4 - The Golden House

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Liyue was different from Inazuma.

Even though the nation's ruler was an Archon as well, he was rather different from Raiden Ei.

He exactly wasn't a human, instead he was known as a mighty dragon, Morax, while the people of Liyue referred to him as Rex Lapis.

When Morax was with humans publicly, usually during the Rite of Descension, he would take his Exuvia form which was a long, mighty dragon.

When he was alone and out of the public eye, he would take a humanoid, half-dragon form, making it easier for his workers to approach the Archon.

But he didn't always wish to be the center of attention.

When he wanted to blend in with humans, he would also take a form of a human and go by the name Zhongli.

Then he would be treated like a normal human being, without anyone knowing his true identity.


Those piercing amber eyes, like made out of Cor Lapis, scanned across the large room of the Golden House, a dark brown tail wrapping itself around the figure who sat in the middle with its legs crossed.

It was the God of Contracts, Morax, in his half-dragon form.

He had previously ordered the servants of the Liyue Qixing to leave him be, for he needed to focus for a while.

Or that was what he said, it wasn't necessarily the truth.

What he did seek was a moment to let loose, but not the way that mortals saw the gods do through stories and songs.

Instead, he wished for something exciting to do, something that would get his adrenaline running.

His people often described him as calm, reserved and polite, but it was quite the opposite when he was out of the public eye.

Morax slightly grumbled to himself as he closed his eyes, the end of his tail slightly snapping back and forth in an irritated way. He was itching for action and could barely stay still.

However, it did good to practice patience every once in a while. Made it easier for him to speak with humans.

But this time... he lost his patience.

He rather quickly stood up and threw his spear towards the golden doors before him.

The sharp amber material easily pierced the door, thank Celestia it didn't cut through it.

Said door had been fixed quite the many times, all the golden cuts in it from his own spear.

People theorized they appeared when people challenged the god, but the truth was more dreadful.

Moments later, the golden doors were opened by a rather smaller and younger figure whose golden, cat-like eyes observed the god inside the room.

He moved his gaze towards the spear that had been thrown towards the door.

Impressive work for not letting it go through it.

He took a notice of that and assumed that this was a bad moment to interrupt the powerful god.

His eyes widened slightly, and he quickly but politely bowed, apologizing for the sudden interruption.

"My apologies, my Lord- I didn't mean to interrupt." He said, straightening himself back up.

He had a careful look, yet a hopeful one, on his face.

He respected the god's privacy and understood if his visit invitation was rejected.

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