42 - Scaramouche

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Four years had passed.

Nothing significant had happened in Teyvat that time- or so was what Kunikuzushi had believed. To him, it had only been a year since Dottore took him in for... training.

That was what he had called it since the beginning, the Doctor wished the best for him and wanted him to learn to control himself more.

During that 'year', Kunikuzushi had managed to pick up a few habits from the Doctor and managed to control his powers more. He liked the progress he was making. Nothing could stop him anymore!

Or that was what the wanderer thought.

In reality, Dottore had hardwired him a whole new personality. He had lost all softness he used to have, now being cold, mean and ruthless. One flick of a wrist and the enemies before him had been fried to death by a single strike of Electro.

He was forced to forget about his family, forget about his friends, forget about those he loved the most.

And so, Dottore made him so strong that the wanderer rose through the ranks of the Fatui, becoming the 6th of the Fatui Harbingers and gaining the title:

The Balladeer.

Now he stood at the edge of the docks of Liyue Harbor, staring into the dark water. The sunset sent colors of red and orange to the sky, the fake stars appearing slowly into the sky.

The Balladeer took a deep breath, feeling the cold stare of the cyan haired man behind him drill holes into his back.

Dottore, who had taken him back to Liyue, was holding the hat he had given to Scaramouche as a gift, and now was the final stage of his... 'training'.

It all had led up to this, it was a way for Dottore to fully assert control over the younger, making the most of the trauma that the other had experienced.

The thunder slowly rolled in as the Electro infused sword was pulled out, the suffocating feeling being condensed at the edge of the harbor.

Scaramouche grabbed his hair, bringing his blade up quite high, his hands slightly shaking as the sharp blade got quite close to his hair.

It was difficult for him to do this. No wonder, he had lived his entire life with long hair, and now he was cutting it very short.

He bit in a scoff, with one swift movement of his wrist and shoulder, he felt a large amount of mass be removed from his head.

He heard the thick, long locks hit down to the dock and the clap of Dottore and his subordinates.

Scaramouche could feel the cool, fresh sea air against the back of his neck, a feeling he had never had before. He slightly lowered his head, having a neutral face as he enjoyed the cool breeze.

The Balladeer looked up as Dottore approached him, feeling him place the hat over his head carefully, before seeing him kneel down next to him, so the shorter could see him.

"You've done so well... look at all these people here to celebrate your rebirth, the new boss of theirs!" Dottore spoke as the Balladeer turned to look at the crowd of people.

His whole attire had changed, clearly resembling that he was indeed part of the Fatui now.

Looking at those subordinates made him learn that he had joined a group of people who wanted to change the world for the better and it made him feel proud and powerful.

The Balladeer squinted at his subordinates, which made every single one of them bow before him. It made him let out a 'tch', his voice cold and venomous.

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