Feng Nian flicked his tail and spread his two paws slightly, allowing the kitten to crash directly into his arms.

  Xu Ning rubbed against Black Cat's body and asked, "Are you done?"

  "Not even close." Black Cat said.

  The last batch of cats and dogs that went hunting have not returned yet, and it will be a long time before they are finished.

  "I'm so tired tonight~" Kitten Lai slid down next to the black cat.

  Taking things out and putting things in the space consumed a lot of its energy, and after receiving water here for so long, the cat felt weak.

  Its body is relatively small to begin with, and it is already very sleepy after this night of commotion.

  It feels much more tired today than last night. Last night there was an earthquake chasing behind it, so it was in high spirits most of the time.

  Hearing this, the black cat scratched and pressed its claws on the kitten's body, going back and forth on the areas where the muscles were prone to soreness.

  This was the first time Xu Ning felt the cat's massage technique. A purr soon began to grow in her throat, and all the uncomfortable areas felt softened under the black cat's massage.

  The black cat felt some discomfort in his other front paw, so he lay down next to the kitten, massaging Xu Ning under his paw without stopping.

  It climbed down a bit sluggishly, and Xu Ning's eyes narrowed comfortably to capture this scene. She leaned close to one of its paws and stared at its paws carefully.

  The black flesh pad seemed to be a little swollen. Xu Ning carefully moved closer and touched its paw with his nose, and found that the black cat's paw shrank back reflexively.

  Now it was certain that the black cat's claws were really swollen.

  Xu Ning said at a loss: "Nian, why are your claws like this? What, what should I do?"

  If it were still a human, the cat's paws would be swollen and there would be many ways to deal with them, but now it can only helplessly ask this question.

  Xu Ning's mind went blank, and the eyes looking at the black cat were full of worry.

  The black cat came over and licked it, "Don't worry, it will be fine soon."

  Xu Ning opened his mouth, not believing what the black cat said, but it really had no other choice.

  The medicine in the space didn't seem to reduce the swelling. Xu Ning felt uncomfortable. He held the black cat's paw and carefully approached it. The pink tongue tip came out of his mouth and gently licked the black cat's paw.

  The barbs on the kitten's tongue are still very soft. When licking the black cat's rough flesh pad, it feels like licking a warm stone.

  Feng Nian felt a little itchy and bent his claws, but did not withdraw his feet.

  The kitten's licking made it feel very comfortable. The black cat also stopped massaging the kitten. Its green eyes narrowed in comfort. The black cat's tail flapped behind its back, making the dead leaves rustle. ring.

  Before the work was finished, the two cats rested for a while. The black cat helped Xu Ning fill the large basin specially set aside for water in its space, and took it downstream to deal with the prey.

  The cities on this side close to human life are all small animals.

  With the hunting abilities of cats and dogs, if they cooperate with each other, they can run rampant in this place.

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