Love in the air (Late Valantines Chapter)

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Pacing along the bridge of her ship, Hakuryuu was re-reading the report that Yubari had given her comparing it to damage reports done to the enemy. Noticing a clear one sided advantage that Azur Lane possessed made her rethink their strategy [It's plainly obvious that in surface combat we are lacking in some fields. Anti aircraft fire being one, barely any radar or range finder's as well. It also seems now they have a plane advantage these hellcats are very effective in their job while the helldiver is far more superior in bomb capacity.] Tapping her pencil to wood she began scribbling down recommended improvements. Some that could easily and cheaply be integrated... others not so much. Finishing up writing her suggestions on paper, the carrier fired up her long range radio to HQ and Lady Nagato suggesting integral steps to include if Sakura Empire is to come to a successful conclusion to the war. These upgrades included the use of dye packs to the AA shells, the adoption of more radar for ships & land based, radar guided AA, adoption of the Reppu, D4Y and B6N as standard, new aircraft designs to be build and to buy new radio sets from Ironblood to work as a base template.

The message sent to HQ is as follows:

"To HQ & Lady Nagato. As of current campaign results show we are fighting a war, we cannot win. The enemy possesses new radar sets capable of detecting our ships in total darkness. During engagement at savo island cruiser division 6 was defeat and pushed back coming under air attack by a new dive bomber varient capable of destroying ships with ease. As it stands our aircraft is lagging behind and if we remains on this path I fear that defeat of the empire is guaranteed. Our lack of AA power is clear not only to us but Azur Lane so I must insist we push towards more radar and guided systems, better AA mounts and the use of shell Dye to aid our aim. Further improvements to work towards is the phasing out of the Zero, Kate and Val as they are no longer competative. Instead the replacement of these aircraft for carriers should be the Reppu, D4Y and B6N in order to have greater success against the enemy without horendus lossess."


Navigating her fleet to dock in the harbour of Rabaul was a choice she made easily. They had sunk and damaged multiple transports that will be sorely missed for those marines, giving the army time to deal with them. There was no point sticking around until all aircraft had been restocked, and Ryujo had her planes switched out. Going to check on Hiei she found them asleep with bandages with the other division members of Cruiser Division 6. All looked in bad shape from the air attack, retempering the fires of determination in her mind. "Get well soon you all sorry I wasn't there for you earlier" Walking out and heading to her ship she would decide to have a change of clothes before starting intensive PT. Half as punishment, hence the limited breaks she took but also with the added benefit of keeping her fit. During her PT session being focused solely on that she failed to realise Shokaku and Zuhikaku arriving in port. The two carriers having been assigned to take over operations in the South East began looking for the other fleet carrier. Zuhikaku, being very observant had noticed something her sister failed to.

Zuhikaku: "Hey sis, have you noticed something different about Hakuryuus ship? Or is it just me seeing things?" Curious to what her sister said, Shokaku looked in the direction that they were looking in and also noticed the size difference. Comparing her ship to Hakuryuus it came as a shock just how much smaller her ship was to theirs being a full 94.5m longer. Shokaku: "Now that you mention it zuhikaku yeah I do see it. Rather easily too might I add when looking closer. Tell you what why not you go check to see if she's aboard while I talk to Yubari. Afterall~ I know what you think about her after all that time you spent with them." While giggling softly with their hand covering their mouth, Zuhikaku blushed heavily in a mix of being flustered and embarrassed. Zuhikaku: "wha- SIS! Arghhh, it's not like that! She's cool and all. She's serious and badass  and maybe hot, but that! Do-..." Finally realising she said too much, she slapped her hand over her mouth to shut her, but the damage was already done as Shokaku gave her a smug look. Prompting the sister ship to leave, having already succeeded in getting the reaction they wanted.

Being as red as one could possibly be. Zuhikaku left to check Hakuryuus ship, hoping that she wouldn't find them while in this state. Predictably, the elder carrier took their time exploring finding many twin engine aircraft in the truly vast hangar, which only helped to peak her curiosity more on what they could do now. Moving aboard to the top deck, she soon found the carrier still working out wearing only some leggings and a sports bra. Her hair tied back while wearing fingerless gloves. A bit taken aback at how toned and well defined they were, Zuhikaku began blushing again Whispering to herself. Zuhikaku: "Oh wow.. was she always like this?!" Practically fixated on them she slowly stepped forwards and tapped their shoulder. Due to a mix of surprise and reflex Hakuryuu snapped around grabbing Zuhikaku by the arms pinning her against the wall. Her one good eye staring deeply into her soul while panting sweat glistening off her 6 pack lighting it up easily. With an iron grip Zuhikaku was locked in place. She had already known they were strong as once in a while they used to spar but she didn't think they were this strong!

During the pause hakuryuu tool note who it was before smirking. "Well, well, I wasn't expecting a beautiful woman to interrupt my workout." Stunned for words Zuhikaku froze blushing more at the comment she already got teased back at base when they were together but flirting in this manner it hit her heart it was only when Hakuryuu continued did it snap her out of the thought. "Zuhi you ok?" ZUHI!? Stuttering and blushing lots the carrier tackled them to the armoured deck, unfortunately ending up with her resting on top giving them more ammunition to work with. "My my so eager already aren't we? Not like I mind when it's you." Trying to escape all the teasing before she said something stupid the eldar carrier sat up. Zuhikaku: "You big tease! Making me blush like this it's embarrassing!" Before anything else could be said hakuryuu pulled her down into a rough kiss taking her by surprise but she soon gave in kissing back holding them as her pent up emotions she tried to hide broke away. In reality both already had feelings for each other in the 6 months growing close but now all those emotions spilled out making out quite a bit before forced to break the kiss due to the need for air.

"Happy valentines love~." Resting back on the desk Zuhikaku threw her a towel before getting up Pouting. Zuhikaku: "You too you big dummy. Next time give me a warning! Not even ask yet you already knew hmpf." Chuckling at the comment hakuryuu got up drying herself off. "Then come find me later." Walking off she would look back winking before leaving down the hatch

(Alright everyone yeah I know this is a few days late for valentines day. Got busy with my gf. Anyway in the next chapter we'll be doing a flashback to that 6 months dry dock so you lot can see how this relationship slowly bloomed)

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