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After JIn told his brothers about him being a little , the expressions he got after made him regret telling about it . His messed up state couldn't differentiate between the emotions . Was it hatred ? Disgust ? Sympathy ?

He was already broken enough by his father , now he could not afford his brothers hating him too . Though it would have helped him distance himself from his brothers, but even the thought of them hating him was enough to tear his soul apart .

Jin : I am so...sorry pl...please don't ha...hate me like Ap...appa did . I can't li...live without you gu...guys . He sounded so helpless and desperate , his brothers were taking time to process the information they were just given , which Jin again mistook as their ignorance for him . He dropped to his knees and hugged Yoongi's leg .

Jin : Yoonie baby pl...please don't ha...hate me , if you all wa...want I wi...will leave home but don't hate m...me please . I am s...so so...sorry . Right now he was just desperate for some words of assurance from his brothers . The action probably bought Yoongi and others out of their self-talk and seeing their hyung like that on his knees crying and begging them to not hate him was heart-clenching .

Jungkook being the youngest and most affectionate towards Jin dropped down to his knees and hugged Jin . Yoongi was still shocked seeing his hyung the person he admire , the person he look forward to , the person whose embrace provide him comfort here on his knees in front of him .

Jung Kook : Hy...hyung shh please stop crying , you will get sick . And why will we hate you. He was hurt and wanted to scold his hyung for even thinking something like this , but right now JIn was in no state to have any sane conversation and so he tried to be as gentle and clear he could be and Jin also could focus on the words being spoken to him more . You are our hyung , even this thought never comes to our mind hyung . We all love you with our whole life and you have accepted and cherished us the way we are and for what we are then why do you think we won't reciprocate it ? We all love you hyung to the moon and back .

Yoongi who was finally out of his trance joined Jungkook and spoke " Yes hyung he is right so please never say anything like this , it hurts us more than anything that our hyung thinks that we will hate him . We would never hyung , never ever "

Jin who was now half on the lap of Jungkook and half on the lap of Yoongi looked at each of them with his red bloodshot eyes and bruised face and very softly spoke " You really won't hate me ? " with so much hope in his voice .

Taehyung : We would never hyung .

Jin bought out his pinky and spoke "Promise" ? Everyone chucked at their hyung's cute antic . After all , he still was a child who didn't get to enjoy his young age .

Taehyung intertwined his pinky with his hyung's injured one gently and spoke "Promise hyung " and that was enough to bring relief to Jin .

No matter how hard Jin tried to distance himself from his brothers but he just could not bring himself to do it especially when he was embraced by all of them and that just made him melt . He still thought that he will bring bad luck to his brothers as well but for now he focused more on enjoying the sweet moment with all his brothers .

That night all the brothers slept tangled up together and protecting their hyung , while Jin just gathered as much as comfort he could from them . They also discussed a bit about what exactly little space is in-depth as they just had some rough knowledge except for Taehyung as he knew about it being a doctor . Jin was again having double thoughts about disclosing his insecurity more coherently to his brothers but they were able to assure their hyung . It was Mr. Kim's actual funeral today and Jin knew about it as he was the one who made all the arrangements .

Even after all the inhuman things his father did to him , he couldn't hate him and continued on with the feeling of him being at fault and being a bad luck and so his father hated him . He did the best arrangements he could for the funeral of his father . Now the thing was to convince his brothers as he knew that might be a difficult task .

At the dining table , everything appeared normal but in reality , almost each of their mind was having some kind of thoughts . One was thinking about how much of a disappointment he is while one was thinking if they can attend their father's funeral , while one's mind was filled with suspiciousness . None of them were calm but had a facade on which made everything look surreal , they were laughing cracking jokes, and what not .

Though Jungkook was angry , in fact furious at his father for being nothing but an asshole to his hyung he still had a soft spot for him . After he spent all the years loving and missing him . A small wish had crept into his heart to attend their father's funeral if one was being held . He was also well aware of the fact that even if his jinnie hyung allows for it , yoongi would never and that what's the e difficult task was . With a lot of self TEd talk he was able to mutter up the courage and asked his hyung .

Jungkook : Umm hyunh may I ask something . Everyone's focus was now on him and he was nervous which was evident by the way he kept fiddling his fingers . Jin of course knowing them the best took notice of it and told him to continue in a very soothing and comforting voice .

Hyung is Appa's funeral being held ? If yes can we please attend it . I know he was bad but I really wanna see him off for one last time . He spoke everything in one breath without any pauses and looked very scared . Yoongi knew it was because of him but instead of shouting at him he spoke " Okay we can , but let hyung decide that "Everyone was shocked especially Jungkook as he would never expect Yoongi to agree but JIn knew why his big baby said that , and softly smiled at the younger's effort of amending his strict and scary image .

Jin : Yes baby his funeral is being held and even if you wouldn't have asked I still would have taken you all there . He is still our father and deserves the due respect .

Namjoon looked at Jin shockingly thinking how after all this his hyung was still respecting and loving their father and the respect and admiration for the elder just grew more . But for how long ?

Jin : And it's today only , wear some black clothes we will leave in 1 hour .

He was also relieved as he didn't have to convince Yoongi which was definitely a big task for him .

But what was waiting for them at the funeral place ?


Sorry for the late update , how are you all ?

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