44 - Separated

118 9 10

The teleportation was successful. Kazuha didn't feel dizzy, and the karmic debt didn't seem to affect him too much.

Xiao sighed out of relief but then turned around to examine the surroundings, focusing on their objective of finding Kunikuzushi.

At first, everything seemed to be rather normal, nothing out of the ordinary seemed to be in Qingxu Pool... but then the samurai called out to the Adeptus.

"Xiao! Come here!" Kazuha shouted as he looked at Xiao and waved as a signal to come to him.

The Adeptus hurried to where the samurai was and soon noticed that there were some footsteps visible on the ground, leading down the hill where the two were standing.

"Hmm... These are pretty fresh. Someone has walked here not so long ago. Let's go." Xiao said after studying the footsteps.

Kazuha didn't say anything else and just gave the Adeptus an understanding nod, following him down the hill where the footsteps were leading.


After some time, the two reached the end of the footsteps.

They were now standing in front of a small camp that seemed to be empty, left to be used for other adventurers and whoever would need it.

Xiao raised his hand up to his forehead and sighed, looking down at the ground with a frown on his face.

'Just some adventurers or treasure hoarders! This is ridiculous! I knew Kunikuzushi wouldn't come here, this place is too random for someone like him!' The Adeptus complained in his mind, knowing that Qingxu Pool should've been the last place for them to look for the wanderer.

Or that's what the Adeptus thought until something shiny caught his eyes and attention.

Xiao turned to look towards Kazuha, who was admiring the view of the ruins, and proceeded to catch his attention as well.

"Kazuha?" He called out.

Kazuha turned to look at Xiao with a warm smile and walked to him.

"What is it?" The samurai asked curiously and turned towards something that was reflecting the sunlight into his eyes. There was something laying on the ground right behind the tent.

The two walked closer and noticed that it was a big round hat that had been set aside on the ground. Its bells were reflecting the sunlight, and the veil was neatly folded underneath it.

Xiao recognized this hat, Kunikuzushi was wearing it when he called out to him and attacked him.

"He was here." The Adeptus said and kneeled down to study the hat better, frowning as he didn't like the vibe this situation was giving him.

"Kuni was here?" Kazuha repeated and looked at Xiao with widened eyes, surprised about the lead they had found.

The atmosphere suddenly got heavier, and Xiao started to feel pressure building inside him. Something felt off which perked Xiao's senses and he became rather vigilant of his surroundings.

"No... He is here." The Adeptus said and stood up, turning around to face the path the two had walked here, the samurai following Xiao's attention and turning his head towards the same direction as well.

There he stood, 15 meters away, watching and observing the two who now were both making eye contact with him, the wind flowing through the long cloth of his outfit and his shortly cut hair. His eyes were directly on Xiao, empty yet determined.

Then he smiled.

"I didn't assume you to walk right in front of my face so easily. Regardless of the fact that I might kill you, you still came to me. Ha! How childish!" Scaramouche spat out, raising his chin as he announced his presence.

Twisted Fate Of The Broken Ones | Scaramouche/XiaoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang