45 - Unexpected Beliefs

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The world around Xiao returned back to its original state, completely leaving the familiar Plane of Euthymia.

Scaramouche's body was pushed away with a force that didn't come from his own physical powers right before he could strike Xiao, stumbling backwards while he barely managed to keep his balance.

It took a few seconds for Xiao to realize that he was back in the real realm but thanks to Kunikuzushi's inner self, he now understood everything better and already had a plan that could help with the situation.

Kazuha turned his head towards Xiao and called out to check up on him. "Xiao! Are you okay?"

Xiao took a deep breath and watched as Scaramouche regained his position. Only a moment left before the Balladeer would be striking him again.

Within this small moment, Xiao managed to catch something with his eyes.

The faint, purple glow underneath the Balladeer's cloth caught the Adeptus's attention for a second.

'The Electro Gnosis!' Xiao realized as his eyes widened slightly but then he immediately prepared for combat.

Without the Gnosis close to his body, Scaramouche would be much weaker and easier to handle. It didn't surprise Xiao that the Balladeer still had the Gnosis in his possession after the years.

Scaramouche ran towards Xiao again and lifted his sword, only for Xiao to dodge his attack as the blade cut past the Adeptus.

Xiao used his elemental power to swiftly move next Kazuha for a short moment.

"I figured it out. He is not the same Kunikuzushi that we used to know anymore. His memories have been altered, possibly by the Doctor. We need to calm him down somehow because if he kills me, it'll be the end for our old Kunikuzushi." Xiao explained briefly as he glanced towards the samurai.

Kazuha listened and understood the situation immediately, giving the Adeptus a confident nod.

"I see... Do you have any ideas to calm him down?" The samurai asked as he returned his gaze towards the Balladeer, who was now approaching the two with his sword ready for another strike.

"We need to make him stop moving. Be ready to push him to the ground when I get his sword away from him." Xiao informed the other and prepared for the Balladeer's attack.

This time Xiao didn't dodge the attack but instead he clashed his polearm with Scaramouche's Electro-infused blade, their elemental energy swirling around them.

"Oh? So now you decide to fight back? Took you long enough." Scaramouche chuckled with a teasing tone as he locked his eyes on Xiao.

Xiao did not lower his guard, only giving his opponent a serious glare. He pushed against the Balladeer's strength, soon kicking the Harbinger's stomach and pushing his spear towards the side.

This caused Scaramouche to loosen his hold on the sword for a short moment and Xiao used this opportunity to spin his spear for a better grip and strike into his opponent's weapon with great force.

With such great force, the sword went flying to the side, and Xiao alarmed Kazuha to make his move. "Now!"

The Balladeer didn't have but a second until he felt something behind him to quickly push him forward towards the ground.

Xiao caught Scaramouche into his arms and together with Kazuha, they locked him between them, hugging him tightly so he would be unable to move for a moment.

"Kuni! We are not your enemies! You have to let go of your mission!" Kazuha tried to open the Balladeer's eyes.

"Ngh- Let me go!" Scaramouche commanded but without success, trying to push himself off of their hold.

Twisted Fate Of The Broken Ones | Scaramouche/XiaoUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum