It didn't take me long to have an answer turns out my lookout was also asleep, I felt something drop on top of me. "Get your ass on the yacht now!" he said angry, I huffed at him but covered myself up as I walked to the yacht. "I hope you are happy about your little stunt, I caught 2 men taking pictures, so that means we are going to hate this punishment. Kitten I told you for a fucking reason! You will lay here until I say and I don't give a fuck about your safe words in this matter. I said that to protect you and now I need to make sure photos of you aren't going viral on the internet. Lay down" he said, I didn't even hesitate as I lay in the small space under the floor boards. I knew I was going to hate this like I always did but he was serious and I had no idea people would take pictures. I just hoped he didn't leave me here for a long time, I noticed this time he placed a bucket under me and I only assumed he meant for me to pee in it, like seriously how long was he going to leave me here. I started to cry as he cuffed my wrists and ankles and I was stuck, he also put a gag into my mouth. "You brought this on yourself" he said and he closed me in. It was dark and I could only hear myself crying, damn it why did I even do this. I knew that it was a risk and I took it but I thought Morgan had my back, ugh my dumb idea blew up in my face once again. 

I wasn't sure how long I was in there but it felt like forever, and the claustrophobia was starting to kick in. I didn't even know I could cry so much, being dehydrated and all, my mouth was so dry. After what felt like forever the floorboards moved and he was standing over me, he took out my gag and gave me some water. I drank the entire bottle I was so thirsty, I hoped this punishment was over because I was done being trapped here. I also noticed he had food with him and he fed it to me. The worst part is this entire time he didn't even say a word, he was taking care of me but he was still upset. "Master" I said and he cut me off, "I did not give you permission to speak, you will eat and that is it understood" he said. I nodded as I continued chewing my food. I had a feeling it wasn't over yet and I was going to be locked in her longer, after I was done eating he left. He didn't close the floorboards though, and a few minutes later he was back and uncuffing me. I felt like this was a good thing, and he lifted me out of the hole, "Follow me kitten and no talking" he said. I felt like there was more to this punishment he still sounded angry. I was just thankful he was talking to me, despite how mad he was at me he was still taking care of me. We walked into a room of the yacht I had not yet seen weird, it was cold in here. "Lay on the table" he said and I did as he told it was colder than the room, and he tied me down. Of course he did why didn't that surprise me at all, once he was done tying me down he kneeled in front of me so I could see him. "I am going to hit you now, and honestly kitten this is going to hurt. Can you tell me why you are being punished?" he asked me, "I took my bikini off on the beach master" I said. "That's right and were you allowed to do that?" he asked me, "no master" I said. "Alright you will have your safe words again kitten and trust me you will need them" he said. 

This of course made me super nervous like how hard was he going to hit me? What was he going to use before I could see anything he blindfolded me. Now I had no idea what he was going to do, before I could even think about it he smacked me hard and it hurt so bad. I had no idea what it was. My guess was one of the canes I cried out, "Count" he said, "one master" I said with tears, I didn't even get a warning before the next one, "two master" I said. What the hell was he hitting me with it hurt so bad. I cried and managed to get to 5, "Five master RED!" I screamed and I felt something cool on my butt if felt nice. "Good girl, have a good sleep" he said as he kissed me and left the room. He had to be fucking kidding me he was leaving me in this cold room, on this cold table. He was kidding, he wasn't actually going to leave me here, I mean ugh sometimes I hated his punishments. I shivered it was freezing in here and I wondered if he did that on purpose, I waited for him to come back but of course I couldn't see as he had me blindfolded. I wasn't even sure if he left the room or if he was secretly watching me. Did I risk talking and begging him to forgive me or did I stay silent and wait for him to come get me. I just didn't know and I debated in my head for what felt like forever. I was so cold I couldn't take it anymore, I needed to get out of here, or I was going to freeze to death. Okay maybe not literally but still, "master please" I said and I was surprised he was still in the room, "had enough?" he said. 'Yes master I am so sorry please forgive me please" I said. "I am not sure kitten, do you deserve to be forgiven?" he said. "Yes master I love you and I am so so sorry" I said hoping it was enough, I needed it to be enough. 

Point of no Return Pleasing my master 2Where stories live. Discover now