in the smokescreen and instead opted to attack the CAP shooting a few fighters down out of surprise. At the peak of the fight there was dozens of fighters performing deathly manoeuvres just to gain an advantage. Bursting into flames or tumbling from the sky. Bullets, cannon rounds and unguided rockets all flew with the enemies name written on them. From Ryujos perspective it seemed like they were winning, but her zeros were at a disadvantage against the new Eagle Union fighters which also appeared to give Hakuryuus Reppus and run for their money. It was when the connection of her last zero being cut did she reconsider the refit. Spotting the last zero being downed; Hakuryuu pushed her planes limits gaining mixed results. Reaching the battles climax she would suddenly trigger the ammo causing 2 nearby hellcats to spiral out of control from the nearby explosion.

Finishing off the last of the hellcats. Hakuryuu couldn't help but feel a bit disturbed at these new Eagle Union fighters, which were proving already to be just as much of a match for her own fighters. From the initial 16 reppus and 8 zeros. All 8 zeros had been lost, 7 reppus were destroyed and 2 badly damaged having to turn back for repairs leaving only 7 reppus left for escort. Unsure fully what the enemy losses were she at least could confidently count 5 hellcats shot down from the 15 she had assumed was there though it might of been less and why they turned back. Left to think on the matter she clicked her tongue and focused on the job at hand. Looking down she noticed the destroyer had left her smokescreen and continued on her course prompting her to make the fighters follow. [I wonder how the rest of them are I only see Yubari maybe we were too late..] Having sent forth a request for a damage report Yubari begrudgingly agreed and sent one knowing at the end of the day she was still the acting commander of the area. At least for now. Sending the report using an encrypted message hakuryuu would receive then decode it making sure to read it thoroughly. Like ice water being poured onto her face the shock alone was heavy enough.

6 cruiser division was without a question out of action for the long term now. Slumping down in her chair she huffed in a mix of realisation and disappointment. At last in the clear the destroyer would pass the shortland islands allowing for Hakuryuu to recall her planes and think on her next course of action.

(Alright all that does it for this chapter hope you enjoyed it. This turned out to be quite something. How do you think it'll play out when shokaku and Zuhikaku arrive also stay tuned for tomorrow as that's when the relationship starts)

sakura empires unfinished monster  Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon