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" Hyung even if you want you can't stop me from entering hyung's room " scaredly spoke Taehyung , diverting the attention towards him .

The statement pulled both Kai and Minho sharply into the conversation. The same brothers Minho had been aching to meet for what felt like an eternity. Yet now , face to face with them, the only emotion that swirled within him was pure loathe . Minho's eyes narrowed slightly, his voice dropping to its deepest octave. "And why is it so , Taehyung?"

Taehyung felt so small and vulnerable at the point , that he could barely identify the person in front of him as his once favorite hyung , yet he also knew deep down that it was his own actions that led him to this situation . "Ermm because I a-am a doctor here " spoke Taehyung trying his best to maintain his composure .

Minho raised an eyebrow, his voice dripping with challenge. "And you believe I lack the influence to reassign Jin's doctor ?"

Taehyung didn't know from where he was getting this much courage to face the strong demeanor of Minho but with a respectful tone, yet firm conviction, he responded, "Minho hyung, I'm now the owner of this hospital. You can't do that " . Hearing all the commotion Namjoon woke up too and with groggy eyes he came out .

Minho's conscience was fueling up with anger , but he could feel Kai's hand on his shoulder motioning him to calm down . " Fine then , I can surely get him shifted to another hospital , can't I Taehyung-ah !"

Taehyung didn't know how to handle the situation anymore , he was trying his best to ensure their chances of staying close to their hyung whom they hurt beyond any limit and mend the strained ties. He looked at Yoongi for some sort of support or help , before Yoongi could intervene Namjoon came up as a savior and spoke trying to help Kai calm down Minho further " Hyung pl-please there won't be proper facilities over there th-then " The hospital's state-of-the-art facilities was a persuasive argument in favor of letting Jin stay.

Minho finally agreed to let Jin stay at the same hospital , as undoubtedly their hospital was the best in the city and he couldn't bear risking Jin's health . However, he very clearly laid off that he won't let neither Taehyung nor any of the other brothers except Namjoon even come near the area Jin is .

"I'll permit Jin to stay here," Minho began, his voice firm yet controlled, "But let me be clear." He paused, allowing his words to sink in. "None of you are to approach the wing where Jin is. I won't have Jin's recovery disrupted because of you all " Saying this he dragged Namjoon and Kai along with him .

In their wake, a shadow cast, Leaving others with regrets, vast and vast.

The sight of Jin shattered them completely. The man before them was barely a shadow of the Jin they remembered. Gone was the comforting warmth of his smile, gone was the inviting embrace of his arms, and gone was the longing in his eyes that once spoke of unspoken bonds. But still, amongst all this the calmness and innocence on his bruised and swollen face was serene .

Namjoon gently, with trembling fingers slowly and carefully held Jin's hand , the same hands which wiped his tears , the same hands which fed him and held him . The same hands who provided him the warmth of both father and mother no longer did any of that . And Namjoon could just silently shed more tears at the realisation . He wanted to scream for his hyung , he wanted the same warmth and love back but all those were silenced .

Meanwhile, Minho and Kai stood together, their presence a mutual pillar of support. Each tried to shield the other from their own grief, struggling to maintain a façade of strength amidst the heart-wrenching scene. Yet, beneath the surface, their souls ached, seeing Jin in this painful state .

Over the span of a week, Jin experienced fleeting moments of consciousness, but he barely had any clear idea about his surroundings . Every time he would wake up , he would just ask for water, and after having just one sip he would drift back into slumber. Most of the time it was Namjoon who would give him the water but once it was Kai . He was very nervous thinking how Jin might react to his presence but observing his lover when Jin didn't display any reaction, merely accepting the water before sinking back into sleep, it became painfully evident to Kai that, though Jin might be momentarily waking, he retained little to no recognition of his surroundings , or the people around him .

Over the week Yoongi had made countless efforts to at least just see his hyung from outside , each denied request only deepening the well of guilt and regret within him. Kai and Minho were cruel to remind Yoongi about how he was responsible for Jin's condition which was a constant sting but Yoongi didn't give up . how could he , when he had a lot to amend . He barely ate , all day he would just wait for Kai and Minho to come out of the room and he could talk to them again , he just didn't want them to let him meet Jin but he also wanted them to talk to him properly . He missed both of them over the years and now silence from his 3 hyungs was a slow, torturous twist of the knife in his heart , he just didn't want to take any wrong step at least not before he beg his Jin hyung for forgiveness , Deep within, a haunting voice whispered that perhaps he wasn't even worthy of such grace.

It was another such day when Kai and Minho overheard Yoongi's conversation with the doctor .

"Doctor, how much longer until my hyung can be discharged?"Yoongi approached the doctor, a hint of desperation evident in his voice.

The doctor glanced over Jin's charts, and then met Yoongi's gaze. "Given his progress, he should regain full consciousness soon. I'd estimate another day or two before we can consider discharging him."

Yoongi muttered a small thank you as the doctor left after giving him a small nod . Yoongi wasted no time and spoke to Hoseok " Hoseok you need to go to the Mansion and arrange hyung's room on the ground floor "

Hoseok just gave a very cold stare to Yoongi which was noticed by both Minho and Kai however went unnoticed by Yoongi who was busy in the excitement of his hyung finally getting discharged .

" And what makes you think he is coming to that house ? The same house where you humiliated him " Yoongi shuddered at the tone and muttered " I am re-really regretting my action hyung a-and I promise I wi-will do everything possible t-to amend them "

Yoongi spoke vulnerably , surrounded by his anger Minho didn't notice how broken and weak Yoongi looked in fact no one noticed , no one noticed how he was crying himself to slee everyday how he was skipping meals and how hard he was fighting for forgiveness . Sure he was at fault and did something very unforgivable but that doesn't mean his own family would abandon him and just leave him to fight alone . And Yoongi didn't mind the loneliness even a bit , all he wanted was to amend what he destroyed . If someone sees from his shoes , he was manipulated by his own brother which mixed with his anger led to him act this way . But all that was for later .

" Do you even know the things for which you are supposed to apologise ? " Bitterly spoke Minho

How's it ? A filler chapter I guess , but please give me honest review about this one .

And what all truths do you think will be revealed ?

75 votes ???

Love ya !!

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