Start from the beginning

"Oi!" Sirius slapped Aurora's hand away before she could grab anymore.

"Come on, Black." She pouted. "I'm hungry." She stared into his eyes, pulling the most innocent face she could. What felt like minutes, Sirius finally succumbed to her. He nudged his plate between them, letting her have most of the chips.

"They make me wanna barf." James gagged, trying not to speak so loudly but the two had heard him.

Aurora threw a chip at him, and James' face scrunched up upon impact. Her smile widened, although it was very short lived, as over James' shoulder, she noticed the one person she did not want to see.

Letting out a small squeal, Aurora slid off the booth and hid underneath the table. On her way down, she elbowed Sirius' groin by accident. The wizard groaned in pain as he held onto the delicate area.

The group at the table laughed at Sirius' pain and Aurora's quick actions. Only then they quietened down as they found the cause for her hiding.

"Is King with you all?" Regulus Black asked.

"Why are you looking for Aurora?" Sirius questioned back, a deep frown forming on his grimacing face.

"I need to talk to her. Do you know where she is?" Regulus crossed his arms over his chest, annoyed.

"No and it's none of your business. Stay away from her." Sirius snapped.

"You don't tell me what to do."

"Piss off, Reggie."

The table went silent as the young Black walked away from them. When the coast was clear, Peter stuck his head under the table, "He's gone."

Aurora climbed back into her seat, relief flooding through her. She had dodged the bullet once again.

"Why is Regulus dead set on talking to you? That's twice in one day." Lily leaned forward, her elbows resting on the table as she spoke to the witch.

"Twice, when was the first?" Sirius nearly jumped out of his seat.

"He asked her in the courtyard before we left."

"Why am I only just finding this out now?"

"It's not a big deal—" Aurora started, only Sirius cut her off.

"Not a big deal? Rory, he's a little dick. Picking on muggleborns and first years, all the time. I'm pretty sure he's one of his followers. You need to be careful."

The last time she had seen him this angry was the first time she had met him; in the Shrieking Shack before everything went wrong.

"Sirius, he's harmless—"

"Have you lost it, Rory? He'd fucking hex the daylights out of you the first chance he got if he knew you were a werewolf." Sirius fumed.

"Sirius!" Remus harshly snapped.

Only then did Sirius realise what he had said. Lily and Marlene looked over at Aurora with apologetic looks. Aurora could no longer look Sirius in the eyes, they were clouding up with the tears that threatened to fall.

"Rory, I'm so—"

"No, it's alright. I don't think you were quite loud enough. Just stand on the table and scream it, won't you? Better yet, I'll do it for you." She stood up and was about to climb onto the table before Sirius grabbed her around the waist. "Don't fucking touch me."

At her words, he immediately let go. Aurora took her chance and rushed out of the pub. Not even the fresh air was enough to calm her down. She spun on her foot and apparated away with a crack.

Kismet ⤖ Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now