10 - The Last Hour

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After an hour, they both had reached Wangshu Inn.

Xiao walked up the inn, making sure that the other followed him.

Once he reached the top, he went inside and searched for a worker.

"2 bowls of Almond Tofu." He ordered as soon as he saw a staff member of the inn.

It was a young lady who accepted the Adeptus' order and bowed slightly before going to inform the chef of the inn.

Xiao sat down at a wooden table and gestured Kunikuzushi to do the same while they waited.

Kunikuzushi followed the Adeptus, soon finding himself sitting once more in Wangshu Inn.

It was great to be back, the feel of the inn was nice after all.

The wanderer had basically forgotten about the flower behind his ear, now leaning back on the wooden chair with a smile.

He soon got a small question.

"Have you ever tried Dango? I am pretty sure it's only local to Inazuma, but..." He started, slightly rubbing his chin in thought.

Xiao turned his gaze towards Kunikuzushi with a slight "Hm?" as the other one asked the question.

He had no idea what Dango was.

The Adeptus shook his head in response.

"No, I haven't. What is it?" He asked, raising his eyebrow as he crossed his arms while looking at the wanderer in confusion.

He was pretty sure that it was something edible, judging by the way Kunikuzushi asked the question.

Xiao had never tried any Inazuman dishes during his lifetime and he was a little bit unsure when it came to human foods.

Kunikuzushi let out a surprised laugh, shaking his head lightly before he explained it.

"It's a tasty treat in Inazuma, most often eaten with green tea. It slightly resembles rice buns, but it is even more sweet! And it is often served on a skewer." He smiled as he spoke, clearly fond of the food.

"You should definitely try some when you get the chance! Oh- and don't eat one too many, you get quite nauseous if you eat too much of it. Trust me, I've experienced it..." He continued.

Xiao let out a simple "Hmph." as he turned his face away from the wanderer and not soon later, the young lady, who was the waiter, returned with 2 bowls of Almond Tofu.

"Here you go, sir." She said and gave both of the males their bowls.

Xiao gave a nod to the waiter as a thank you and turned his gaze towards the bowl of Almond Tofu in front of him.

After a moment of observing the food, Xiao turned to look at Kunikuzushi.

"I promise you, this dish doesn't include Jueyun Chili or any type of spice. Now, enjoy." He said and grabbed the chopsticks, taking the first bite of the Liyuean dish.

Almond Tofu had a long-lasting aroma of almond and it was also the only dish from the human realm that Xiao was able to stomach.

Kunikuzushi tilted his head slightly as he studied the food.

It was quite different compared to Inazuman food... but what made him squint his eyes at the Adeptus was his promise that it wasn't spicy.

"I will decapitate you with the Musou no Hitotachi if it's spicy."

Even with the lighthearted threat, Kunikuzushi chuckled lightly before picking up the chopsticks and tried out the Almond Tofu with slight wonder.

The 'tofu' itself was quite mild and the taste of almond was easy to pick up, but what gave the dish its soft sweetness was the syrup poured around the 'tofu'.

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