18 - Yaksha's Curse

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There were sounds of slashing and screams.

A giant Rifthound mutation growled, its claws quickly trying to attack Xiao but before it could even scratch the Adeptus, there was a flash of purple Electro and the monster quickly backed away.

"FOCUS ALATUS!" The voice of Bosacius echoed inside Xiao's head.

The Adeptus was having a hard time focusing on the battle which was very unlike of him that even his own teammates had started to worry about him.

Xiao let out a 'tch' as he gritted his teeth, trying to catch his breathing since he was just about to get injured by the giant Rifthound mutation.

Bonanus soon put her hand on Xiao's shoulder as she appeared from behind him, giving him a sweet but worried glance over his shoulder.

"Are you alright? You haven't been focusing much recently..." She said, noticing Xiao's confused eyes.

Before Xiao could say anything, the monster screamed in pain and was slain by both Indarias and Menogias.

Menogias turned towards Xiao with an angry look on his face and approached the Anemo Yaksha.

"What on the Geo Archon's name do you think you're doing? We have formed a contract with Rex Lapis himself and you know that we must honor it! It's our duty!" The Geo Yaksha said with an angry tone.

"Alatus, what's with the sudden change in your eyes? Do you have something in mind?" Indarias asked with a worried tone.

It was noticeable that they had noticed Xiao's dreamy state.

"Hmph." Xiao replied and crossed his arms.

Menogias was about to snap but then Bosacius cleared his throat and stopped them all before anything worse could happen.

"Everyone, calm down. I'm sure Alatus has his reasons for acting so differently lately." Bosacius said, resting two of his four hands together as he looked at the other yakshas.

Bonanus nodded, agreeing with the Electro Yaksha.

Xiao let out an audible sigh as soon as he noticed that all of the other four yakshas were just staring down at him since he was also the shortest member of the Five Yakshas.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." He answered.

The other yakshas only gave Xiao a confused glare and then they all turned away from him, giving him some space.

As much as Xiao wanted to explain his thoughts, he couldn't because he wasn't fully sure what was wrong with him.

It all started when he had left that one specific wanderer in Liyue Harbor just a couple of days ago.

His mind had wandered back to those moments they had shared together, and it was now visible whenever he daydreamed about Kunikuzushi.

His yaksha friends had noticed it too and they all had grown suspicious about the Adeptus.

Xiao let out an audible sigh again and put his jade spear away.

"I have to go. You know where to find me if you need me." He said, referring to Wangshu Inn.

He then turned away from the others, soon disappearing into the dark mist.


Xiao soon appeared back on the balcony of Wangshu Inn, giving himself a moment before he covered his face with his hands and got down on his knees.

He was scared of what was happening to him and he had no idea how to handle it.

He had never had such feelings before, it made him feel pain in his heart.

Twisted Fate Of The Broken Ones | Scaramouche/XiaoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz