Chosen Few And Mother Figure

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Hakuryuu spent the last 5 minutes thinking, her mind was trying to comprehend all strengths and weaknesses of each kansen she was able to choose from. Checking the list she saw some were unavailable due to assignment or repairs. While looking through the list she would occasionally ask questions as well making sure she would get people who would work well with her team but also making a mental picture of what they were like. "hm if I'm honest I think who would best suit my fleet would be myoko, agano and ayanami lady nagato if that's fine with you?" she turned her head to look at them. As nagato heard each answer a slight smile crept up on her face. Nagato: "Ryujo, Hiei, Myoko, Tone, Agano and Ayanami, Kagero, Yukikaze quite the fleet you have assembled you must be proud to lead them" nodding happily hakuryuu smirked "I am proud to lead them and I hope I live up to their expectations, right now though I'm conflicted.." she'd sigh and rests back against the older battleship confusing nagato to the sudden change.

Nagato: "what's the matter hakuryuu?" the battleship made hakuryuu look at her, her hands gently cupping the carriers face as she showed a look of concern. Nagato: "actually please follow me" without uttering a word hakuryuu got up allowing, nagato to as well stand up and walk to an outside balcony where it was more private to get to the bottom of this, with the carrier not to far behind they would sit at a table and chairs. Nagato: "haku what's wrong?" during training when she was young nagato would call the carrier who she would come to see as a daughter that name because how happy it made them. Hakuryuu would pause her hands on her head "I scare people thanks to this stupid.. Eyepatch it intimidates people mother and I don't know what to do I don't want to be this terrifying individual that everyone gets nervous when I look at them" understanding the situation clearly nagato would do something not usually seen. Going over to her she would hug and comfort her to the best of her ability. Nagato: "I'm sure it'll pass it's just a case of getting use to it stay positive sweetie"

Slowly but surely hakuryuu would calm down again. "mother.. Am I too emotional? I feel like my emotions have been getting to me a lot lately and becoming a hindrance and liability" looking back to her memory she pondered on the question asked, her finger tapping her chin slightly in the process. Nagato: "hm well at times you have been there isn't anything wrong showing emotions sweetie but prehaps a talk with takao would be useful for you in learning to control your emotions. Do you think that'll help you?" a brief nod would be given in response "I'll do my best to make you proud. Whatever it takes" smiling and shaking her head slightly nagato would pat her head giving her some words of encouragement. Nagato: "you already make me proud with how much you've grown and how far you've come since you were a child. Don't worry so much on it" a warm sensation would over come her as a main motivation she always had was to seek the approval of the old battleship who in all regards saw as her parental and supportive mother figure who she could fall back on in her worst times.

Smiling brightly she hugged her again as she relaxes in the warm embrace of the person who meant the most to her. As she slowly drifted off to sleep mutsu would enter and sit opposite of her sister. Mutsu: "you both are so adorable you know, so dear sister how did this bond form between the two of you?" setting down a tea pot and the game board she would continue it while locking eyes with her older sister. Nagato herself returned the stare as she poured some tea for the two, examining the board she carefully played her pieces. Nagato:" it's a long story sister but considering my daughter won't be awake for some time I can re tell the story for you"

  ---------flashback memory  -----------

A young girl with short silver hair would run about and play giggling as she held a wooden A6M Zero fighter toy above her head making noises to mimic the sounds of it pretending she was flying one. Leaving footprints in the sand she would soon, jump and move the toy up and down. From a short distance behind was nagato walking behind her keeping an eye on them. "lady nagato! Lady nagato look look!" a high pitched child voice filled the air bringing her out of her chain of thought. Nagato: "hm? What is it hakuryuu" she turned her gaze to where the child kansen was pointing. In the distance was hiryu doing her drills soaring high above would be one of her fighters flying gracefully through the air. The purr of its engine filling the clear blue sky with it's roar, performing tight turns and loops mesmerised the young kansen of the performance of the plane leaving her in awe. Sharply alert and knowing hiryu could see with her planes; nagato would grab them by the arm and drag her inside quickly much to the frustration and dissapointment of the thrill seeker.

Doing this to deny the carrier from second division spotting hakuryuu she would sigh in relief hoping she didn't notice them. Nagato: "hakuryuu you know better n-" she would be interrupted abruptly "no going out if planes are flying overhead I know" hopping up on a stool she grumply sat on it. With an annoyed expression the battleship would approach. Nagato: "did I also forget to teach you what it means to show respect?" her tone changed to a serious one hand on hip she watched hakuryuu fidgit a bit on the stool like a hawk would with it's prey. Gulping a bit loud the young carrier looked away only to be made to look at her mentor" my scencirist apologies mentor" having learned quickly about punishment and discipline she was rather quick to adapt in hopes to be forgiven. However, today wasn't her day. Nagato: "young lady to your room right this instant and study while I make dinner" knowing better then the argue at this point she would now respectively bow and went upstairs to study.

When the battleship heard the door close she went off to make dinner for the two they would have a lot to talk about that's for sure. A few hours would go by and hakuryuu would be called down the soft patter of her feet coming down the stairs announcing her arrival. "wow! So much yummy food" seeing rice balls, misso soup and sushi laid out aha would sit at the table waiting for nagato who herself joined her at the table after a brief moment to collect some items for later. Nagato: "remember what we say before we eat" nodding slowly hakuryuu reached for the chopsticks and put her hands together "thank you for this food!" eating her sushi with her chopsticks the way nagato taught her to brought a ever so slight smile on the battleships face, relived to know she was taking her lessons seriously. While they ate a question knawed at her mind. "lady nagato? Are you.. My mother?" taken off guard by the sudden question nagato almost choked on her misso soup. Thankfully she was able to compose herself and set the small bowl down. Nagato: "where is this question coming from?" she herself was equally as curios as to why this question was asked.

"a-well you see lady nagato.. I uhm s-saw and heard it and was wondering if I also had a mother" looking down a bit nagato looked at herself. Much as she'd eidy to deny it the small kansen had grirn on her and remi see of her want to have a child of her own but couldn't. Seeing the hope in her eyes also moved her a bit as she saw a lost child wanting to believe she had someone. To feel a bond with a parent she never had. Nagato: "no child but" she paused briefly seeing hakuryuu look up at her which melted her heart a bit. Nagato: "I can be your mother if you want" tearing up a bit hakuryuu got down and rushed over jumping into her lap and giving her a big tight cuddle in tear as if not wanting to ever let go. "YES! YES PLEASE!" her small body pressed up against her new mother she felt overwhelming joy and happiness knowing she had a mother now that would take care of her.

(hey everyone that's it for this chapter I hope you enjoyed it and got a better understanding of the relationship between Nagato and Hakuryuu I'll catch you all next time cya)

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