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Aww you completed the target on last one , do on this one too . Okay ?

30 votes , u can right ?
And what should I call you all ? All authors keep some name but my brain can think of literally nothing .

The next day when jungkook woke up he was bewildered to find himself in a car cutting through a human voided road but looking at his side towards the driver seat he left out a sigh of contentment . It was his youngest hyung Taehyung who was driving with a small smile on his face still not aware of the younger waking up . Jungkook kept staring at his hyung's side profile until he was snapped out of his thoughts because of a sudden break which made him jerk forward along with taehyung acknowledging the fact that he is awake .

Taehyung : Ohh you woke up , if you need to drink water it's on the back seat . He spoke very tenderly and softly very unlikely of his normal tone .

Jungkook straightaway ignored any concern that was being expressed and asked " Where are you taking me ? " Taehyung misunderstood that thinking the younger does not trust him but the in reality Jungkook was just confused and curious so out of humanly behaviour he asked about it .

Taehyung : Ahh don't worry I am not kidnapping you , we are just going on a surprise date baby . He winked at last , focus still on the empty road ahead of him . Jungkook flustered at that but contained his composure and asked " You could have wake me up for that right ? I have not even brushed my teeth "

Taehyung : Don't worry your hyung has arranged everything . He stopped the car at a corner and took out a fresh toothbrush and toothpaste from nowhere along with the water bottle from the back side .

Taehyung : Here go and brush your teeth , I am here waiting . Okay ?

Jungkook just nodded at that but taehyung could clearly feel the hesitation and he knew why it was .

Taehyung : No wait , I am also coming with you my muscles feel sore .

Jungkook again nodded at him and both of them got out of the car . Jungkook brushed his teeth white and splashed the cold water on his face while Taehyung just stood there admiring his baby bunny feeling guilty for everything he did . Soon jungkook was done with his business and they drove off to their first destination in silence .

The reaction of jungkook on reaching there was truly priceless . As soon as he saw the place he started crying and then launched himself on taehyung hugging him as tight as he could . Taehyung knew the younger would get emotional but this was very unexpected , without wasting nay moment he was quick to catch the bunny and shush him down .

Jungkook : Hy...hyung thanks for bringing me he..here . I mi...missed the place a l...lot .

Taehyung : Aww my cute bunny it's fine and I know you came here many times alone , so say you missed coming here with me . Some compliments won't hurt right .

Jungkook's ear became red knowing that he was caught but in response he instead snuggled more into Taehyung if that was possible .

Taehyung : Ok now you muscle bunny get off me and let's take a look around , okay ?

Jungkook slowly gets off him with a red and tear - stained face . Taehyung gently wiped off his face with the edge of his sweater and after holding his hands securely started taking his bunny towards the bridge .

It was the place where jungkook and taehyung had shared one of their best childhood memories . This was the place where jungkook spoke his first word which was " Taetae " in his cute baby language . It was their mother's house which she inherited from her father . The perfect place for the family to spend time in solitude . The location itself was a wonder . Surrounded by tulip farms on all four sides with a small seasonal river running parallel to the farms .

On reaching the bridge taehyung and jungkook both seated down but jungkook was soon pulled by taehyung on his lap . Jungkook didn't protest but both sat in silence for a few minutes getting nostalgic about their childhood both eyes were teary by now that was until taehyung remembered about the reason he bought his bunny here . He made jungkook turn towards him , holding his chubby cheeks in his big cold hands softly and then spoke about how sorry he was .

Taehyung : Bunny I know all the things hyungiee did with you were very bad , very cruel and not justified at all . I was a moron to believe onto something which can never be true . It was normal of you to want my love and attention but I was the stupid one as I kept pushing you away and knownlingy or unknowingly hurted you a lot of times . I won't ask you to forgive me right away because I also know I don't deserve it but please give your hyungie a chance to mend his actions , will you ? he asked with hopeful eyes .

Jungkook was almost close to tell his hyung that it was okay but then he remembered about his evil plan and instead replaced his words by " No hyung , I will never forgive you . You hurted me a lot both mentally and physically " . Taehyung was so focused on the words that he didn't see the sheepish smile lingering on his face .

Taehyung : I am so so...sorry ba..baby I re...really am , but pl...please don't say th...that you will never forgive me . You can d...do anything b..but pl...please talk to me , if y...you want you can pu... punish me too b...but please give me a ch....chance .

Seeing his taetae hyung soobing and crying so badly the bunny dropped his plan then and there only and spoke " No no hyung , I am really sorry I was just joking pl..please forgive m..me . I of course forgive you and I am also sorry for hurting you earlier . Hyung punished y...you because of me I am so so...sorry "

Now both of them were crying in the arms of each other , both providing each other the comfort they required and at the moment none of them wanted anything more than this . They both spent the evening all tangled up in each other's arms , taehyung had planned more things for the day but nothing could compare this and so they stayed back . It was getting late now and Taehyung suggested to go back .

Taehyung : Bunny let's go back now , it is getting dark .

Jungkook : Hyung shall we go to the cafe we always used to go to whenever we would come here ? He asked with sparkle in his eyes just by remembering about the cafe . The ajhumma there was his favorite .

Taehyung : Sure baby but I am not sure if it is still open .

On reaching there jungkook was so happy and elated that the cafe was still open and intact but a bit dejected as the ajhumma was no more and her son handled the cafe now but the cafe was still the exact same nothing changed in it except the time . They both gave their order and enjoyed it when soon Jungkook excused himself for the washroom .

JungKook : Hyungiee I will go to the washroom till you pay the pill .

Taehyung : Okay baby , come fast .

Taehyung after paying the bill also went to the washroom to freshen up and wash his face as he felt super sticky . But as soon as he opened the door and to bring his terror to it's peak he saw His baby bunny's bleeding head and a bloody red iron rod lying in a corner while two men were dragging him by his hair ignoring all the painful pleads coming from his baby .

What do you think , should this have happened with jungkook ? And lol someone is gonna die soon .

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