chapter sixteen

Începe de la început

"We are sleeping outside.." Yeosin says clearing his dought..

"We can't sleep outside, there is a storm coming.." Seokjin lets out but the others only gives him blank expressions.. "are you joking?!"

"Do we look like we are joking to you?" Minseok lets out..



Two hours sitting by the swimming pool, cold breeze hitting their uncovered faces and hands and they are shivering..

"Are we really going to sleep outside?"

"You have been asking that for the past two hours, and the answer is still the same... Yes we are sleeping outside Seokjin.." Yeosin says out of furstration and trying to warm herself..

"What does that man think of himself, who does he think he is.."

"He's our father.." a new voice cuts Seokjin words, looking in the direction to see Jungkook and the other siblings standing on the balcony and looking down on them..

"But you won't understand because you never had one.." Jungkook says, looking straight into Seokjin's eyes that soon fill with pain hearing Jungkook's words, which also makes the others down founded and speechless..

It has been weeks since the fight they had and Jungkook took it to heart and today just looked like the perfect day for his revenge..

"Jungkook, why will you say that?" Hoseok questions the boy who just shuggls his shoulder..

"It's just a joke.." he says as he rolls his eyes looking down at Seokjin.. "don't take it to heart ha.."

Seokjin closes his eyes taking in a deep breath before looking at Jungkook.. "of course, it's just a joke.." he says with a death glare..

Silence fills the space but Yeosin soon breakes it.. "guys.." she calls..

"What?" Taehyung asks with a lollipop in his mouth..

"Can you convince dad to let us in.."

"Hoseok tried even though we knew it won't work, but he managed too.." he says making the others excited..

"Until he saw the news.." Jungkook breaks the silence with a smirk on his face..

What is wrong with this kid today..

"You killed people.. so I hope you made yourselfs cossy because there is no way you are coming into the house.." he smiles making the others glare at him..

"I remember that time when Yeosin locked us outside after playing that prank on her..." Jimin finally speaks making Yeosin clunch her fist.. "it was so cold and freezing.."

"Hope you enjoy the weather down there.." Felix says as he waves at them before they all walk away..

"Sorry.." Hoseok says before walking away with his brothers..

"Remaind me to strangle every one of them tomorrow morning.." Yeosin says..

"And I will be right behind you.." Lindi says..

Jimin's room

"Why did you say that Jungkook?" Taehyung questions his brother..

"It was a joke.." Jungkook defends.. "can't you people take a joke?"

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