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Jung kook POV

I checked the file , it was the same as mine from outside . Same cover , same size .What in the world of coincidence ? Goshh not possible that it grew legs and walked itself here , umm did it fly here then . Aishh jungkook stop , you are a science student for god sake . I scolded my self , unique right ? I then flipped the pages and it was of Kim Industries , hmm the name sounds familiar though .

Oh shoot what the heck is wrong with me it is Yoongi hying's company . He is gonna kill me now , I just hope he did not need it today else I am surely dead .

I should just go and give it to the company I guess , if the meeting is yet to be done I will be saved . Let me inform hyungs first that I will be late today . Can't afford more scoldings .

Jungkook pov end

Jungkook came to their main building and dropped the file off to the receptionist and then directly went home . He was scared that if the file was important he might get scolded . But someone already got his share of scolding .

Jung kook : Hyungiiee , if an angry kitten comes and starts meowing I mean shouting you will save me right ?

Jin : Aishh you troublemaker what did you do now ?

Jung kook made a cute innocent face and spoke in a very baby voice " Hyung just look at me , do I look like a troublemaker from any angle ? No right . "

Jin : You do and from every angle , now tell me what u did ? Weren't you at college ? Then how could u piss off yoongi ? Talent I must say , indeed .

Jung kook : Yahh hyung stop making fun of me and listen to me carefully . I had to submit my assignment today right ? Jin just nodded motioning jung kook to continue . But I took the company's file too with me accidentally because they had the same cover . I just hope it was not required today else hyung will cook me alive . But i gave the file to the receptionist as soon as I found out .

Jin : Ohh that's why you said you will be late . But wait was the file in the library ?

Jung kook : Umm yeah hyung , how do you know ?

Jin : You are in great trouble then jungkook , I hope that angry kitty would not have punished Jimin for it .

Jung kook : Huh ? What do you mean hyung ?

Jin : Jimin had to show this file today at the company . And it is important , though the meeting is between the company workers only . I hope Yoongi would have let it slide .

Jung kook : Same , else I will feel guilty and my ass will feel burning .

Jin : Now you brat go and freshen up , you stink .

He left to freshen up not before taking the promise from jin that he will save him from the punishment .

Meanwhile in the company

Yoongi : Jimin show me the file , I want to cross-check it once before the meeting .

Jimin : Sure hyung , just a second I will bring it from my cabin .

Yoongi : And don't forget that in the meeting

jimin interrupted him in between and said " That i can't call you hyung . I know it hyung you have reminded me of it for at least a thousand times already . "

After about 5 minutes jimin returned empty-headed which diverted yoongi's all attention from the laptop to him .

Yoongi : Minnie where is the file ?

Jimin : Hyung I forget the file at home I guess , I kept it yesterday but now I can not find it I am really sorry , please don't scold me . I will bring it within 15 minutes from the home .

Yoongi : Aishh it is okay , just be quick the meeting is after 1 hour .

Jimin thanked him and then drove off to their home , the house was empty at the time , except for the guards at the front door as everyone was at work . He directly dashed off to the library and frantically searched for the file . He clearly remembers that he kept the file here only . Where did it go . Just like jungkook jimin also thought , no wait jung kook thought like Jimin , not the other way . That did the file grew legs ? Or it flew away ? He searched at other places too but all in vain . Defeated he drove back to the office as he had only about 30 minutes left for the meeting .

As soon as he entered his hyung's cabin , yoongi asked him about the file .

Yoongi : Palli jimin , give me the file . I need to cross check it too before the meeting starts .

Jimin : Hyung actually , the file .

Yoongi finally looked up from the file he was working on and with an eyebrow raised motioned him to continue speaking .

Jimin : Hyung , the file is not even at the home . I swear I kept it in the library only but it is not there now .

Yoongi : What do you mean it is not there ? Did it grew legs , huh ? ( same DNA , same brain cells you know ) I even asked you yesterday if you made the file and you said you did . You perhaps lied to me ?

Jimin : Hyung I really made it , I would never lie to you and you know that too . he told with moist eyes

Yoongi : Fine I know you would not lie to me but then where did the file go ? jimin just replied with a " i don't know hyung " in tiny . Whose carelessness it is , that the file is not there where it is supposed to be ?

Jimin : Mine hyung and I am really really sorry for it .

Yoongi : You can make the file within a day ?

Jimin : Yes hyung I can and thanks a lot for giving me another chance .

Yoongi : It's okay , you are my brother but you are gonna apologize to others in the meeting about it . It is good that the meeting was among the company staff only but don't think that you will get any concession for being my brother .

Jimin : I get it hyung , I will surely apologize to everyone for the inconvenience .

Yoongi : Hmm , good . Now lock the door .

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