9 - Rocks and Flowers

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After a few good hours of walking, they had finally reached the Huaguang Stone Forest.

Kunikuzushi was absolutely beaming at the sight as per usual.

He held his uninjured arm up to block out the sunlight as he studied the stone forest, absolutely amazed by it all.

He soon turned to grab Xiao's hand once more, pulling him towards the sight while laughing happily.

"I've never seen anything like this before!" The wanderer said.

He was very giddy in a good way, almost bouncing up and down.

His indigo eyes were once again, absolutely filled with happiness, absolutely baffled that this actually existed, he just didn't know that it did.

It reminded him of the mountains in Inazuma a little bit, yet these looked even more dangerous than the ones they had back at home.

Xiao was dragged along with the wanderer once more and yet it still surprised the yaksha.

After a moment he quickly pulled his hand out of the wanderer's grasp and quickly grabbed the other's hand with a strong hold instead, looking at him with a frown.

"Be careful! Don't get too close to the edge. It's dangerous." He reminded Kunikuzushi as he looked towards the bottom, the cliff being only a few steps next of the wanderer.

Kunikuzushi let out a small and surprised "Eh?" as he was grabbed, looking back at Xiao with a small, apologetic smile.

The wanderer looked down as well, trying to calm himself down so he won't fall down the rather steep drop.

"Sorry- sorry, curiosity gets at me..." He apologized, looking off slightly out of slight embarrassment.

The wanderer soon turned his head back towards the bottom of the stone forest, interested to see what it had hidden.

He couldn't see the bottom of the large stone pillars due to the fog that accumulated at the bottom of the stone forest, which slightly unnerved him, but not too much.

After all, he had been to Tsurumi Island a couple of times.

Getting lost on that foggy island meant death, so he knew how to traverse through it with Electro if it came down to it.

Xiao walked towards some wooden suspension bridges and looked up towards the top of the stone pillars.

"Those Qingxin flowers usually grow on top of the stone pillars." He said, turning towards the wanderer.

"To save our time, I can get you a Qingxin flower by simply using my powers." He continued, explaining the situation.

He knew that those flowers usually grew on top of mountains and high areas, he would easily get one in a few seconds.

Kunikuzushi nodded and looked at the tops of the stone pillars with light wonder.

It felt strange, looking at something that seemed so man-made, yet it was natural.

His indigo eyes soon looked back at Xiao as he offered to get some of the Qingxin from the pillars, nodding in reply.

"Maybe it's best you do that, yeah... I don't trust my balance enough." He chuckled lightly, scratching his cheek lightly in thought. "Even if I did wish to see the sights from up top, it would be much safer."

Xiao looked up the top of the stone pillars once more and then turned his gaze back towards Kunikuzushi.

"Umm... I could take you with me but..." He mentioned with an unsure tone and looked down, putting his hand under his chin as he thought about it.

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