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· · ─────── ϟ ─────── · ·

MARLENE MCKINNON COULDN'T STOP TALKING TO Olivia about her ever-growing crush on Sebastian. Ever since their first encounter, that Olivia had purposely caused, they were getting closer to each other. And Olivia was the only one she could tell.

Marlene was worried about what everyone would say if they knew. But she saw Sebastian for who he was. From seeing the joy on her face, Olivia wasn't about to tell her to shut up anytime soon, even if it did repulse her sometimes hearing about her parents love lives.

Olivia sat in the quidditch stands, wedged in between Sirius and Remus, as they watched the Gryffindor team practice. Lily was on the other side of Remus, animatedly talking to Alice as Peter sat beside Sirius.

Their only friends actually in the team, were James, the Captain and a chaser, and Marlene, a beater.

She couldn't help but notice the longing on Sirius' face as he watched them play.

Olivia nudged his shoulder, drawing his attention to her. "Why aren't you on the team?"

Sirius' shoulders slouched. "Uh, I'm banned."

"What the fuck did you do to get banned from quidditch?"

His eyes flickered between hers and Remus'. It didn't take long for Olivia to catch on. She'd heard all about Sirius' prank on Snape from Remus one night when he took her in.

"An awful thing." Sirius sighed.

They all went silent for a while, just watching the training session. James wouldn't stop yelling out tips and strategies to his fellow teammates.

No wonder Harry was a natural flyer, he got it all from James. Olivia smiled at how similar they looked.

"As riveting as Quidditch can be, I am getting bored." Olivia stated.

"And what would you propose we do?" Remus asked.

A knowing look appeared on her face as she looked at them both. "I may have an idea."

And she did have an idea. She had taken them up to the Divination tower. Even Peter, which frustrated her, but she didn't voice her opinions. Although, Remus may have caught her glaring at him.

"Now what?" Peter asked looking around sceptically.

In fact, all of them were looking at her sceptically. Why would they be at the top of the divination tower.

This was something she had done with Fred and George before. Got them straight into a detention with Umbridge but it was definitely worth it.

"Accio burlaps." Olivia whispered holding her wand in front of her. When she had finished the spell, tied her hair into a ponytail and stuck her wand through her hair.

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