27 - Revealing True Feelings

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Xiao was looking towards the Wuwang Hill in the distance as his arms were crossed, standing next to the railing of the balcony.

He heard footsteps approaching him, so he turned around and saw Kunikuzushi who had come onto the balcony.

Once he had made sure that no one else was around, he got the confidence to open up.

"I assume you remember how I said in the letter that I was having a bothering feeling." He started, looking at Kunikuzushi. He had a slight worry in his eyes since he wasn't sure how to deal with it.

Kunikuzushi walked up to Xiao, soon standing next to him as he started talking.

He looked at the Adeptus with a small smile before nodding, beckoning him to continue.

The wanderer was happy that Xiao was able to open up to him, which made his eyes slightly soften as he thought on it.

For now, he let the Adeptus talk it out, curious as to what the other had meant by that 'bothering feeling'.

Xiao turned back towards the view, looking down slightly.

"I even sought help from my master... It's a fuzzy feeling inside of me." He started.

"When we were apart, I had this empty feeling... Like something was missing." He continued, glancing towards Kunikuzushi.

"But now when we're back together, that feeling is... gone." He explained, looking a little bit confused.

Kunikuzushi leaned against the railing of the balcony.

He chuckled lightly, a small soft pink on his cheeks. "Did you miss me, maybe?"

He picked up on Xiao's confusion. He figured that the Adepti didn't bother with such... humane things, so the wanderer didn't mind if he needed to explain some things.

Missing someone was a feeling Kunikuzushi was familiar with, maybe a bit too familiar for his liking. It was not a nice feeling, but later on you realize that it is because you care for something or someone.

Xiao's arms were crossed as he turned his face away from Kunikuzushi, looking forward. He was trying so hard to deny it, but it was the truth, he had indeed missed the wanderer.

"Hm... Maybe." He answered after a moment of hesitation.

After a moment of silence, the Adeptus spoke again.

"You know, there's something special about you." He started, turning his gaze back towards Kunikuzushi who was next to him.

"You have somehow managed to awake these feelings from deep inside me... And I always thought I was inhuman." Xiao continued and then muttered the last part of the sentence, turning his head back forward.

"Maybe we're... not so different." He thought aloud, a slight frown on his face.

Kunikuzushi listened to the other speak, smiling warmly as he listened to the Adeptus' troubles.

"I certainly believe that all beings have those feelings they aren't familiar with, but they are still there. It is, after all, only a matter of time until those bubble up to the surface." Kunikuzushi answered.

"But... if any of them trouble you, I am more than happy to help." The wanderer kept his indigo eyes on Xiao, kind and caring, no malice in his voice nor face. He did, after all, care about the Adeptus.

Xiao let out a hum in response.

He thought about it for a moment before turning his gaze back towards the wanderer.

"But... How would you be able to help me?" He asked, raising his eyebrow.

Xiao had no idea what could help him with these feelings since he had never experienced such thing.

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