12 - The Crux

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Kunikuzushi walked to the harbor with Kazuha who had now finished eating his Grilled Tiger Fish.

There was a huge flagship waiting for them at the harbor. Its flags were red and high.

Kunikuzushi had never seen such a huge ship in his life.

Kazuha seemed to know what he was doing and before Kunikuzushi could even realize, the other Inazuman reached out his hand to help the wanderer step onto the ship.

"Welcome to the Alcor. The Crux Fleet will be delighted to meet you!" Kazuha spoke with a happy smile as he pulled the wanderer onto the ship.

Kunikuzushi had never been on such a huge ship before, it was truly an exciting experience.

He looked at the tall pillars that held the sails, feeling fascinated.

He wondered what the view would be from the ship's highest spot.

Kazuha informed his crewmates about the other Inazuman and soon took him to see the captain with a warm smile.

"Captain Beidou, do you have any extra room for a friend of mine? I would like to share a drink with him for the evening." The other Inazuman wanderer asked the captain as he walked to her with Kunikuzushi beside him.

The captain turned to face the two and after a small moment of examination, a confident grin formed on her face as she rested her hands on her hips. "Why, of course! A friend of Kazuha's is a friend of mine!"

The captain held out her hand and greeted the wanderer with enthusiasm.

"Name's Captain Beidou. Welcome aboard, traveler!" She introduced herself as she shook hands with Kunikuzushi.

"I'm Kunikuzushi, thank you for this opportunity." Kunikuzushi introduced himself to the captain, giving her a nod as they shook hands. "I think I've heard about you before, Captain Beidou. Aren't you and your crew famous for those daring adventures and rich bounties?"

Beidou laughed proudly.

"That is correct! Not only that, but we have also slain a formidable sea monster from the depths of the ocean abyss: Haishan." She mentioned, gesturing her strength with her arms as she looked at Kunikuzushi whose eyes were glimmering with curiosity and astonishment.

Kazuha chuckled as he looked at the two and soon turned his attention back towards the captain.

"Thank you, Captain Beidou. If there's anything you need help with, I will help you." He said, raising his hand to his chest with gratitude.

"I will help too!" Kunikuzushi joined in, not wanting to feel like a nuisance for not doing anything in return.

Beidou moved her gaze between the other two as she thought.

"Hmm... I'd say that if you two help us load the ship with those boxes, you'll definitely earn a drink for the evening." She suggested, pointing towards a bunch of boxes that were sitting at the wharf, ready to be taken onto the ship.

The two wanderers glanced towards each other and came to an agreement.

They would take this small job and help Beidou and her crew to load the ship.

"Alright, that's a deal." Kazuha answered as he turned his gaze back towards the captain, Kunikuzushi nodding in agreement beside him.

Beidou smirked confidently and gave the two an approving nod. "That's the spirit!"


It helped Beidou's crew a lot that they got a pair of extra hands for the loading.

Kunikuzushi had tied up his sleeves to make the work easier for him and Kazuha was helping his crewmates to carry the boxes onto the ship.

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