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Yoongi turned back to see the owner of the voice to see Jimin standing there with a messed up face , eyes still closed . He looked too cute to say something like this against his hyung .

Yoongi : Jimin ah don't sleep talk . Go and sleep it's still early . Yoongi could never stand anything against his hyung , and Jimin agreeing to what the detective said just made his blood boil up with anger .

Jimin : Hyung I am not sleep talking , I am serious right now . Stop thinking Jin hyung will always be right because he ain't.
Yoongi : Shut up Jimin , you can't disrespect him like that and just go sleep. You definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed .

Jimin : No hyung I am sick of you always following Jin hyung blindly . He ain't ideal , don't you find it fishy that after so many years when Jackson hyung again tortured jungkook only then Jin hyung gets a call from someone telling him the location , huh ? Why never before ? ANSWER ME .

Seeing the silence of Yoongi he continued , it wasn't exactly him speaking but his jealousy which forced him to dig up all the things against his hyung and speak like this about him .

Jimin : see you have no answer . How did he magically got saved when he was held by appa ? Or leave all this when Jackson hyung had sent kook to the human slave centre how did he just got the location ? Or when Tae has disappeared . I don't think this all is a coincidence that somehow every time he gets to know the location of everything or gets saved .

He did connect the dots rightly but he didn't interpret them correctly he felt that it was Jin who did all this things and then to appear a saviour he took them to the right locations and somehow was successful to drop the irk of this in Yoongi's mind too .
Again it was just mere jealousy which was forcing him to do all of this to his precious hyung .
Luckily, Yoongi's love and trust was way more to get tainted this easily but the seed of doubt on his hyung had slowly and gradually started growing in his mind too .

Yoongi : I will think about what you said , for now go and freshen up . And you better not act like this in front of hyung . He's sick .
Jimin just scoffed thinking Jin was probably faking his sickness and left to freshen up . While yoongi called the detective he almost fired again .

Yoongi : Can you explain me why you think it's Hyung ?
And to his despise most of the things which the detective stated matched the description of what Jimin told earlier .

Detective : And do you remember how he had gone to meet someone so scardely ? I am searching after that , that will be our biggest lead . Plus I am close to getting the details of the number whom jin called when he got to know about Jackson torturing jungkook. There were continuous calls between them until the funeral of Jackson .

Yoongi : Ohh okay . He didn't want any of it to be true , heck he didn't even care finding his love's culprit at the moment.

Detective : Yoongi I know it must be kinda hard for you but prepare yourself to brace for whatever the truth would be . I will call you later , bye !!

Yoongi hummed and cut the call , when Jin came at the table he could feel a bit of hesitation in Yoongi's behaviour. He did ask jin about his health, he did feed him his medicines and meal but something about him felt odd . He sounded kinda distant maybe ? Jin couldn't exactly name it .
Hoseok : Hyung when are we gonna bring jungkook back ?
He asked the same question like Yoongi and jin chuckled at all of their excitement to meet the boy .

Jin : Tomorrow hoseok ah . It's weekend and best time to do all the preparations and bring our baby back home .

Hosoek: Okay hyung , I will help you in decorating the whole house .
Taehyung joined in too and chirped " Me too hyung "

Jin : Okay okay now all of you finish your breakfast fast and head to work .
They all left to work except for jin whom yoongi didn't let leave the house . Of course he was sulky about it but in his inner conscience he loved the care and affection.

The next day rolled up pretty quickly, hosoek and Tae after coming back had helped jin to decorate the house while the others helped yoongi to prepare the cake . After everything was done they all left to the college to bring Jungkook back .

At the hostel
Jin : Hello sir , I would like to take my brother Kim Jungkook back .
He told the receptionist , by the time he was doing filling up the formalities , the hostel boy had bought jungkook along with his luggage .

Jungkook screamed personality swap to be precise. His posture , his way of talking , his way of walking everything changed . He seemed more bold more confident now .
But among all this the innocence they all were looking for was gone .
Their baby looked matured now , way more than they thought he would ever be because why not ? He was always pampered and protected by all of them .

The way he thanked them for everything was making them doubt their decision.
They wanted Jungkook to have better values instilled in him and that's what happened he did everything as politely he could . He felt like a people pleaser something all of them hated .
Then why were they feeling weird now ? No one should feel weird after getting what they wanted , right ? Then why them ?

Jungkook : Thanks a lot for bringing me back hyungs . He bowed and then waited for a reply .
Taehyung : Yahh kookie why are you saying thanks you are our brother of course we won't leave u like that .

Jungkook : Ohh , I am really sorry for saying thankyou. I will make sure to not repeat that . For now may I go and freshen up first please ?

No one liked how most of the words which jungkook spoke till now were either thankyou, sorry or please.

Did sending him to hostel was a bad and hasty decision which affected their brother so much that he lost his own personality and charm ?

Taehyung : Umm sure jungkook of course you can go and do whatever you wish too .

Jungkook : Sure hyung , thankyou .
He again bowed and left leaving his hyungs behind in deep thoughts.

Do you think it will be that easy to make it up with Jungkook ?

Lol now my hands hurt as I was travelling and had to constantly hold up my hands to type . Plus I won't be able to update till 8th August as I have my exams coming up and i really need to eject Wattpad to concentrate on them so imma dlt Wattpad till then
I promise i will post dot on 8th August as soon as my exam get over .
Miss me okay ?
Ik many authors say they will post after their exams but often don't but pinky promise imma post , do miss me okay? Or else I will haunt you .

And let's see how many votes and followers I will have once I open watty on 8th August
Love you all

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