Assembled Task Force And New Mission

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That was so fun finally being able to introduce myself to everyone, the looks on their face was absolutely priceless, but I guess I'm more glad that I don't have to hide from them anymore, it was awkward and a bit stressful. Laughing nervously to herself she only then relaized that she had been speaking to herself out loud. Whoops! I'm doing it again. Coming up onto the shrine bellow the great tree she performed the rights of respect in the form of kowtowing before nagato. Finishing the last sip of her tea before setting it down, she looked down at the fleet carrier. Nagato: please, hakuryuu rise. Thank you lady nagato. Getting up to a sitting position on her knees, she looked at nagato in the eyes. I wanted to thank you for allowing me to introduce myself to everyone at last, it was a bit awkward avoiding everyone. Gesturing her head in a nod, nagato allowed her to proceed. So I know this is a bit early to ask but by any chance do I have a team/task force I can sail out with on missions? Expecting this question, she had already prepared a list in advance before she asked. Nagato: yes you have and I have compiled a list of potential kansen that you can pick for your fleet though I must say this, the maximum I'll allow is 5 so pick wisely.  She had a fixed expression while saying this to the carrier as to indirectly show that she meant every word of it. Nervously laughing she scratched the back of her head feeling like a mouse being stared down by a cat or in her terms, nagato's cold stare.

R-right understood lady nagato may I have the list please. Placing the list down in front of the carrier, nagato helped herself to some freshly brewed green tea to enjoy while she waited the carriers response sipping slowly brought an ever so slight smile to her lips. Nagato: (this tea is so good! No wonder shinano enjoys this type of tea) compared to nagato who was lost in her thoughts. Hakuryuu looked through the list of who she wanted in her task force. When she glanced through it, it was a small but well written document with the type, name and their history.

It when as followed:

Light carriers:





Heavy cruisers:



Light cruises:













Liking the history and personalities of the ones she think she'll get along with, she went by using a pen to circle the ones she liked before finally coming up to the 4th choice. (ok that makes 4, she said up to 5. Does that include me? I better just say yes so I don't bite the bullet on this one, I already know from being taught by her what she's like when mad) having double checked her choices she confirmed her choices by writing down the names of the ones she wants before looking back up at nagato. Lady nagato I have made my choice I want these 4 to be part of my task force. Handing the document back over to her, nagato skim read the ones she listed. A spark of relief left her head having immideatly picked up on the fact she knew that the personalities of the chosen kansen would get along with her student and also fit well with her strengths but this also gave her an idea. Nagato: you picked well, but why did you pick these ones in particular? Taking a few moments to think on how to word everything, she sayup tall making sure her voice was confident. Well lady nagato I read up on their strengths and know that I'll most likely be bumping into the grey ghost or other carriers from azur lane so it's only logical to bring someone like tone along as her main purpose is a heavy anti aircraft cruiser and would help in dealing with mass strikes of enemy carrier aircraft. Her firepower also gives a boost incase we get ambushed by lighter units like destroyers.

Moving onto ryujo, she's a well expierenced light carrier so I can count on her capabilites to back me up with air strikes or air defense as her 22 fighters will give a major boost as I only carry 36 fighters allowing a well escorted strike and proper CAP (combat air defense) she could also give me some tips as well. From her wealth of expierence. Gaining a nod from the battleship, she felt relieved that her explanation was successful. Nagato: a satisfactory answer and wise thoughts. Even though she's not a fleet carrier ryujo can still teach you a great deal, using your assets to your advantage very good. But now here is another question. Why did you choose Kagero and yukikaze? Uh, well I guess I chose them for their anti submarine capabilites. Gaining a stern look from nagato she knew she was in for it. (crap! I'm dead!) sweating bullets, she watched as nagato gently placed down her cup before staring at her. Nagato: it seems you still have a lot to learn hakuryuu, any of those destroyers could have been picked for their anti submarine capabilites. Next time I hear about you talking about why you chose these two I want a better description understood. Wanting to leave as soon as possible she nodded frantically. H-hai! Noticing the carrier wanting to leave and knowing she was going to be expecting shinano soon she would be in luck. Nagato: your excused hakuryuu. I'll tell them to gather at the Dock you will introduce yourself to them and go out to sea, train with your new fleet and once your at a good level of coordination make your way south and attack the dragon empery, bomb their airfields and put their naval ports out of commission. This'll give us some breathing room.

O-of course. Performing a quick kowtow, she rushed out of the room to the dock. During the time it took for hakuryuu to make her way down to the Dock. Tone, ryujo, Kagero and yukikaze waited down by the sea wondering why they had been called here. As the wait dragged in a few minutes, yukikaze was first to speak up not liking the silence they had found themselves in. Pouting she sprang up to her feet in one swift motion. Yukikaze: tone your a smart one do you know why we were asked to come here? Opening her eyes, she looked away from the sea and stopped resting on her katana. In a calm voice she addressed the destroyer who she could see was struggling to stay still in one spot constantly moving her feet ever do slightly up and down. Tone: I'm just as unsure as you are yukikaze, the best thing we can do is sit tight and wait. I would reccomened you check your rigging in case we are going on a mission. The mere word "mission" instantly made both destroyer sisters rush to bring their rigging out and started checking it frantically. Deciding to leave them to it, tone made her way over to ryujo. Placing her hand on her, she gave the light carrier a reassuring smile. Tone: you going to be ok ryujo? You look nervous. Looking down a bit; the light carrier held her arm. Ryujo: will everything go well this time? I've already been sunk once I don't want it to happen again. It's not a good feeling being dragged under, trapped in darkness until refloated.

Unable to say anything for a short while, she shook the surprise off. Tone: I'm sure. I'll keep you safe it's my duty. Feeling a bit more calm at the heavy cruisers reassurance she suddenly heard footsteps approaching. Ryujo: hello? Who's there? Everyone turned to face a shadow approaching slowly. Reaching for her sword tone rushed towards to see who it was. Her blade being blocked by a much longer and larger katana. Whoa there didn't mean to scare you there tone. Looking at the top of her katana near her face. But you certainly made your 'point' that you are. Taken aback by the casual remark she eventually laughed a bit pulling her katana way. Tone: that was terrible. Hakuryuu was it? Also taking her katana away, she also laughed getting a kick out of the joke. Yep that's my name, oh i just wanted to say we are a team now. I'm the leader but I also picked you all because of your abilites and personality I hope we all can get along. The other 4 was so surprised that they couldn't even hold their voice back.

All 4 in unison: HAAAAH?!falling in the floor laughing she rolled about hitting the floor with her fists. It had taken a solid 3 minutes before she stopped laughing and got up. I-I'm sorry it's just that. Wiping her tears away she forced herself to stop laughing. That was too funny! Getting a karate chop on the top of her head from tone she held the top of her head. OWIE! Getting a scolding by tone, hakuryuu held herself. Unsure on what to think ryujo cocked her head to the side with confusion. Ryujo: (she acts like a child sometimes, a lot more different from the other fleet carriers. Especially akagi and kaga. I feel bad for her though, being told off by tone isn't a fun experience)

(authors notes: alright everybody that's all for this chapter, hope you had fun reading this, it took me quite a while to do this one I hope it's worth your wait)

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