"I think everybody was dancing last night. Rachel gave a performance last night too. She got on a mic and sung, that was good." Near to the interview, Lucy, Ellie, Kiera and Nikita were all sat on their phones. Kiera then gets up as soon as I start talking and walks away. "Kiera's walking off because she knows I'm about to drop her in it." I laugh. "The Walsh family last night was..." I smile and nod, Joelah and Josh knowing what I'm talking about.

"Yeah, I met mummy Walsh yesterday." Joelah tells us

"She's a groover."

"You and less also danced a bit last night too. Some slow dancing. Some upbeat dancing." Joelah points out

"Yeah. I must admit, I'm a bit of a groover too." I joke and we all laugh.

"So, how are you feeling this morning. The morning after a historic, a very historic, win?"

"I don't think it will ever sink in. It's just incredible, isn't it? I mean, throughout the tournament, we spoke about getting to the final, and the fact that we did, and won, is an incredible feeling. You look at the trophy and remember, but I don't think we'll ever realise exactly what we've done. I mean, I sure won't." I say

"There was an outpour of emotions last night. I mean, we've got some pictures, but talk me through what was going through your head during the final whistle?" Josh questions

"Yeah, well, me, less and Ella made a plan to just pass in a triangle for the rest of the game. I don't think the ball left our feet. As soon as the whistle blew, I just ran. I saw lessi and just ran to her." I explain

"We've already spoken about your goal, which I think we could talk about for a whole hour, but there was also another goal that you assisted. Ella's goal. Talk about that."

"Yeah, I just saw tooney in an open space and all I did was pass it to her. She made a perfect run and a perfect chip. At first, I thought it was gonna be offside, but luckily, it wasn't. I didn't even celebrate straight away because I didn't think it was real. It was just unbelievable." I state and feel a pair of arms wrapping around my waist.

"Hey, baby." Less kisses my cheek

"Hi, my love."

"Alessia, how are you feeling after yesterday?" Joelah asks and less is given a mic.

"I don't even know how to put it into words. I'm so proud of livvy and the whole team. We were all given an amazing opportunity in playing in this tournament and we wanted to make the nation proud, and we did that." Less explains and takes my hand in hers.

"Less!" We hear Ella shout lessi's name.

"I forgot about Tooney. I told her I was just coming to say hi. I'll see you on the coach, okay, baby?" Less kisses my cheek before running off to see Ella.

"Also, you're the captain, liv. Can you, it's quite a difficult question, I don't know if you can put it into words, but you've lead this team to such a historic win. Can you put that into words?" Joelah asks

"Yeah, I don't know. It's a, umm, I don't really think I did anything. Yes maybe I scored a couple of times, but I think the captaincy is everyone's. Everything that I've learnt about being captain, has come from them. Especially, Leah. I don't really know what to say, it's so hard to put into words." I stutter a couple of times, trying to think about what to say.

"What did the team say to you, about you being captain?"

"Not much, you know, not much. Sometimes, they umm, I don't know, I get a bit of banter, I don't get any respect. Especially from lessi, although she keeps reminding me that I'm captain, I think she just likes bragging that her wife is the captain." I joke

"Morning, hi." Sarina says as she gets mic'd up.

"Hello, Sarina! Good to see you! How are you?" Joelah exclaims

"I'm good." Sarina smiles

"Welcome to lionesses live. We're very honoured to have you." Joelah welcomes her

"It's nice to be here. We had a very nice journey, didn't we?" Sarina asks me

"We did."

"I've just asked liv this, but what are your thoughts when the final whistle went?" Josh asks her

"My first thought was we did it. It was incredible. Unbelievable." Sarina shares

"Let's take it back a little. Liv, of course, scored one hell of a goal, just nine minutes from full time. When she scored that goal, did you think, 'we've won this tournament?'"

"No." Sarina states

"Nine minutes from time. I mean, a lot can happen in nine minutes."

"Yeah, exactly. No I think anything could have happened in them nine minutes." Sarina states

We talk some more, and answer some more questions before me and Sarina decide it's time to get onto the coach.

Mary and Millie take our places and they start answering questions from Joelah and Josh.

Lessi then comes and sits next to me on the coach and I just start laughing at her.

"Why are you laughing?" Less asks me

"You. You look so hungover."I laugh

"That's really rude, baby." Less groans and rests her head on my shoulder. "I am though."

"Me too, baby. I'm not even gonna try and deny it. You still look so beautiful though." I say and laugh, less laughing too.

"You do too, my love. Gorgeous." She whispers against my lips and kisses me.

Everyone slowly makes their way onto the coaches and we finally set off to Trafalgar Square for the celebrations.

Loads of people had come to watch us leave our hotel, and they were all clapping as we did leave.

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