Lair Of The Fox

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'Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured'

-Mark Twain

Trudging along the cobbled path she would start heading towards akagis place doing her best to dispell all anger as to not give any hint towards her elder in carrier division one. Already knowing how much of a danger akagi posed both in terms of manipulation but also skill, deep down inside she knew she was no match against her due to the hilarious gap in combat experience akagi had over her. [What is best is to wait until the time is right to expose her for what she really is. A two-faced back stabbing snake.] Mouthing it, but making sure to keep a lid on it her face turned to a soft smile even though she felt like she could throw up at the mere thought playing nice with this traitor. Smacking herself to clear the 'air' around her, the sharp sting of the impact helped calm her mind. [It doesn't matter right this moment. Alright hakuryuu your ship is being repaired and retrofitted. No thanks to that lucky submarine. You'll be here for some time, best not make any enemies at home if it can be helped.]

Preoccupied by her internal monologue she didn't realise she was already at the door; that was before she almost tripped and fell on the stairs causing her reflexes to grip onto the railing for support. Sheepishly straightening herself to look more presentable and hoping that nobody noticed that small embarrassment, she would knock on the wood door, preparing herself mentally for what would turn out to be a miserable meeting for her and dealing with akagis 'habits'..... From the other side of the door, a shadow would materialise from the other side, getting bigger as the individual got closer. Eventually, the door would slide open with yamato on the other side. Bowing with respect to her eldar hakuryuu would greet her with the respect she deserved. "Lady yamato, it's a pleasure to meet someone of your glory." In return, the super battleship smiled softly and would repeat the gesture.

Yamato: "Hakuryuu, it's nice to finally meet you. Unfortunately, I have to meet my sisters, but perhaps next time you can play some games with us and get to know each other." nodding in response caused the battleship to creep in a slightly bigger smile. Yamato: "that's good to hear I shall be eager to see what you can do." Taking her leave while making sure not to bump into the fleet carrier yamato would take her leave. After the brief exchange, hakuryuu would enter the house, taking her shoes off, and closed the door softly before entering the next room only to be greeted by the sight of seeing akagi who was currently looking at some war map behind her was a shrine with a picture of someone. Besides, that was some incense burning in a holder, giving a vanilla scent to the warm room that she now stood in. "My eldar" she would slightly bow to her despite her body shrieking in defiance. Not even her bones at this point seemed to enjoy being in the presence of this woman.

Akagi would raise her gaze to meet them with her iconic smile her lips culled back into a smirk while gesturing for hakuryuu to sit down something she would do without hesitation "Can I ask what you wanted to discuss with me eldar" as much as it annoyed her a small part of her mind was curios as to the reason why akagi wished to speak to her alone. Standing up and moving over to her akagi would kneel down behind and roll her hand to her back causing a sudden relaxation to her juniors muscles causing hakuryuu to look back at her "eldar? What are you doing" slowly falling back s bit hakuryuu found herself resting against akagi [how did she..?] Before she could finish her chain of thought akagi finally spoke up. Akagi: "there you go just relax your so very tense hakuryuu you don't have to be so nervous around me" giggling she wrapped her arms around her.

Just before she could ask another question akagi would hush her which hakuryuu did as told not speaking after all she had to not give akagi any hints of her resentment [shit this Is bad] her mind was already racing what might happen or what akagi was planning. Akagi: "you know I worry deeply about my juniors. The reason I called you here is because I need your help with something very important" tilting her head a bit confused hakuryuu nodded "what is it" she gasped slightly feeling a tense spot being massaged causing a chuckle from akagi who focused on that point not even the anger in her soul could keep hakuryuu from enjoying it as she let go slipping back at the older fleet carriers mercy her guard down as she enjoyed it. Much to akagis delight. Akagi: "good girl you did really well against the lexington sisters what I need you to do for me is to help secure the southern territories and that the airfield is done the troop convoy needs to make it to secure our gains Eagle Union has been attacking our islands"

Finally snapping out of it she sat up "I see alright I'll take my fleet when refit and repairs are done they won't succeed eldar" standing up she would bow and leave gripping her amulet close [my guard was let down so easily this could prove very troublesome i felt like I had forgotten all the negatively was that something she did or am I really that much into massages. I need to look into this but..Edinburgh I can't have her tag along and after last time.. there is a lot I need to fix about myself I need to help her escape I just hope she'll forgive me in time even though I don't deserve it] she hung her head in shame at the memory and thought what nagato would say it was time to make this right. With a determined look she made her way to tones ship and up the gang plank. With a heavy heart she entered the holding room looking at the maid. "Edinburgh" her voice held shame "ik what I did was wrong and I don't expect forgiveness for what I did to you"

Stepping forward she would open the cell door having broke the lock "get out of here and as far away as you can make it to your allies base all I can really give you is this chance don't get caught" she would turn and leave but not before seeing a glimpse of relief on the light cruiser. Stepping out the door Edinburgh who was still scarred thinking something would happen ran out the cell and made her escape she had a lot to think about. Edinburgh: "Hakuryuu..I'm sorry but I can't forgive you not yet..but thank you for the chance" she held tightly to her clothes as she made full speed away leaving behind the horrors and the carrier who scared her so much that she thought the worst might happen.

(Man now I'm really getting back into story writing who would of guessed not me welp to one reader who really like this story hope you see this chapter and enjoy it as for the rest thanks for sticking around cya next time)

sakura empires unfinished monster  Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora