37 - Qingce

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The familiar blow of the wind moved through Kunikuzushi's hair as they arrived in Qingce Village once again.

He kept holding his hand with the Adeptus, soon dragging both himself and Xiao towards the fields.

The wanderer took a deep breath of the air, remembering the first time he was here... he still hadn't forgiven Xiao about the whole Jueyun Chili situation.

Kunikuzushi was excited to see the Glaze Lilies again, excited to walk through the fields and tall grass once more, with someone very important to him.

Xiao was dragged towards the fields and he had nothing against it. He also wanted Kunikuzushi to be happy, especially after what had happened in Inazuma.

The Adeptus observed his surroundings and the environment, not really amazed by the looks of the nature since he had seen this place multiple times before. But he was happy as long as the wanderer was happy.

Xiao made sure not to trip while the other was dragging him.

The second the duo reached the fields, Kunikuzushi let go of Xiao for a while, letting himself carefully step onto one of the many fields, watching where he walked just in case he found a Glaze Lily.

It didn't take too long for him to find one, soon crouching next to it before looking back at Xiao, slightly waving his hand.

"I found one!" The wanderer announced.

Kunikuzushi was absolutely giddy. He loved the blue and white flowers. They had almost instantly become one of his favorite flowers he has ever seen so far.

The wanderer looked back down at the Glaze Lily, studying it lightly; it was almost in full bloom, but it still had some time left before it completely opened its sepals... either way, it still looked gorgeous.

Xiao walked next to Kunikuzushi, looking down towards the Glaze Lily. It reminded him of that day he put one behind Kunikuzushi's ear.

A slight tint of pink formed on the Adeptus' cheeks as he thought about it. Though, he soon glanced away and looked at the fields.

After a moment, he turned his gaze back to Kunikuzushi.

"Would you... like to... have it... in your hair?" He asked, a bit shy for asking such thing but... he really thought that Kunikuzushi looked pretty with Glaze Lilies.

The wanderer looked back up at Xiao with a warm smile, giving him a nod to the question.

"I'd love to!" He said, lightly chuckling afterwards.

Kunikuzushi never admitted it out loud, but he absolutely loved to stick flowers into his hair. They made him feel... happy, somehow, someway.

Xiao hummed in response and crouched down next to Kunikuzushi, carefully cutting the Glaze Lily without hurting its roots.

He then took Kunikuzushi's hand and stood up, helping the other stood up with him as well. He turned towards the wanderer and carefully placed the Glaze Lily beside the hairpin.

"Is... that good?" Xiao asked as he looked at the wanderer, deeply admiring Kunikuzushi's beauty. Even though he didn't smile, it was visible through his golden eyes.

Kunikuzushi gave a small nod to the question after watching Xiao place the flower next to his hairpin.

"Thank you." The wanderer smiled brightly, taking Xiao's hands again before pulling him carefully through the fields, watching his step so that he wouldn't trample any flowers.

Kunikuzushi was quite happy to be back in the village, and it showed. The wanderer loved the atmosphere of the fields, the sights, everything about it spoke to him, as he never had the chance to be in a village like this before.

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