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Namjoon reached the river where he was asked to come and finally seeing his hyungs there to help him find his brother made him pour tears of happiness . The pain of the past days, the anguish of uncertainty, all dissolved in that singular moment of overwhelming relief and determination.

"I missed you hyung " In happiness and excitement, he forgot about the presence of another human over there and hugged Kai as tight as he could . All the years of desperation and yearning were poured out by that hug and no words needed to be exchanged for that . Kai was quick to understand the younger's emotions and barely wasted a second to return the hug with the same intensity . "I missed you too Joonie " Spoke Kai .

Namjoon finally coming out of the euphoric feeling of meeting Kai shifted his eyes from Kai, his smile still lingering, when they landed on something that made his heart drop. Stood a figure with a small smile on his face . He shouldn't, couldn't, be there.

It was yet again his other hyung , someone he had no chance of meeting in this lifetime . But it was impossible. Minho , his hyung had died . Namjoon had attended the funeral himself, had shed tears over his grave, and had spent sleepless nights mourning the loss of Hyung and his parents Yet, there he was, standing with an adoring welcoming smile .

"How...?" Namjoon asked feeling overwhelmed , happy, and confused . The emotion of betrayal yet to kick in .

Namjoon felt as if the ground was slipping from under his feet. He took a tentative step forward, and shakily brought his hand forward to confirm the person was real and he just wasn't seeing things his voice shaky, "Hyung ? Is that really you?" Namjoon wanted to rush forward, to embrace his hyung , to demand answers. But something held him back - the surreal, almost unreal aura that came out of his hyung .

But when he could feel himself being embraced , it cleared that this wasn't a mere illusion The warmth, the heartbeat against his chest, affirmed the reality he dared not believe : Minho hyung, his cherished Minho Hyung, was alive, standing before him, holding him close .

He pulled back from the hug and asked " Hyungie how are y...you alive " . Minho nostalgically held Namjoon's face , absorbing the feeling of finally seeing him after years, and spoke " Not now joonie , it is a long story hmm " .Before he could continue more Namjoon abruptly cut him off and worriedly asked " Hyung what's that on your face ? "

Minho being embarrassed awkwardly looked at Kai as he didn't wanna tell his younger brother about the punch and spoke an obvious lie " I got into a small fight baby but none of that is our concern right now , hmm ! We need to bring your Jinnie Hyung back . "


As soon as Kai cut the call of Namjoon he wasted no time punching the peacefully sleeping Minho , who woke up with the sudden jolt of pain and looked around like a scared puppy . Of course no one liked to wake up by a hard punch .

Kai who at other times , was the calmer one could barely contain his anger . Straddling Minho's torso, Kai's fingers clenched the fabric of Minho's collar . "Just because you're deeply invested in your mission, Mr. Kim Minho, doesn't mean you get to neglect my Jin," he seethed.

Minho, despite the situation, found himself wanting to smirk at Kai's possessive 'My Jin'. But any trace of amusement vanished as Kai continued, " Do you even have any idea that he has been missing for the past 2 days , why in the world you weren't checking on him "

Minho in an instant sat up , making Kai fall off ." What do you mean , Jin himself has messaged me that he had made up with Yoongi and that they all are going out so he won't be able to message me " Defended Minho showing the text he received from Jin .

Slowly things were unfolding , in reality, nothing like this happened . Jin made sure there was no one left behind to worry for him and waste their time on him as he gave up on his life for his brothers .

Flashback end

Kai and Minho brought Namjoon to their other apartment , a place devoid of any mafia of their mafia connections and searched for all possible locations Mr Choi could have kept Jin . One thing they were sure was of that Jin was with Mr Choi , which gave them a strong lead to continue in the right direction .

By midday, they had pinpointed Jin's location. Namjoon was no fool , he could feel the things being weird about how easily both of them took out the location but finding Jin was more important right now and he saved all those questions for later .

They wasted no time to leave for the place , while Kai away from the hawk-like eyes of Namjoon messaged a few people to arrive at the location as well . It was obvious Namjoon would know about it very soon , but neither Kai nor Minho had any plan of telling him about it at this right instant .

It took them over an hour to drive to the place . While Jin fought a battle for his life there .

Every ounce of hope in living had drained from Jin the moment Yoongi's words, laced with hatred, reached his ears. That public punishment, the sheer humiliation of it, was something he could never erase from his memory. Could he ever hold his head high again in front of his brothers ? Every strike, every blow, with his pleas , begging his own brother for mercy. The haunting image of his younger brothers witnessing his degradation without the slightest remorse weighed heavily on his heart. Would they ever look at him the same way again? How could he ever face them after being reduced to such a pitiable state? And if he couldn't be with his brothers then what was even the point of living .

But still, a tiny hope to not have such a painful death kept lingering in his heart and mind .

The room echoed with Mr. Choi's cold, merciless command: "Take out the nails from his hands." For a split second, Jin thought Mr. Choi referred to the natural nails adorning his fingers-the ones he was born with. But as the guards approached with nothing but their bare hands and a chilling determination in their eyes . The painful realization hit him: the nails in question weren't his own, but rather those cruelly, and agonizingly, embedded in his skin .

Jin started screaming and shouting at the realization no more caring about the ' No shoutin ' rule . " Just kill m...me already " he gasped, each word drawing from the last piece of strength he held within.

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