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Yoongi and the others had been planning Jin's birthday party for weeks, and they wanted to make it as special and heartwarming as they could to mend the strained relationships, it was probably their last chance and they would make sure to succeed in it . He knew that this was the perfect opportunity to let Jin know just how much he was loved and appreciated, and to make amends for what they had lost.

On the morning of Jin's birthday, Yoongi had everything set up in the living room. The living room was decorated with balloons and streamers in Jin's favorite colors, and a long dining table was beautifully set for a grand feast. The aroma of Jin's favorite dishes filled the air, and there was a cake with a big "Happy Birthday, Hyung " written on it.

The room was also filled with small small apologise letter . They were everywhere in the room, the floor , the table the stairs each one handwritten by the six brothers.

They had somehow just like last year, baked the cake with a lot of effort this time without destroying Jin's kitchen .

As Jin entered the room, he was taken aback by the sight. He had no idea his brothers had planned such an elaborate celebration. His eyes welled up with tears as he realized how much effort and thought had gone into making this day special for him. The other brothers were gathered, each with a heartfelt smile on their faces, ready to celebrate together.

"Happy birthday, Hyung," Yoongi said with a warm smile, stepping forward to hug Jin tightly. "I wanted to make this day memorable for you, to remind you of how much we love and appreciate you. We can't even imagine living without you, Thank you for being in our lives"

He pulled back after kissing Jin's mole on his cheek. Jin cooed at him and spoke " Aww , I love you all too. Thank you so much for all this . It means a lot to me " Jin was so grateful and overwhelmed by whatever his brothers did that he couldn't even frame proper sentences and express it. Jungkook stepped in and spoke " Enough of your lovely dovey drama , get aside now you cat. Hyung has to cut the cake. "

With a very loud and chaotic Birthday song, they all cut the cake and then painted the cream on each other's face. Jin began to realize that perhaps his ego had caused him to miss out on so much fun and closeness with his brothers. He had needed that time for himself, but he also understood that his brothers had suffered because of his distance . Now, standing there at his heartfelt birthday party, Jin decided that it was time to let go of any lingering grudges and truly forgive and forget.

The rest of the day turned out to be an absolute blast. After the heartfelt party, the brothers whisked Jin away to their mother's countryside farmhouse *You all remember that * after which they drove off to the beach . Hoseok, with a mischievous glint in his eye, made sure not to pull his twin brother into the water . Jungkook and Taehyung, on the other hand, were bubbling with eagerness to apologize to their hyung. Their energy was so infectious that Yoongi and Kai had their hands full trying to keep the two hyperactive babies from dashing off . It was an endearing sight to see the brothers, each one radiating with love and affection, cherishing their time together on this special day.

When the sun was finally setting in , they all came out of the water and sat around JIn in a circle. Kai though a part of their family now, was considerate enough to stand aside and let the brothers have their much-needed reconciliation .

Yoongi was the first one to speak " Hyung, I know what we all did what I did was terrible, and terrible is a very small word for it. But please forgive us hyungiee... We can't bear it anymore... You can beat us , kick us , even throw us out of the house but but pl-please be like before hyung ... We miss our o-old hyungg . Not this who let us do anything " Yoongi sniffed , a little embarrassed . Jin got where Yoongi was going but to tease him a little bit he asked .

" Yoonie what do you mean ? I already forgave you all , what old hyung do you all mean huh?" Yoongi's ears were completely red, giving Jin a hard time controlling his laughter . Jungkook though equally shy spoke up " Hyung means he misses getting his ass red by you " And what was an emotional moment just a moment ago changed into a funny one . Yoongi gave a smack on Jungkook's head and spoke " Yahh you brat you could have spoken it nicely . "

Taking a deep, steadying breath, he continued. He could sense that his brothers were attempting to infuse some humor into the situation to make it easier for everyone. Yet, despite their lightheartedness, he couldn't shake the nervousness that had settled in his chest.

Yoongi sighed, shaking his head. "We do need you, hyung... We need your wisdom, your guidance, and your love. We've missed having our hyung there to keep us in line and protect us. We've missed your discipline and your scolding..."

Jin couldn't help but smile at the irony of the situation. "You missed being scolded? That's a first."

They all chuckled and Jungkook again chirped in " You know me and Taehyung hyungie especially acted out so that you would at least scold us " laughed out Jungkook , as he playfully swayed his ass in the air and they all fell onto the cold sand laughing hard . Jin couldn't help but playfully smack him once as Jungkook squealed in delight " Ohhhh myyyyyyyy godddd , my hyungieeee is backkkk .Yeahhhhh "Stretching each and every word.

This time it was Hosoek as he held JIn's hand and started speaking " So hyung , do you forgive your stupid brothers ? Will you give us a chance ?"

Jin changed his expressions to a serious one in an instant making all of their faces turn down to sadness . After a silence of whole 5 minutes he again fell onto the sand laughing hard as he spoke " Ohh myy , your faces... Of course I forgive you all of course ... H-ha ha ... Hyung is sorry too for taking so much time my babies ...

Yoongi in an instant cut him off and spoke " No hyung , it was just our fault . And I am glad you changed for the better . Don't love us all so much , we don't deserve it . "

" My babies deserve the whole world " Jin spoke as they all gave into a group hug which Kai joined too .

After a while, they pulled back and Namjoon asked " Hyung , by the way after you asked us to leave Minho hyung . What must have happened to him , do you have any idea ?"

Jin gave a short glance to Kai as both of them smirked and Kai spoke " We don't know baby ,but let's not think about him he is no more there in our lives right ?"

And that's how the Kim brothers lived their life happily, this time JIn had not just his brothers with him but also a partner with him on whom he could lean , in whose embrace he could feel protected and who had save him form everything in the world .

" I won't let you live in peace Kim Seokjin "

The End

How's it ? A big thanks to all of those who stayed with me throughout this book . I can't tell how much I love you all Thankyou so much . I hope you all liked the book and the ending. But now I have a small work from you all . You all will do it right ?

Nothing is prefect so I know there might be many flaws in here , but their must a few good things too. I want you all to tell me all of that, what you liked about the book what you didn't the places I can improve as a watty writer , Ha ha !

But do tell me your reviews about the book, expecting some good ones too . He he !

Love you all tone, hope to see some of you on my other book " Lone omega "


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