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Yoongi hesitated for a moment, looking down and wiping away his tears. He was feeling ashamed even in just telling how selfish and cruel Minho was , he wondered how Minho was able to live with the guilt . "Mr. Kim knew too much, hyung" Yoongi said slowly, as if choosing his words carefully so that it doesn't hurt his hyung more , in protecting whom he spent his whole life . "Minho didn't just want you out of the picture. He wanted everything - the inheritance, the company, the power - everything our family built. Mr. Kim was the only obstacle in his way. Minho wanted to gain control of everything, and for that, Mr. Kim needed to be eliminated. He had named all the property on my names , he just hadn't signed on them yet but if he would die without signing then as the eldest all the property would come to him only ."

Jin glanced at Minho with a betrayed look as the other showed no regret . "But appa was on his side, right?" Jin asked, confusion evident in his voice. Even before Yoongi could get a chance to reply a voice interrupted them . A voice, Jin very much feared . " Kim was getting cold feet. He started feeling guilty about the entire plan. The day before we both had kidnapped you , he had cried a lot in front of me saying how much he regretted all of it and now wanted to come clean and confess everything . But If he had, not only Minho would have lost grip on power, but also be in jail for all the crimes he committed." Spoke Mr Choi , as he entered the mansion with a few files in it . But in front of him, he could see a shaking Jin . The raw terror in Jin's eyes spoke volumes. Memories of his hands getting nailed started flashing in front of his eyes , slowly slipping into a panic attack .

Mr. Choi, regret evident in his eyes for having unintentionally triggered the traumatic flashback, said with a soft urgency, "Jin, focus on my voice. Remember where you are, remember who's with you. We're all here to help, to protect." Being a mafia he didn't know how to be soft but he felt very bad for doing all that to the poor boy who deserved nothing but love and lots of love .

Namjoon, always perceptive, dimmed the chandelier lights to a soothing glow, while Kai and Jungkook murmured soft words of comfort, creating a cocoon of security around Jin. After what felt like hours but was only minutes, Jin's eyes cleared, though they still held traces of the fear that had gripped him. " Continue " Soke Jin as Yoongi nodded and started again . No one could understand what was going on in Jin's mind but one thing they were sure of was that it wasn't something good .

Yoongi gave Minho a hateful look. "Minho saw Mr. Kim as a liability. And in his greed and desperation, he decided to eliminate that liability." Spoke Yoongi , treating Mr Kim just like an object . He changed at last didn't mean it reduced his hate for him by even a cent .

Jin looked like he was trying to process all the information. His heart still didn't wanted to acet the truth but his mind already did . "So, you're saying that Minho killed Mr. Kim just because he was afraid of getting exposed? And you wanted to get rid of me to claim all our family's assets?"

Minho's face was a shade paler, but he mustered up a smirk. His truth was out anyway "Isn't it the dream of every child? To inherit their family's legacy without any obstacles? Jin, I loved you, but love doesn't pay the bills or give you power. And power? Power is everything. And not just you , I was planning to kill this so-called brother of yours too . After all ... He is the one whom I would have lost all my money too ."

Jin took a step back, horror evident in his eyes. It was clear that the brotherly bond they shared was irreparably shattered. "I can't believe... I-I ever trusted y-you" he whispered, looking lost. They were nurtured by the same parents under the same roof so how could Minho be so money-minded how could he go so low as far as killing their parents .

" You know why I had agreed to appa's plan ?" Asked Minho to ruin Jin's heart even more . As Jin gave him a look to continue he spoke " He said if I help him kill you , all the property would be just mine . No one to share ," He paused for a moment , having no regret while cursing his own dead father " But that stupid bastard put it all at Yoongi's name at last ... Tsk tsk ! "

Jin felt his knees weaken, despite them being numb already . Each word that Minho uttered added another wound to his already shattered heart. The room had become a cloud of tense emotions, a storm of anger, betrayal, and heartbreak.Yoongi, clenching his fists in rage, took a step towards Minho. He thought at least now Minho would show some guilt , or some regret "You heartless monster" he spat. "Did you ever think about family... Or was i-it always just money and power for you?" As much as Jin did , he felt betrayed too . In the initial years when he was too young to know about the actual reason for him being sent , he had admired Minho a lot and looked upon him .

Minho chuckled, devoid of any emotion. "Family is just another word, Yoongi. In this world, it's the riches and influence that matter. If sacrificing a few means getting everything I've ever wanted... then so be it."Hoseok, unable to hold back any longer, lunged at Minho, but Namjoon and Jungkook held him back. "He's not worth it," Namjoon whispered, although his own eyes blazed with anger and he wanted nothing but to beat the living shit out of him .Jin, gathering some strength, managed to find his voice, " I-I thought of you as my brother...We shared memories, joys, sorrows... How could you value power over our bond? Was everything we shared a lie . ? H-HOW COULD Y-YOU ... "Minho shrugged, his cold gaze fixed on Jin. "Sometimes, sacrifices have to be made. And honestly, you were just collateral damage in my journey to the top."A heavy silence descended upon the room, broken only by Jin's soft sobs. It was clear that Minho had no remorse for his actions.

The sentence finally broke Jin , even what he had gone through earlier wasn't able to break him but now this sentence did .

In a realm of strength and stability,
He shattered, lost his ability.
Cracks spread, his spirit ceased,
Broke him off, a puzzle unreleased.
Once whole, now fragments of reality,
Turned to nothing but pieces of fragility.

Walking over to Jin, Minho gently took Jin's face in his hands, forcing the latter to look into his eyes. "Jin," Kai's voice was soft but firm, "don't let his words break you... He's lost, he's bitter. W-we are here, your real family... We will get through this."

Jin, taking a deep breath, buried his face into Kai's chest, seeking refuge in his lover's embrace. For a brief moment, everything else faded away, and all that mattered was the two of them, together, drawing strength from one another.

The atmosphere in the room, however, remained heavy as Yoongi continued glaring at Minho .

Seeing how the others were reacting , Minho understood he had to make his escape soon . He did enough damage he wanted and was satisfied but the place wasn't safe anymore . As he picked up the knife from the fruit basket and marched towards Jin .

How is it ? What do you think will happen to Jin ? Ans what will they do Minho , or will they get too late ?

Ummm target .......................
80+ votes and ofc tons of comments which you all already do . Good job ma lovely readers ha ha

Love ya !

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