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Chu Shuang saw the little girl's serious appearance, and couldn't help but think of the girl's identity, the merman, the merman grew up at the bottom of the sea, could it be that Ah Tong awakened to the exploration of the ocean?

"Anyway, let's look confused, let's go west." Chu Shuang said to Bai Zong.

"Okay meow!" Mr. Bai nodded, holding the lever and began to adjust the direction.

The submarine sank little by little, the light became dim, and from time to time there were schools of fish swimming in front of the glass window, Chu Shuang was often frightened when he turned around, but Ah Tong Ah Yan kept standing at the window and did not speak.

The light was so dim that the dive boat turned on its lights, and suddenly there was a huge splash of water in front of it, and something seemed to be gurgling and bubbling underground.

"It can't be weird, right?" Chu Shuang hurriedly dimmed the lights and scanned the surrounding environment while letting the dive ship sink slowly.

Eventually, the boat landed on a rock, and the bottom of the ocean floor could be seen through the glass window.

Chu Shuang stepped forward to take a look, and the dense volcanic debris was spread on the bottom of the sea, faintly glowing red, and bubbles were constantly emerging.

"Is this the bubble you were talking about?" Mr. Bai asked.

Chu Shuang shook her head, the bubbles coming out of the volcanic stone shattered at the touch of a touch, of course it wasn't what she was looking for, but...

She looked up, and countless schools of fish hovered over the volcanic rocks, and every time they touched the bubbles of the volcano, they became extremely excited, and their bodies became more radiant.

"This volcanic stone has a miraculous effect, it can make the fish grow quickly!" Chu Shuang said in surprise.

Mr. Bai poked out his little brain, stared at the fish for a while, and meowed: "Really!

But it looked at the dive boat in distress: "

But we can't get off the boat."

"It doesn't matter if you can't do it now, you can always find a way to salvage." Chu Shuang said: "You put down the seat mark." After saying that

, she leaned on the glass window and looked at the volcanic rubble, although the restaurant has a lot of weird meat on the shelves and earns a lot every day, more people want to eat normal seafood.

So she needs to build her own offshore farm, but the time for seafood farming is limited, and there is no continuous supply of energy.

"We've got to find a way to fish for these volcanic rocks." Chu Shuang said to herself: "I can't find the bubbles for the time being, but these volcanic stones are good things."

Her eyes were fixed on the volcanic rocks, and she didn't notice a few figures flashing past the dive boat.

Then there was a clicking sound overhead, as if someone was banging the hull of the diving boat, Chu Shuang was shocked, but Ah Tong put his hand on the wall of the boat and said lightly: "It's me." The

sound stopped instantly.

"What's wrong with you?" Chu Shuang stepped forward to ask, the little girl turned her head, and she was surprised to find that Ah Tong's eyes were shining with a brilliant blue light.

"I remember, I'm a merman, and this is our home." Ah Tong said softly.


Chu Shuang cautiously walked out of the diving boat, the sea water instantly soaked her clothes, and the feeling of suffocation hit her, she chewed the beads in her mouth, swallowed it, and found that she could breathe freely in the sea.

✓ The daily farming of the last days of the medical fairyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora