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" You can stop now and get up " Ordered Minho , as Yoongi stopped and got up from his position still not moving at all as he wasn't asked to do that . Minho couldn't help but laugh at the younger's antics . At the sound, Yoongi whipped his head around, surprised to find his hyung laughing instead of showing the anger he had anticipated. " What ? I missed my kitty , okay !" Blurted Minho seeing Yoongi still perplexed , Yoongi couldn't help but let out a choked painful sob finally digesting that Minho wasn't angry . Minho gently approached and cradled Yoongi in his embrace, who just let himself relax in the warmth and gather as much as comfort he could . Minho then carried Yoongi to the first room he could find empty , kissing the younger's forehead at every step he took earning soft giggles in return . Finally settling Yoongi onto the bed , after bopping his cute red nose Minho left to the bathroom to bring wet towels and a first aid kit .

" Hyung... you really are not an-angry ?" Finally, Yoongi let out some words , with hesitation and fear and Minho was right there to throw away all insecurities from the younger's heart and answer him ." What do you think ?" " You are ?" Told Yoongi , more like asked . "My kitty , I ain't . Punishment over means anger over , right ? Now won't this kitty give his hyung a hug ?" Asked Minho while pouting . " No hug for you , kitty's hands hurt ." Spoke Yoongi adorably in fake anger . " Oh my majesty , I am so sorry . I forgot about your hands . This peasant right at your service , please show me your hands " Yoongi motioned him to sit on the bed , and once he did Yoongi wasted no time in settling over Minho's lap comfortably just like a cat and then forwarded his aching hands " Hmm , now do it ?" " Aren't you being a little too demanding mister ?" Spoke Minho . " Who's mister ? I only know majesty , now continue your work " " Yeah yeah " Spoke Minho sulking at becoming a peasant .

Soon Yoongi's legs were all bandaged too and his hands were covered by the water bags too , bringing immense relief to his aching body . They both were now lying on the bed , with Yoongi all cuddled up against Minho's chest . " Hyung " Minho hummed as Yoongi continued " Will you do one thing for me ?" Asked Yoongi with hesitation not sure of the reply he would get " Of course , what does my kitty want " Asked Minho cheerfully not having any idea about what Yoongi would say " Please bring Hyung back " Before giving any chance to Minho to speak , he hurridley spoke " I know it was all my fault , and I don't deserve to be forgiven at all but please give me a chance I wanna make up with hyung . I really won't do anything stupid this time , if you want you can punish me more but please bring hyung back here , I ca-

" Yahh my wild kitty calm down , and everyone makes mistakes in life but not everyone deserves a second chance . But my kitty proved he deserves it , hmm . So don't worry , I will talk to JIn okay . We'll shift here itself but only if Jin is comfortable with it , got it ?" Minho spoke , interrupting the non-stop self blaming ranting of the younger .

" REALLY HYUNG ? Thank you so much , I love you so much . You are great " Shouted Yoongi in enthusiasm . " Yahh yahh , how do you still have so much energy left in you . Sleep now and let me sleep too "

" Meanie hyung " grumpily mumbled Yoongi and turned around to sleep , but he couldn't bring two thoughts out of his mind .First, would Jin even want to talk with him after everything? And secondly, how would his younger brothers see him after being punished and spanked so openly before them? Would they mock him or belittle him or humiliate him ?

But a few of them were proven wrong when the next day , they all sat together to have breakfast and no one made any context about the previous day activities, Yoongi could still see the same level of respect and admiration in his younger brother's eyes and that bought relief to his burning heart . Minho left soon after the breakfast . Upon arriving at their lake house where he was staying with Jin and the others , Minho could hear their laughing sounds even from outside of the house . Both Kai and Namjoon were tickling Jinnie , who was just laughing and saying incoherent words in between like " Tw-twickle monwster " .

It would be much easier to talk to little Jin , thought Minho and undoubtedly he was right . Jinnie agreed without even a single thought to meet the people over there at the house " Rweally ? Chu will take me thele , yeahhh " purred Jin in pure happiness , Minho kinda felt bad for taking Jin over there without his consent but he now wanted to things to fall back into their right place and for them to be a happy family again and also he was sure Jin wanted to meet them too , and make things right . Or so he thought

2 days after he brought Jin who was still in little space and the others to the mansion . Jin who had slept throughout the journey was carried to his room by Namjoon who was still very possessive over Jin . He had earlier protested the idea of going back there , but seeing how adamant Minho was and the puppy eyes of Jinnie , he gave in !

They all had planned a lot of things to welcome their hyung , but seeing him sleeping in that one cute onesie made their plans come to a hault .

In evening Yoongi who was too eager and excited to control his excitement came to Jin's room only to see his hyung awake in normal headspace ?

How's it ? And how do you think Jin will react ? Plus was the decision of Minho wrong or not ?

Do vote and comment . Love ya!

And and this is a double update right ? Sorry this was supposed to be at least 2 hours earlier but then I went out so couldn't type .

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