Midnight Cruiser Surprise With Nightmares

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When everyone had their fill hakuryuu turned in for the night like everybody else. However, tonight turned out to be anything but a normal night. Just as the clock ticked over to midnight, hakuryuu would hear the door to her room slowly open. Being a light sleeper she would slowly move her hand to her katana waiting to spring. Eyes partially open allowed her to ever so slightly make out the shape of a kansen in the darkness of the room. Having waiting for the perfect time she sprung into action grabbing the girls neck and slamming them against the wall katana drawn with the cold steel blade pressed up against the throat of her uninvited guest where they made an audibly loud gulp in response. Not in the mood for this and a understandably pissed the fleet carrier was unsurprisingly cold in her words "who are you! Speak or else" slight crying was heard as they raised their hands more a response to stress more then anything.

??: "p-please don't kill me!! It's agano!" snapping out of her anger briefly she pulled agano into the light to comfirm. Upon conformation she would set the light cruiser down gently before immideatly letting go putting her katana away with a sigh of relief. Going over to the wall she would flick the lights on before sitting in a chair at the desk. "sorry agano for that display but what are you doing in my room at midnight you made me think you were a spy" calming down she sat at her desk watching the light cruiser sheepishly sit on the bed. Giggling nervously she would rub the back of her head. Agano: "ehe.. Sorry hakuryuu I got told by lady nagato and was so excited I didn't notice the time" she smiled a nervous sweat trailing down her forehead feeling a bit embarrassed at the awkward situation she had created. Face-palming hakuryuu looked at her. "it's fine just in future please at least knock before coming in. Sound good?" receiving a nod from her she then turned her attention to getting to know the new member to her team. "so agano do you mind telling me about yourself?"

As if on a dime Agano's attitude changed quick. Agano: "well I'm quite good at baking I usually make treats which go rather quick as a lot of people like them. Other then that I teach the destroyers and sometimes other cruisers who want advice but ehh kuma is usually the teacher as she's older and more expierenced then I am. I can do karioki in my off time with my sister and tenryu. Uhhh that's about it I think sorry I'm not the best coming up with stuff on the fly" looking at the desk she would notice a few pictures. Observing the shift in attention hakuryuu turned her gaze in the direction of the light cruisers where she spotted her eyeing up the photos. "oh are yiu interested in these? It's mostly just some fun things we did together back at rabaul" grabbing one of the picture frames she would hand it over to which the light cruiser took it carefully before examining it thoroughly. Agano: "you all look quite happy much of had a fun time there" giving the picture frame back agano would sit cross legged on the bed.

Agano: "soo hakuryuu mind If I ask if you have any love interests?" the question was so abrupt and unexpected that hakuryuu who was currently sipping water from her bottle choked and dropped it coughing as she spat out the contents of water in her mouth. Rushing over agano would slap the carrier on the back until she would be able to control her breathing again. When she was finally able to do so once again she would shoot a gaze at them making agano slowly back up with hands up in surrender. "where on earth did that question come from agano? And no I don't" she decided to leave the water to the side for now, rather safe then sorry she'd think to herself. Agano on the other hand was smiling nervously again seems this was a habit for the cruiser. Agano: " well you see I thought you might of had sorry about that my mouth can get me in trouble sometimes as witnessed" getting up hakuryuu nodded before opening the door. "well I think it's a bit late let's take this up tomorrow shall we?" taking the hint agano would nod.

Standing up she bid her fair wells before taking her leave filling the room once again with the air of silence and stillness that it previously held before that encounter. Sighing softly she rested in bed again trying to get to sleep knowing tomorrow will be a busy day for her as she would be dealing with agano, her squadron and still need to talk to myoko. Slowly closing her eyes hakuryuu would slip into a deep sleep but it would not be a peaceful one far from it.

         ------Dream Realm------

Awaking slowly she would find herself in the ocean the area cold and dark where no light would be found. Shiving she held her clothes tight to her body trying to stay warm as she walked about. "where am I? Why is it so cold and dark?.. Hello?" she would call out in a vain hope in finding someone. Eventually she would come across a ship wreck the hull torn open by torpedo hits, the super structure mangled and charred by bomb hits with AA gun mounts broken (seems like the plane report was wrong on the ornaments which hit) . Feeling uneasy hakuryuu would swim up to the main deck which was splintered and cracked. The gun turrets fully elivated as if it was firing high. Despite looking still new seaweed and coral was growing on the hull covering it the soft groans of creaking metal from the pressure ringing in her ears. "this place is creeping me out.. Who even is this" hearing footsteps that wasn't her own she abruptly turned around but didn't see anything. Because of this she decided to speed up a bit. Exploring the stern she would slowly go round to the very back moving the seaweed from the name of the ship.

What she saw made her stomach churn and her eyes to go wide, with trembling hands and a audible gasp she forced herself back "n-no this must be some sick joke! No no no!" on the stern of the sunken ship the wreckage belonged to the only person she had killed. The one who made her regret everything. The plak depicting the ships name was none of than... HMS Belfast. In the distance a figure would be standing. Upon noticing it her heart began pounding as if her heart was going to burst from her chest within seconds. Being pulled closer by soem invisible force caused sheer panic to breakout in her mind as she tried to escape. When she was so focused on escaping it was only then did the figure speak. ??: "... You did this to me" struggling to talk they walked forwards slowly coming into view what she saw would be burned into her memory. The sight of Belfast was nothing compared to what she used to look like. Her hair was burned short, scars on her face, arm broken with bone protruding from it. The maid dress she wore was tattered and her gauntlets rusty and broken impaling her arms. Belfast: "you killed me hakuryuu! My blood is on your hands so it's only fair you join me" the sight. The voice! It was driving her into having a panic attack but..

"w-what d-do you mean" she was struggling to talk. With a crookied smile Belfast slowly approached making hakuryuu's eyes bulge. When she reached her the light cruiser wrapped her arms around her and began dragging her down into the ship. No matter how hard she fought she couldn't escape begging for mercy and screaming she was taken into the superstructure and with that the door shut silence engulfing the area.

(that's it for this chapter everyone hoped you enjoyed let me know what you think. Do you think hakuryuu developed ptsd from killing Belfast and caused her to have nightmares. Or is it the result of something else. Catch you later)

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