02: Cats in the Villa Area

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  "This is our nest." Feng Nian said.

  Cats are solitary creatures, but extreme climate conditions break their habits.

  "You can go out and find another place to live in the summer, but you have to stay here the rest of the time. A cat can easily fall asleep and die from the cold outside."

  Xu Ning nodded in understanding, followed Feng Nian through the iron fence, and landed on the soft lawn.

  There were many cats playing on the lawn. When Feng Nian came in, they just glanced at it lazily. But when they saw Xu Ning, the group of soft kittens became interested and ran over one after another.

  "Is this the kitten?"

  "Why are there white patches on the melons on my gray head?"

  "Your eyes are so beautiful, like the sky."

  "How old are you? Have you been a month old?"

  "May I have your name?"


  The endless inquiries from the cats disappeared in Feng Nian's staring eyes.

Xu Ning shook her dizzy little head and answered some of the questions obediently, "My name is Xu Ning, and I'm only a few days away from being two months old. The fur is white, it's just dirty..."

  Feng Nian stopped Xiao Mao Zai, who was trying to explain everything to others, "Don't worry about those issues, just tell me your name."

  As he said that, he hooked Xu Ning with his thick big tail, and Feng Nian led him to avoid the group of idle cats and walk towards the villa.

  "You live with me, and we'll go over for dinner first."

  Xu Ning blinked his big aqua eyes and asked doubtfully: "Is there no other place?"

  Feng Nian said without any guilt: "In order to keep warm, everyone lives together."

  Xu Ning became even more confused. Its little head tilted, "But it's not cold now."

  Now the highest temperature during the day should be over 60 degrees, and even at night it is 28-9 degrees. If two kittens lie together, they will get heat rash, right?

  "The basement of this house is also a room after room. I mean, the two of us sleep in one room."

  Hearing what Feng Nian said, Xu Ning just thought that the two kittens were lying apart. He imagined in his mind the situation of two kittens living in the next room. He felt that each other's range of activities was quite large, so he nodded in agreement. .

  After achieving his goal, the tip of Feng Nian's tail tilted up uncontrollably.

  There is no door from the first floor of the villa to the basement. Going down the spacious stairs, you will see a spacious movie hall. There are four or five rooms around the movie hall. There are no doors, but the door frames are made into various shapes. Plant tricks.

  The owner of this building should consider using the basement as an entertainment lounge when renovating.

  The living room, which is used as a movie theater, has a small open space on the side. The sunlight shines through the skylight on the ground and just hits the messy small flowerbed.

  The shadow of a cat was moving around. Xu Ning looked up and met a fat orange.

  Feng Nian took Xu Ning towards the room facing the stairs.

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