39 - Mind Trip

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The Plane itself was mostly made of gray sand with a large symbol drawn into it. In the distance and around the arena-like area there were countless of Torii gates made of stone, the sky was a deep, dark red... and in the horizon you could see what reminded of an eclipse.

There was a slight howl of wind in the realm, throwing the gray sand around but it never messed up the drawn symbol on the ground.

Xiao shook his head, trying to understand what had just happened. He was sure that he hadn't used his powers to teleport somewhere, no... Why was he suddenly here?

The wanderer took deep breaths before he looked up at Xiao with worry on his face, the Electro infused sword in his right hand.

"Feeling alright?" Kunikuzushi's voice slightly echoed in the Plane of Euthymia, as... it was a realm inside his own consciousness.

The Adeptus heard Kunikuzushi's voice and turned towards him.

"Huh... What happened?" Xiao asked out of confusion.

He was just fighting those Hydro Mimics, how did he end up here? Did he die???

Xiao held his free hand on his forehead while the other held onto the spear, trying to understand the situation which seemed to be impossible.

Kunikuzushi let himself calm down, sticking the Musou no Hitotachi into the sand before he walked up to Xiao with a slightly apologetic smile.

"That ball of Hydro was about to explode." He sighed softly, looking around the realm.

"This is my Plane of Euthymia, a realm in my consciousness. It goes hand in hand with the Divine Judgement." Kunikuzushi crossed his hands over his chest, turning his eyes back onto Xiao.

"You've seen the eye-shaped tear when I perform the art, yes? That is a sign that the person or thing I am fighting gets teleported here. Time in this realm and the... er, 'real realm' is vastly different. Five seconds in the real realm is twenty-five minutes in here. Any and all bruises, physical changes or anything applied onto you now will transfer into the real realm as well... I hope that makes some sense." He looked down slightly, hoping that Xiao wouldn't be too confused.

Xiao put his hand under his chin, thinking it through before raising his head and turning his eyes back towards Kunikuzushi.

"I think I know what you mean." He answered with a nod.

He then turned to look around more, observing the place.

"...So, you took me here so you could prevent me from getting hurt by the floating water ball that was about to explode?" He asked, turning his gaze back to the wanderer.

Kunikuzushi nodded at the other's question, his face slightly turning red. "Yes, v-very much so."

He felt Xiao's gaze linger on him, slightly coughing before speaking up again.

"You will be the first person to enter my Plane of Euthymia and make it out alive." He mentioned, trying to calm down the blood rush on his face with no avail.

Xiao nodded as he put his free hand on his hip.

"What do you usually do here?" He asked. Maybe this place was somehow similar to teapots.

Xiao knew that the Adepti could also have their own 'realms', but he had never seen one like this before.

Once Xiao asked what the wanderer usually did in the realm, Kunikuzushi thought on it slightly before he replied.

"Usually, to think. It is quite calm in here, and I can change how it looks with little effort, but it will always revert back to... this." Kunikuzushi slightly motioned towards the surroundings, placing his hands on his hips before he continued.

Twisted Fate Of The Broken Ones | Scaramouche/XiaoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz