23 - Answers

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Morax was having a walk close to the base of Mt. Hulao in the night's darkness, eyes focusing on the tree of Nantianmen.

It had one branch that spread out, the brilliant blue shining in the moonlight, making the surroundings slightly shine in its blue.

The god let himself softly return to the ground a bit further away from the tree, wanting to enjoy the walk down to the base of this rather special tree.

He soon felt the familiar aura of karmic debt nearby, though he paid no mind to it.

If it was indeed one of the Adepti, they were more than welcome to join him if their paths happened to cross.


Xiao was patrolling nearby Nantianmen and as he was on the move, he noticed a familiar figure in the distance.

He stopped and took a closer look, soon recognizing the person.

It was Rex Lapis.

He guessed that the god was taking a walk like he sometimes did.

Xiao didn't wish to disturb the god, but he wanted to discuss with him for a moment, so he decided to approach him.

Morax could sense the familiar karmic debt getting closer, so he stopped and turned towards it, soon noticing the Conqueror of Demons approaching him.

The god smiled happily, wondering what brought the young yaksha all the way to Nantianmen.

Once Xiao got close to the god, he bowed politely and spoke first.

"My apologies, my Lord. I didn't mean to disturb you." He said and straightened his back, looking towards Rex Lapis. "I was patrolling nearby and saw you walking here."

"I've been looking forward to meeting you, my Lord. I have come to seek for your advice." He explained as he continued to speak out his words, putting his hand on his chest.

Xiao knew that this was probably a bad timing for the god, but he had to at least try.

Morax turned fully towards Xiao, nodding lightly with a soft smile as he greeted the yaksha.

"Don't worry, Xiao. I'm not in a hurry. How can I be of assistance?" Morax didn't mind the small interruption of his walk.

"It's about the wanderer..." Xiao said with an unsure tone.

He turned his eyes away, avoiding his master's gaze due to his shyness. There was also a slight tint of pink on his cheeks, it was definitely a sign that he was thinking about that Inazuman... again.

Morax gently placed his hand on the Adeptus' shoulder, a warm smile on his face.

"Tell me what's on your mind, I can tell that you are slightly confused and lost." The god beckoned for the other to talk about his troubles, more than happy to help him out with anything.

Xiao let out a defeated sigh and lowered his head.

"Since the day I parted ways with that wanderer... I've had this... empty feeling inside of me, like something was missing." He explained, putting his hand on his chest once more.

"It has affected my duty as well. I've been... unable to focus lately." He continued, gritting his teeth inside his mouth as he frowned. Though, the god's hand on his shoulder gave him a comforting feeling, which helped him to describe his situation better.

Xiao was confused and unsure about his feelings and seeking help from his master, the God of Contracts, was probably his best option for now since he was someone who worked with humans.

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