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When Jin had got the call from the warden of Jungkook's college he had just came out of a overnight 4 hours long surgery . Zero percent energy and 100 percent exhaustion .
The surgery had drained every bit of his energy but the single call vanished all his tiredness and fatigue and replaced it with worry and concern .

Knocking on the door of the warden's office he got to know that his brother was caught bullying students and didn't stop despite many warnings and punishments from the teachers .

Jin still had firm faith in his brother so he confirmed about it .

Jin : Sir are you sure jungkook was bullying someone and it is not just 1 side of the story ? We should check CCTV too once .

Warden : I am sure sir and we are well aware of what type of students come here. Jin definitely took offence at that but just huffing to himself kept quite . plus there is no need to check CCTV as the teacher themselves caught him everytime .

Jin didn't have much to say in his brother's defence . If he was caught every time then maybe he was doing something like this , but still his maybe wasn't 100 percent . He surely would talk to jungkook too about it .

Jin : I will surely talk to him and I apologise from his behalf Sir .

Unfortunately at the time Jungkook entered the office he only heard jin saying sorry and yet again misunderstood his hyung. 0nly if he could hear the whole convo .

Jin's eyes lit up with excitement seeing his brother properly after so long . Yeah he did manage to get a few glances of his baby every weekend. But now able to see him face to face this close was something euphoric for him and bought peace to his distressed heart .

Warden : Jungkook now that your guardian is here too would you like to say something about your actions? Because in the past week the only thing you have done is bullying and then not replying to the questions asked to you .

The warden was definitely way more meaner than this but knowing Jin had links which could get him fired he tried to control his ' sarcasm ' .

That didn't budge Jungkook much tho he just muttered " Sir whatever I did was in defence , if you want you can check the CCTV footage "

Warden : Then why did everytime the teacher only caught you ? It can't be a coincidence right ?

Jungkook : How would I know sir ? Maybe they saw me getting bullied but ignored it and only took action when I would beat them back .
He sounded so unbothered that Jin was shocked to core . His brother was nothing like that , he was a peace lover and avoided fights and violence as much as he could . Even if smtg like happened to him Jungkook was the one to either tell his hyungs or teachers and not take actions by himself .

Jin : Why didn't you tell me baby about it . He sounded concern and worried but to jungkook it appeard as overacting he straightaway ignored the question which was enough to hurt Jin and make him cry .

Jungkook : please just check the CCTV sir .

Indeed Jungkook was right , in the CCTV it was clearly visible that whatever jungkook did was in self defence after getting brutally beaten up . The sight wasn't desirable , Jin couldn't even see the whole clips as most of them were jungkook bleeding or his skin being of any other color than what it is supposed to be .

Jungkook : I will leave now sir . He bowed professionally still not paying heed to his eldest exhausted hyung . Had he paid the slightest attention he could have seen all the dark circles and exhaustion lingering on his face .

Jin : WAIT - I mean wait for me outside kookie I have to talk to you .

Jungkook : I'm sorry hyung but I have a really important class going on right now .
Lie it was his break .
The warden knew about it too , doesn't matter how mean he was . One thing he was super good at was reading people and he could easily sense the tension between the two brothers , especially from the youngest who was also a student in his permesis .

Warden : It's okay Mr Kim you can meet him after the classes , right jungkook?
The warden gave him a super scary glare as if on a cue saying him to agree with him and not make his hyung more worried .
Jungkook: yes sir of course .

And after bowing again he left . While soon Jin too followed the path outside and made a few Calls . Someone was definitely loosing their job today .

There was no waiting room for the parents as usually they would leave right after meeting their children and no one usually stayed . So Jin spent the whole day sitting on a bench under the tree , which wasn't doing much work to protect him from the dizzling sun though .
But he was so adamant to talk to his brother and take him back home now that he didn't even get up from the bench to even eat something , worried if Jungkook comes at that time and won't see anyone .
Even if this wouldn't have happened, Jin had planned to take him back by this weekend .
But all of that could only be possible if Jungkook would at least show up .

It was evening and Jungkook still didn't show up , jin had no energy left in him . The last meal he had was dinner and now it's again almost time for dinner . The fatigue , overwork , stress everything taking a troll over him and he could feel himself burning from fever .

When it was almost night and jungkook still didn't show up , even the warden started feeling bad who was seeing Jin since the morning from his window . He came out and told jin .

Warden : Mr Kim a boy just told me that Jungkook is stuck with some functions regarding the upcoming event . He won't be able to get free anytime soon and asked to say sorry to you from his side .

Jin weakly nodded at that and with stumbling legs and aching body left for his car .

The guilt was eating him up , even after appointing guards to look after jungkook if his baby still got bullied what was even the use of it . First he failed to instill proper morals in him and now he even failed to protect him .

While in the Kim mansion a person who had been connecting the points since a long time finally got a lead against his eldest hyung .
Enough to turn their life upside down .

Sorry for the late chapter but I was down with fever . And why so less votes on the last chapter? ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ

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