Report With A Request

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How dare they! They would go as far as trechury and betrayal! Where was their honor! Their patriotism! Loyalty! All these questions were burned like a hot iron into hakuryuu's mind where it was almost visible, her stride being a brisk walking pace, teeth gritted tight and her overall mood was less then stellar at the moment. Spotting the two walking around she deliberately went out of her way to go around the last thing she needed was to cause a scene but seeing her using sweets with the young destroyers sickened her. "manipulating little bitch" keeping that thought in her mind she left for nagato her opinion on first carrier division hitting deeper then rock bottom. However, she knew inside she had to contain these emotions like the other ones. Otherwise she'll expose akashi and she didn't want to see her friend gone or get herself in trouble akagi and kaga have been around a lot longer and the others would be inclined to believe her over herself who still was somewhat new and didn't know many kansen out of her task force and the higher ups.

Sighing she took deep breaths maybe takao could help from what Tone had told her she was quite good with her emotions and prehaps could help her gain balance with her own. When she had noticed she, was already walking up the first flight of stairs she snapped out of her anger trance and composed herself again. "This is going to be a long time before I can sort this out I already know it" eventually reaching the top she noticed Kawakaze at the gate which she promply bowed a bit in respect "Eldar Kawakaze" in response to this the destroyer also did a slight bow. Kawakaze: "hakuryuu, we've been expecting you 2 days ago" gesturing her to follow as she walked in hakuryuu sheepishly followed "I had..a set back I'll explain myself in front of lady nagato" shooting her a glance Kawakaze nodded she wasn't one for talk so this worker out fine for her as she wasn't the one hakuryuu answered to. Having reached the sanctuary Kawakaze returned to her post next to nagato who was currently playing a game of shogi with her sister mutsu. Nagato: hakuryuu it's good to see you again yet I see you ran into some issues? The most glaring feature herself and mutsu noted was the scar and eyepatch she now bore.

Nodding she would perform a kowtow in front of her. "I apologise for my lateness lady nagato I ended up engaging the sisters Lexington and Saratoga we sustained damage and a eagle union submarine knocked me out. Kagero and yukikaze had to tow me from what I was told back to rabaul for urgent repairs" as nagato listened to her story she was getting flashbacks to Taihou and Shokaku when they were sunk by submarines relieving her a bit that hakuryuu didn't suffer a similar fate. Nagato: "I see, well as you know we got attacked directly.. I need you to put a stop to this hakuryuu but unlike last time we can't fail do what you can to secure our placement. Singapore, Phillipines and the east indies belongs to us we need to secure australia and other islands before we can move onto eagle union" paying attention to all that had been said she came to the part she was dreading most. "with all due respect lady nagato I'm in no position to do anything until my ship and my task force is repaired.. Also I'm in need of a favor"

raising an eyebrow she got up and went over kneeling in front as she gently helped hakuryuu up to a sitting kneeling position. Nagato: "and what would that favor be hakuryuu?" her voice was, soft and calming giving the carrier her full attention. "I-I I'm.." tilting her head slightly she rested her hand on her head giving a small head pat. Nagato: "take your time" doing as she was told she collected her thoughts she always hated asking for favors and so didn't do it often especially if it was to nagato as she deeply respected her with nightmares of dissapointing the battleship who had raised her as a motherly figure and a great teacher like mutsu but unlike mutsu she had a deeper bond with nagato where she'd be energised when the older battleship congratulated her "i need.. More allies in my task force. We were heavily out gunned from the eagle union fleet and couldn't form a bios formation. I'd formerly like to request having Hiei part of my fleet" moving her hand away nagato sat back and thought to herself.

Nagato: "she has yukikaze, Kagero and Tone with Ryujo. In fairness thst isn't much escort to work with.. If she wants Hiei and others.. Hm I guess whst she might deal with it eoulf be preferable that she had some additional support" she was thinking this all in her mind as she considered the request. Nagato: "I'll allow thod request hakuryuu you shall have Hiei and I'll allow.. 3 more allies to join you but I can't allow anymore heavy support from either other carriers or battleships/cruisers choose wisely" beaming with relief and happiness that her fear completely washed away and she hugged her. Just when it seemed kawakaze was about to intervine nagato stopped her and returned the gesture to hakuryuu allowing her to relax. Hakuryuu: ".. Thank you mother" she would whisper shocking nagato sure she took pride in seeing hakuryuu grew and took care of her but she never considered she would be called mother by them.

An odd sensation of joy would fill the battleship as she held her close. Nagato: "your welcome child" she whispered back allowing her to stay where she was making quite the amusing yet heart warming sight for mutsu and kawakaze was just left confused. Mutsu: "your soft side is showing dear sister" shaking her head with a soft smile she looked over at her. Nagato: "it appears so" looking down, at the carrier she held her a bit tighter like a mother would with her child. The soft side of both would becoem apparent as they would remain like that for a short while longer before they went back to the choice however it was still obvious hakuryuu remained in Nagato's lap despite the size of the two making it a bit comical their arms in a light embrace as she showed her the options. Nagato: "so what are you looking at in term of class to break it down a bit easier? She turned her head to look at hakuryuu. Thinking long and hard she would make up her mind." ideally another heavy cruiser, a light cruiser and destroyer lady nagato so Hiei has some other heavy back up besides Tone"

Humming in response she would take a look through her logs. Nagato: "hm well you can choose between the Aoba, Takao or Myoko class for the heavy cruisers. In the light cruisers you can pick from the kuma, tenryu or Agano class, and for destroyers you have either Fubuki, shimikaze or Hatsuharu class take your time to pick"

(well this is it for the chapter let me know what you think and which class I should go for last chance to pick on who you'd like the 3 ships to be added to hakuryuu's fleet I shall catch you all later)

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