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AFTER A LOT OF ARGUING, THEY HAD COME to a decision of what to do. It was mostly on Olivia's part. She wasn't going to take no for an answer about changing the past. And Dumbledore didn't want to hear anything about the future. Not until he had spoken to the rest of the Order of the Phoenix.

Only then, would they come up with a unanimous vote on what to do. If it all went well, Olivia would tell them everything she knew and they would come up with a plan to put a stop to Voldemort.

If it didn't go well, she'd bloody do it herself. She didn't need Dumbledore. She would take down Voldemort by herself.

In the meantime, whilst she waited for the outcome from the order, Olivia was to be a student at Hogwarts in her seventh year. McGonagall nearly had a fit, hearing that Olivia never got to complete her NEWTS considering she was too busy fighting a war.

Whereas, Dolohov was taken into captivity. He was to be locked away twenty-four seven where he couldn't run to find his past self and warn them all. If he did, then chaos would ensue.

Considering, Olivia was Sebastian King's daughter, a seventh-year student, Dumbledore decided that it was best that they changed her last name and came up with a backstory.

Olivia King was now Olivia McGonagall, niece of Minerva. She was home-schooled as her parents were very private people. She never got see her aunt until now, as McGonagall was in Scotland and Olivia was in Kent. However, they were attacked by death eaters, which finally persuaded her parents to allow her to go to Hogwarts.

Olivia was free to roam the castle until term started. She had arrived late august, which only left a few days until the start. It felt good, being home. Hogwarts was always her home. She had the Gryffindor common room all to herself.

And when September 1st rolled around, Olivia was sat on the Gryffindor table alone, waiting for the rest of the students to join. The professors were all seated on the head table.

Only Dumbledore, McGonagall and Pomfrey knew who she truly was. All the other professors believed her to be McGonagall's niece.

The doors opened and students flooded inside the hall, curious glances were sent Olivia's way but she did her best to ignore them, keeping her head down.

She was sat near the middle of the table, not wanting to be at the back but not wanting to be too close to the professors.

Her leg was bouncing under the table, her nerves couldn't be contained. There were too many people she was excited to meet, all of whom she was going to be in the same year as. Her father, her mother, Remus and the rest of the Marauders.

She took a deep breath, to steady her nerves, but she was hit with a familiar scent. The scent of another werewolf. Being a werewolf, her senses were slightly heightened compared to everyone else around her, making it easy to recognise another wolf.

Her eyes found his, just as his found hers. Remus Lupin. His eyes widened and she sent him a gentle smile, saying that she wasn't a threat.

This time around, she didn't tell the professors she was a werewolf. They didn't need to know; she could deal with it herself.

Olivia looked up to see a group of girls sitting around her. The girl with red hair to her left was the first to speak. "Hey, are you new? We've never seen you around before."

"Yeah, I'm Olivia." She smiled.

"Oh, cool! I'm Lily, and these are my friends Dorcas, Mary, Alice and Marlene." Each of them gave a little wave as their name was called.

Olivia couldn't contain her excitement as Marlene sat opposite her. She was finally able to meet her mum. She never imagined she was going to be able to. She didn't know anything about her, except her name and how she had died with the rest of her family at death eater's hands. She only had one picture of Marlene and that was of her parents holding a new-born Olivia.

No-one knew who her mum was apart from herself, and her father. Not even Dumbledore knew.

It was hard to restrain herself from jumping across the table and hugging her as tightly as she could. She had so many questions she wanted to ask, and now, she would have the opportunity.

The girls tried to get in as many questions as they could before the sorting ceremony began. They cheered each time a new Gryffindor was announced.

Dumbledore stood up as soon as it was finished. "Welcome first years! Welcome back returning students. We also welcome a new seventh-year student, Olivia McGonagall in Gryffindor. And yes, before you all ask, she is professor McGonagall's niece."

A big cheer erupted from the Gryffindor table and she couldn't help but grin widely.

"But alas, tuck in!"

Mountains of food appeared on the tables and Olivia couldn't help herself but pile as much food as she could onto her plate. She hadn't eaten so much good food in a long time. She was basically salivating.

Mashed potato, gravy, sausages, beef, roast potatoes, chicken, carrots, broccoli, Yorkshire pudding. Anything within reach was on her plate.

"She eats more than you, Marls!" Dorcas pointed out Olivia's plate to the group, who all laughed.

"Finally, someone who appreciates food." Marlene retorted.

Maybe she got her eating habits from her mum. Olivia smiled at the thought.

"What's it like with McGonagall as your aunt?" Mary asked.

"Dunno, really. Haven't seen her in years until the other day." She said after she swallowed her mouthful.

"What? Why?"

All eyes turned to Olivia; she was nonchalantly speaking as if it wasn't a big deal, but it was to the girls.

"Uh, my parents were very private people, even from family, and we never really travelled much. Aunt Minnie was always in Scotland and we were in Kent. They wanted to home school me, you know, with everything going on."

Play the war card. They'd easily believe it. And they did.

Everyone looked back down at their plates, glumly. It was getting worse. You-Know-Who's side was winning.

Olivia was lucky that they didn't ask what suddenly changed her parents' minds. They could all guess, it was evident on her scars.

But they didn't know what the scars actually came from. The most visible scars were across her hands along with one scar running down her left cheek and onto her neck. Luckily, the biggest scars were hidden underneath her clothes. Long and wickedly white scarring her body forever. Although, two words were scarred red on her forearm. If she rolled up the sleeves of her robe and cardigan, it could be seen.

Dinner was soon swapped with pudding, where she ate even more. They chatted about their summers, which weren't all very exciting. Too many deaths had happened.

And once pudding disappeared, Dumbledore had stood back up the podium.

"Now that our bellies have been filled, just a few start of term announcements. I'd like to welcome our newest Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, Oscar Viotto."

"Oooh, he's hot." Dorcas whispered and the girls quietly laughed. She was right, the professor was young and on the extremely good-looking side.

"As always, the Forbidden forest is out of bounds to all students. Mr Filch has kindly asked me to remind you that more items have been added to the banned list. If you wish to see this list, it is attached to the door on his office. But please give yourself time to read it, as it is quite long." Dumbledore's eyes steered to the Gryffindor table. Specifically, to the Marauders who were a couple people down from Olivia. "With dark days looming over our shoulders, enjoy your three-day weekend, before lessons commence on Monday. Pip pip."

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