8 - New Flavors

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After an hour of travelling, the two finally arrived in Qingce Village.

The fields were luxuriant and there was a small, warm breeze.

Xiao looked at the view for a moment, taking a deep breath and filling his lungs with the fresh air.

"We're here." He announced as he crossed his arms, looking at the view of orange fields and stony roads with wooden suspension bridges, a small waterfall below one of them.

Kunikuzushi took a look around him, his eyes almost sparkling from the excitement he felt.

It looked absolutely stunning, nothing like what he had expected to see.

Being used to the gloomy sky, this... this was a whole new experience, he could let his eyes rest on the view for the rest of his life if he could.

"It looks... absolutely stunning." His voice was a mere whisper, but it was quite obvious that the Inazuman had never seen anything like it before.

Without thinking, Kunikuzushi grabbed Xiao's hand with his uninjured arm and slightly pulled him towards the village with a bright smile, excited to see it from up close.

Xiao let out an audible "Huh?" when he was suddenly dragged towards the village, a surprised look on his face.

He definitely wasn't expecting the wanderer to make such a move, especially to someone like him, an Adeptus, a yaksha who knows nothing but how to kill. It was quite unexpected.

Xiao couldn't much do anything about it and in defeat he followed Kunikuzushi closer to the village.

He prayed for the Archons that there weren't many people in the village since he hated crowded areas, and he didn't want to disappoint the wanderer either.

Crossing the wooden suspension bridges was quite erratic for Xiao and he didn't fully trust the bridges, but since Kunikuzushi was quickly pulling him with him, he didn't have much time to react or even realize the situation and before he even knew it, he was on the other side of the bridge.

Not like he was scared of them, they were just... unpredictable and Xiao had to be prepared for anything.

He sighed slightly to the wanderer's actions, not daring to yank his hand off.

Xiao was rather fascinated that Kunikuzushi was so brave around him.

It was probably because the wanderer didn't know how to treat Adepti due to him being an outlander.

Kunikuzushi soon let go of Xiao as they reached the village, slightly spinning around to take in everything.

There wasn't a whole lot of people around, which was great. He could explore the place in peace.

His indigo eyes were absolutely brimming with happiness, it was almost like he had completely forgotten about the whole reason why he had traveled with the Adeptus, along with the wound on his shoulder that surprisingly didn't hurt that much anymore.

The Adeptus only looked after the wanderer, making sure the other wouldn't do anything stupid or get hurt since he seemed to be amazed by the environment.

Xiao sighed slightly and observed his surroundings as well, trying to look for some Glaze Lilies.

Soon he found a few bushes of Jueyun Chili instead.

Qingce Village was known for its amount of Jueyun Chilis and Glaze Lillies that grew on the fields. It was a local specialty as well, so he decided to tell Kunikuzushi about it.

"Hey you, come here." He called for the wanderer as he walked next to one of the Jueyun Chili bushes.

The wanderer turned to face Xiao, soon walking over to him. He was still taking it all in and was absolutely beaming.

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