7 - It's You

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Before he could even think about it, the morning sun had already risen.

The wanderer woke up slowly to the rays of sunshine filling up the room with bright light.

He groaned slightly, trying to sit up in the bed, but it ended up with him yelping slightly in pain.

He opened his eyes slowly, panicking for a second before he remembered what had happened.

Kunikuzushi looked down at his patched-up shoulder and with a small breath, he allowed himself to lie back down.

He lifted up his unhurt arm over his eyes, trying to block out the brightness that filled the room.

After a few minutes of just lying down, Kunikuzushi pulled himself up from the bed with a small wince.

He walked to the window and looked outside, pushing a few strands of hair out of his eyes as he studied the view.

"I wonder what awaits me today..." Kunikuzushi talked to himself, leaning against the windowsill as he thought, letting his eyes rest on the view.

After a while, curiosity got the best of the wanderer.

He quietly stepped out of the room, glancing around the inn.

It was... quite quiet in there, which he did prefer.

He closed the room's door behind him, making a mental note on where it was, before he walked to what looked to be the main entrance.

There he was greeted by the innkeeper who had treated his wounds.

She gave the wanderer some painkillers for the healing wound and directed him to the kitchen where he was given something to eat.

Since he was not a local of Liyue, he didn't handle spicy things too well so instead he got some Rice Buns.

They didn't have Dango which saddened the Inazuman, but the Rice Buns were quite good as well.

Much like the rest of his family, he preferred sweet foods and snacks.

Soon Kunikuzushi left the kitchen, waving the chef a goodbye before he noticed the stairs leading upstairs.

Due to his massive curiosity, he couldn't help but walk up those steps.

The inn itself was quite cozy. Also had a great view of the outside world, which made it even better.

He reached the balcony at the top.

He did feel like he shouldn't be there, but the interest always got the best of him.

The wind was just the right amount, though he did have to push a few strands of hair out of his eyes.

The view from up there was gorgeous, especially once he walked to the railing that wrapped around the balcony, leaning his arms on it while he ate the last Rice Bun he was given down at the kitchen.

The hosts were way too kind towards someone like him, just a traveler from a faraway land. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Hmm, it's you." A familiar voice said as it decided to inform its presence to the wanderer.

At first Kunikuzushi got slightly spooked from the sudden sound of someone speaking, for he wasn't really aware that someone would actually be up on the balcony.

Though, he did recognize the voice as he turned around to face where he had heard it from... and looks like he was right.

Xiao sat on the edge of a small rooftop above the balcony's entrance and looked at the wanderer with indifferent eyes. Though, with a slight curiosity as well.

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