04 | when true love disappears.

Start from the beginning

" sooyoung ! " yeri yelled, as sooyoung pulled her into a hug. " i need to do something. where do they buy expensive suits ? " she asked, as her friend thought for a second. " i need to convince him that i am better than the other girls he's seen. "

" i need to talk to someone. " sooyoung sighed, " but i'll find the store. i promise you, i will never stop searching until i will find it. " she said, as yeri smiled towards her friend.

" oh, sooyoung, you're the greatest friend i could've ever asked for. " yeri said, " i'm glad i met you. you were apart of my rise in society and in people's eyes. " she said, as a tear dropped from sooyoung's eye.

sooyoung was the youngest daughter of a prosecutor. but what dragged her down was the fact that she wasn't really the prosecutor's daughter. her mother had an affair, which lead to her being born after her older sister.

growing up, she accepted that she was never as great as her sister, seulgi. seulgi was famous for her backround, but she made a name for herself in the television industry. however, sooyoung was never in the spotlight, until she met her soulmate six years ago.

jeong jaehyun was an heir to a pharmacy branch. sooyoung met him randomly, when they were both in the same cafe. jaehyun was loved by all media, and sooyoung couldn't help but fall for him. they were the perfect couple, until they broke up after four years of being together.

they fell out of love, but truth was, sooyoung dreamnt of being married, while jaehyun wanted to wait until he was older. at some point, they couldn't agree with eachother on anything, which lead to sooyoung breaking up with him.

it took a long time for her to heal, and after that, she decided to live away from the red carpet, from the glamorous life that she wanted to have when she was young. that's when she met yeri, who was climbing up in the social scene. she agreed to manage her, but, they grew to become good friends.

" i heard another message. " sooyoung said, as yeri took her phone. " is it sicheng ? did he text you ? " sooyoung asked, as yeri nodded. sooyoung smiled at her friend, before yeri showed her the message.

" i'm sending you a lot of messages, but i just wanted to know if you have any other schedueles at the end of the month ? do you have time for a wedding ? " sicheng texted, as yeri quickly replied. " great ! let's meet today. i'm going with kun at around 6, i will be on the avenue that leads to .. "

yeri didn't finish the message, before she began jumping around. sooyoung jumped with her, as yeri ran to her drawers, taking out and preparing an outift.

" what should i wear ? " yeri asked, as sooyoung looked at her fur jackets, at her dresses, shoes and jewelry. " do you want to pick it out for me ? "

" yes ! " sooyoung smiled, as she walked up to her dresses. she took out a short, black dress, as she walked to the shoes. she gave yeri a pair of boots, as yeri widened her eyes. " i think it's cold outside, so we will do a fur jacket. "

" this is great ! " yeri clapped, " can i pick your outfit ? " yeri asked, " we need to look good, the both of us. i can't be the only one that stands out. "

" i .. actually have something to do, somewhere i need to go. "

sicheng looked at the suits that were displayed all over the store. kun abandoned him, because he had to join a family dinner, so, sicheng was all alone.

sicheng was searching for the perfect suit, until the door opened. yeri walked in, as sicheng turned to her. what was she wearing ? he scoffed, hoping that she didn't hear him.

" sicheng ! " yeri walked up to him, as sicheng smiled at her. she had to steal the spotlight. " i thought you forgot about our meeting. " he let out a laugh, as yeri shaked her head.

" how could i forget ? " yeri asked, as she wrapped her arm around his. why did he call it a meeting ? it's clearly a date. " so, a wedding .. is there a theme for it ? "

" oh, you want to help me pick out a suit ? " sicheng asked, " i wanted to ask you about the scheduele, since, you see .. " he looked at her, seeing her smile. he had a dog who needed to be looked after. " i need a wedding partner. "

" oh, i'll gladly come with you. " yeri said, as she looked at the suits. she walked up to a turquoise blazer, as she pointed it to sicheng. " this one. " she told sicheng, who closer to her.

" it is beautiful. " sicheng looked at it, " but i don't really want to wear turquoise pants. " he sighed, as yeri turned to him, confused.

" you won't wear turquoise pants. you'll wear black pants. " yeri said, " you don't have to match your pants with your blazer. that only looks good for certain colors. " she said, as sicheng nodded.

she must know what she's talking about. sicheng nodded, as an employee approached them. she bowed towards them, as sicheng showed her what he wanted to buy. yeri looked at her, as she smiled at sicheng.

she widened her eyes. why was she smiling at him ? yeri scoffed, as the woman looked up. she ran to the cash register, as sicheng turned to yeri.

" what dress do you have in your mind ? " sicheng asked, " do you want to match colors for the wedding ? " he asked her again, as yeri nodded. " i know that couples do that, but .. "

" we can match ! " yeri smiled, as the woman returned, holding a bag for sicheng. he took it, as the two walked out of the store, looking around. " do you have to go anywhere else ? "

" i'm a little hungry. " sicheng said, " and i really want to eat some fried chicken. do you want to join me ? " he asked, as yeri thought for a second.

fried chicken ? he wants to ask me out on a fried chicken date ? she let out a laugh, before she nodded. sicheng smiled, as he got in his car. yeri followed him, as they drove off.

" have you heard the news ? " sicheng asked, looking at yeri. she raised her eyebrows, before shaking her head. " ah, i thought you knew, since park sooyoung is you friend. "

" what do you mean ? " yeri asked, " what does sooyoung have to do with the news ?! " she suddently realized what sicheng could've been talking about. " please don't tell me jaehyun came back from london. "

" he did. " sicheng said, " from what i've heard, your friend went to see him at the airport. she didn't tell you ? " he asked, as yeri became concerned for her friend.

sooyoung can't fall for him.

" sooyoung ! " jaehyun said, as sooyoung waved towards him. he dragged his luggage through the aiport, before he finally made it to her. " we haven't seen eachother in such a long time. "

" yes, we haven't. " sooyoung said, as she let out a small sigh, " how have you been ? how was london ? sorry, i just have so many questions for you. " she let out a laugh.

" it was great. " jaehyun smiled, " it was a good time, i got to learn a lot of things about myself. " he cleared his throat, " but i've heard that you started managing yeri. how has that been ? "

" very fun ! " sooyoung said, " i am also friends with her. i like spending my time with her, she's a great person. " she watched as jaehyun gave her a bright smile.

" i'm glad you feel like that. " jaehyun said, as someone's voice was heard. " that has to be your friend. " he pointed to yeri, who was running to sooyoung.

" sooyoung ! " yeri yelled, " we need to go now ! " she grabbed sooyoung by her wrist, as they ran out of the airport. sooyoung was confused by what yeri was doing, which made her yank off yeri's hand.

" what are you doing ?! " sooyoung asked, as yeri took a deep breath. " where is sicheng ?! did you leave him ?! what about the wedding ?! " she began shaking yeri.

" i'm his wedding partner ! " yeri yelled, " but this isn't about me now. this is about you ! " she lowered her voice, " sooyoung, he'll make fun of you again. he's going to date you for another five years and tell you that he won't marry you. "

" you're right, i should move on. "

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